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Ready, Steady. . . not quite

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    Ready, Steady. . . not quite

    Greetings All

    I'm a newbie & want to bite the bullet & say "Hi".
    Thankyou 2 everyone on this site, wherever you are & whatever you're doing.
    You've drawn me in.

    I hope I'm here 2 stay.
    Because it feels safe & I need safe.
    Because I believe that this drinking behaviour of mine needs care on an ongoing basis, wherever I am right now.

    Where I am right now:
    I'm still drinking (1 bottle red wine a night. 3 day / 3 bottles a day binges every week or so)
    Looking to detox & then keep an open mind (honestly - have set & failed at so many targets, just need breathing space & time 2 let sanity re-establish itself after many too many years)

    Am waiting for the 6 week subs pack & CDs
    Then aiming 4 AF 4 a while. Want to learn new ways, meet me again, see what we can do together (tired of fighting myself. Me against every authority figure I ever knew - I think not! Want me on MY side. For a CHANGE)

    Brave words (I'm good at those).
    We'll see.

    Support, advice, & most of all love & acceptance will be my best chance of keeping safe.
    And because you're all so honest, inspiring, amusing, courageous, intelligent, CARING, GIVING & UNDERSTANDING.
    The list goes on. . .
    I feel like I've found a place to be me.
    And that's not always been easy.
    (And God Bless broadband - only got it 3 weeks ago, otherwise I wouldn't have found you & be here. . . )

    We've all got our stories to share. But there's one we all know.
    Let's work on some happier endings :l

    I offer you my best, I can do no more

    B E L I E V E ! ! !

    LUV - GG

    Ready, Steady. . . not quite

    Welcome GG - glad you are here. Spend some time readying the thread and post away on the ones that touch you. Sharing your problems with others is always the first step on this journey...
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      Ready, Steady. . . not quite

      Wine is my downfall too, but I'm taking it one day at a time. You may want to visit ODAT threads to look for daily support.

      How long have you been drinking? Your detox will depend on that, plus the quanity and frequency.

      Good luck and keep coming back!
      It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


        Ready, Steady. . . not quite

        Thanks AA, my first reply & good advice I'm sure.
        Was finding dmany threads slightly confusing. . .
        But - big picture here - everyone gives something.
        How touching is that?



          Ready, Steady. . . not quite

          I just posted back 2 myself!!!
          How uncool is that/

          Still, LUV 2 Me (Ha)!!!


            Ready, Steady. . . not quite

            Thanks Rachelita
            For finding time 4 me amidst ur situation!
            1 bottle a day on average at mo (3 a day on a binge)

            Detoxed last Dec cold turkey. Took 5 days. Pretty shite but nothing dangerous. Sweats, shivers, lack of sleep. Then depression hit (that's what got me)

            Depression better now (still need 2 watch tho. . .)

            Feel I'll be ok detoxing (rough as it will be - I know)
            Just need support afterwards, while I'm learning 2 be sober again 4 a while.
            Just want 2 get my balance 4 long enough not to be rebounding
            Again & again & again
            too tired

            No more time in a cave
            I want sunlight!

            How you feelin?
            GG xxx


              Ready, Steady. . . not quite

              It's OK, GG, you're doing fine! Keep on reading, keep on posting, and you'll find that you settle in just fine.



                Ready, Steady. . . not quite

                Thanks a lot WIP
                You've been particularly inspiring as I've morphed into this site : )
                Hope you're well
                Want to keep talkin
                Reading feels comforting but. . . still keeping myself outside (shame?)
                Want to join in freely - whatever!



                  Ready, Steady. . . not quite

                  Glad to have you GG! :welcome:


                    Ready, Steady. . . not quite

                    Thanks hart
                    Hope you doin good!

                    GG xxx


                      Ready, Steady. . . not quite

                      Welcome GG. The key is only to direct your bravery to changing your life. A lot of us have tried, and slipped. I think the key is to get up and work harder and better each time. This is a great group for support.


                        Ready, Steady. . . not quite

                        You have found a great place for advice and support in your quest to be FREE.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          Ready, Steady. . . not quite

                          Welcome Gold,

                          Sounds like you've got your head and heart pointed in the right direction. Good for you for ordering the cd's and the supps. Have you read RJ's book? Suggest that as a good first step because it outlines the whole program RJ devised to come to grips with her own drinking problem.

                          Many folks here have gone through detox and will understand the physical symptoms that you're likely to experience. Do you have any support at home? One of the things that impressed me the most with RJ's plan is that she advocates a multi-prong approach, and support - here and at home - is just one aspect that will help insure your success. So welcome - looking forward to hearing from you.



                            Ready, Steady. . . not quite

                            GG -

                            Keep it up,new pal!

                            We keeping trying and trying our own best. Some of us can do weeks Alcohol-free, some days, some hours. It is to each of us a personal battle.

                            Take the supps (it helps, ask questions), read the posts, stay close.

                            Take each minute, hour, day, week, as it comes, at first. Set bigger targets and goals later. Don't beat the crap out of yourself if you make a slip - you will be your own worst critic, and the rest of us will try to encourage you not to slip again.

                            God bless, new buddy,



                              Ready, Steady. . . not quite

                              :hello2::colorwelcome::wave::groupluv:hows the you tube working any luck yet
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

