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I'm weak

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    I'm weak

    I drank last night. Not one or two, but like 100 beers. Yea. I am a loser. I cannot moderate anything.

    I also can't get out of a bad relationship. I live with my boyfriend and have until a few months ago been paying for everything cause he wasn't working. I was ok with it and then one day I realized how fucked up it was to be used and taken advantage of. I haven't been happy for a while, but it is so hard to get out when you live together. And it's hard to make that decision and have it be final. I shudder at the thought of me alone and feeling weak and vulnerable.


    I'm weak

    Well one thing is clear- it is much easier thinking about life changing desicions like you are facing without Al in the system, so I think maybe one step ant a time and get the beast out before you think of any thing else.

    Do you have any meds or any help to lift yourself out of this over the next few days- and put everything else on a back burner for a short while?


      I'm weak

      I am taking effexor?

      I think you are right though, I have to focus on one thing at a time. I keep telling myself to stay sober during this hard time, it is so much easier. I feel so much stronger when I am not hungover.

      Thanks Marabella


        I'm weak

        Oh gosh, we have all been there haven't we, when I am hungover and depressed my mind starts going100 to the dozen- some of it is rational, most isn't- but everything is so much clearer once the fog/hangover has lifted.

        Can you get a day or two AF? God- I know that at times that is like someone saying to me "Just move that mountain over there".

        But I guess we all know, that it is really the only way we can sort the rest of our lives out.


          I'm weak

          Marbella is giving you some great feedback and advice. And I think she's right, that you want to be thinking about supplements, etc.; remember that MWO is a program for recovery, with a lot of elements, and that is because we all know that just telling ourselves to be sober is not likely to get the job done. You need a good plan and the determination and commitment to put the plan in motion.

          I am glad you asked for help; staying around here, posting a lot, asking questions, and following a solid plan are the best things you can do for yourself.

          best wishes,



            I'm weak

            Thanks guys. I have been around here forever but I screw up all the time so it feels like I am starting over AGAIN.

            Can someone give me a rundown of supplements to take? What works best? Just a daily regimen would help.
            Evening Primose
            Milk Thistle

            I have all many, what times


              I'm weak

              I am here for you, hope you feel better. I talked to you in chat the other nite. It will get better.

              Baby steps for sure and no drinking right now, I hate to see you like this.

              Sammys HUG


                I'm weak

                Thanks Sammys!

                What should I do? Just wait it out? See if I stop hating him? LOL. It's funny, when I am hungover, I tell myself I need him..not sure why


                  I'm weak

                  Hi CKE, I take 2 grams of LGlut and 600mg of Kudzu twice a day, True Calm and Gaba as needed and the All One. I think its the Lglut and Kudzu that keep the cravings away. So I take first thing in the morning and then at about 5pm.
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    I'm weak

                    I am gulping them down as I type. :H


                      I'm weak

                      Good going CK ) I seem to be swallowing pills all day too. But hey whatever works!
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        I'm weak


                        Hi CKE123,
                        I understand about starting over. Done it. Done it. Done it. I'm big on quotes and one I heard years ago: It's okay to be lost just not okay to stay lost."....
                        What do you fear? The drinking certainly helps to numb the pain. what is your pain?
                        It is not easy CK. We train people to treat us the way they treat will you train others to treat you? We are all here for you. We are standing up for you.
                        Hanging on!


                          I'm weak

                          Where do I find a plan? I read the blog & stuff but it's my first day
                          live well:new:


                            I'm weak

                            Hi CKE,

                            We've all got some advice on the booze aspect, but don't know if we're so great in the relationship department! But as I tell my daughters, don't get yourself in a relationship where you feel like YOU are lost. A good, nurturing relationship is a positive - it adds to you and your quality of life, not subtracts. When you wake up in the morning (hopefully hangover free) you should feel good - like all of life's possibilities are ahead of you. When the booze doesn't hold such a grip on your life, you have the clarity to see the other aspects. Kick booze to the curb, then look long and hard at that relationship. Clean where necessary. Disinfect if possible. Here's to your success!


