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Newbie, messed up, but my cat still loves me and this weekend WILL be different!

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    Newbie, messed up, but my cat still loves me and this weekend WILL be different!

    I joined MWO only when I could say I had 1 day AF. I managed 2 days AF nearly 3 before I messed up! In hindsight, that is pretty good considering what I have been like lately, and I can totally say, I noticed the difference waking up sober, no hangover, wow... so clear and fresh.

    I actually thought (hoped) I could stay AF until this weekend, I really thought I could do it! This weekend coming however I knew would be a battle. It is a NRL Grand Final weekend here in OZ, hubby is flying down to the game, and I have the weekend off, I could watch girly movies on our new TV, relax after 4 weekends of work, it is oh so tempting to wind down, chardonnay in hand, the weather is warm, yadda dadda.....

    Since I messed up my AF days after day 2, I have been thinking about this upcoming weekend..and I dont want it to be a weekend of empty bottles and sore heads. So I thought I might make the most of my 'free' weekend to actively do things I would have done when I was younger and not AL dependant. I aim to get my camera out, explore, eat something new and different, wake up on Sunday morning in time to shop at the local Organic market (like that would happen after I empty a bottle or two the night before).
    Call a friend and say hi, organise my studio, go to the art gallery, do some gardening, find the mouse in the house, finish reading two books I havnt finished, take my son out for breakfast, buy a new fish, start a new painting...etc...etc...

    I know I would normally run a muck if hubby was not here, I would drink till I pass out, for sure. each day. my son would wake me up off the couch and kindly say "mum..go to bed" (he is 17 now).

    I think approaching this weekend as "explore the old you" weekend will be a good thing, keep me busy, remind me of what I used to enjoy, remind me of who I was before this beast took hold of me and dragged me down...

    That is how I am going to approach the weekend - Sat/SUn - explore days, explore the old me!

    Newbie, messed up, but my cat still loves me and this weekend WILL be different!

    Leelou - you sound determined and raring to go! You go for it!
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


      Newbie, messed up, but my cat still loves me and this weekend WILL be different!

      Leelou - that sounds a very good thought out plan and you have inspired me to try something along the same lines. Its amazing how when under the influence we "never have any time to do things" at the weekends. It takes over and becomes the only thing that matters and is all time consuming.
      Have a great weekend doing all of the things you have missed.
      Take care:goodluck:

      The Greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it - Molier


        Newbie, messed up, but my cat still loves me and this weekend WILL be different!

        Leelou....That's wonderful!! You sound like you have the makings of a solid plan. One thing I would recommend....just food for thought....don't berate yourself if those things don't happen. You don't have to do all of those things. Although they do sound wonderful! I still have a list of things that I want to start doing but with 6 kids I am lucky that I get to pee by myself let alone do anything on the list. If you stay matter how you do it....that is an accomplishment. Maybe pick 3 or 4 things out of the list and say, "This is what I want to do!!". But have alternatives, because the best laid plans....well you know, and we all deserve better than to beat ourselves up for things we didn't get done. You sound like a great woman and I wish you great success!!

        Let me know how you are doing because I'd love to hear what you did do. Gives me inspiration!!!!!!
        "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

        AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


          Newbie, messed up, but my cat still loves me and this weekend WILL be different!

          Welcome, good luck and stay close!
          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


            Newbie, messed up, but my cat still loves me and this weekend WILL be different!

            We still love you too Lee
            I will be very close to the boards this weekend. I will be here for you. The weekends are still tough for me, especially Sunday, with football. I was a big beer drinker, especially while watching sports. We can help each other through.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

