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Coming on Board

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    Coming on Board

    Hi All,

    I've watched this forum, on and off, for well over a year. Read the MYW book last year, as well. Tried the natural supplements for awhile. . .can't say I noticed a difference, but quite honestly my personal and professional lives were in such upheaval for about two years (not alcohol related - divorced after 32 years in an abusive marriage, and a business relationship with a predatory company that put me out of business) that trying to quit drinking at that time was not a good choice. My counselor actually talked me out of it!

    Like many of you, I'm NOT an alcoholic. What I definitely AM is a wino. :nutso: I put away one large or two small bottles on most days. Since I like the good stuff, that gets a bit expensive! Like most of you, I struggle every day with the 'decision' to quit drinking. I wake up feeling empty and tired, with little ambition until around 10 a.m. That gives me 5-7 hours of 'normalcy' until the cravings kick in, and I pop open another bottle.

    I drank a lot as a young adult, then quit for 20 years while raising the kids. I used to tell them, "There are NO casual drinkers in our family!" Once they were grown up, I forgot my own advice, and decided to allow myself to 'enjoy' an occasional glass of red wine. So much for that theory!

    I really do enjoy wine. . .my new sweetheart (I can hardly believe how fortunate I am to have found this GEM of a man early this year) drinks moderately. He doesn't see my drinking as a problem. . .but then, he thinks I walk on water. :l Most of our friends are drinkers - some moderate, others heavy. You all know the picture: take away drinking, and the structure of our social lives collapses.

    On the other hand, one of my greatest passions is spirituality, and I know for a fact that one can only be minimally 'connected' to the Divine while drinking heavily.

    So I'm going to order the hypnotherapy CD's today, some natural supps, and take the huge leap of ordering Topa, as well. (This is especially challenging, as I'm a writer and public presenter by trade, and worry about the brain fog/word loss aspect.) Since ingesting large amounts of alcohol isn't helping my memory recall any these days, I figure it's probably going to be an even trade-off!

    Oh yes, the good news is that I shared my intention to do this with a dear, dear friend who has gone far over the edge with alcohol (daily blackouts, nasty mood swings, etc.), and she's interested in giving this plan - toward moderation - a try.

    Wish us well! It's nice to have a group like this one to help with this effort. Only an alkie understands what another alkie goes thru. . .(but quite honestly, I tired AA a couple of times, and just didn't 'get it,' or like it.)

    Coming on Board

    Welcome! I'm glad you've joined us rather than lurking, and there are so many people here to help.

    I personally find it amazing that for all I have friends and enemies, business and personal challenges, the most difficult one is my argument myself over my liquid dependence. This forum helps me a lot to realize it's not just me, but other people are also fighting their inner will.

    I'm confident that over time and working together we can each individually gain better control and open a new door in our lives.


      Coming on Board

      Good for you, GFM!! Stick around, keep posting, let us know how you are doing!

      It's really helpful for most of us to get to know the people here.



        Coming on Board

        Welcome! I also think it is fantastic about your friend, you can support each other! Very cool indeed!
        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


          Coming on Board

          Hello and Welcome
          It sounds like you have a good plan in place, and it is Awesome that your friend is going to join you. Let us know who she is if she decides to post, so that we can give her a Big Welcome. I am also very seriously considering starting on the Topa too. I also worry about the brain fog. I am a Nurse, and sometimes have to think quickly. I am doing much better than I have in the past 4 years. I attribute that to this program. Best wishes. I look forward to seeing you around.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            Coming on Board

            Welcome G4M,

            Yes, presence is better than lurking! How many of us have a LONG history with the drink, and yet are still fighting the good fight! I love wine, too, but can get in trouble with just about anything alcholic. So I don't (get into trouble with AL, that is). This is a journey with highlights and low, but the skills I've learned and practiced over the last several months along with the enouragement have been empowering. Looking forward to hearing your progress. What a blessing to have a good friend on the journey as well, though I'm sure your spiritual side would remind you that you're never really alone.


            P.S. WIP - Very pretty flower!


              Coming on Board

              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                Coming on Board

                Welcome to the MWO community! Thank you for your story and I hope the best for you on your own personal journey. I hope to get to know you better.
                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                  Coming on Board

                  Welcome! It is wonderful that you have a friend joining you in this journey!

