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how many times am I going to start?

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    how many times am I going to start?

    Well, here I am again.....everyday I announce: "this is an AF day." but I don't make it. Really struggling as our group of friends comprises 4 couples who golf and play together every weekend. And drink....I feel I will start out strong but just can't seem to not succumb to peer pressure. Help. How do I get started and stay started?
    Hanging on!

    how many times am I going to start?

    I'm with you Biscuit, I'm with you. And If I knew the answer I wouldn't be typing with a drink in my hand. Right?

    So let's work this out, logically. How will you overcome the "peer pressure" of friends, and habits?

    How will I look at myself and say Boss, you know you have to do it sometime. You are only delaying the agony.

    It's so easy to say, and so hard to do. What do you think?


      how many times am I going to start?

      I'm drinking too. I ordered Antabuse, so I'm hopeful. I know the feeling of wanting to be sober and not being able to get there. I'll let you know when the meds get here. I have cut down a lot.


        how many times am I going to start?

        I had goals to keep me busy this weekend, and I actually did do things I planned, I went to the markets at 6am today to get organic veggies, I am NEVER up that early, especially on a weekend. I kept busy doing fun things yesterday too... and I did boring stuff I have put off. But now, Sunday arvo, I am drink in hand too.... as much as I have improved in a week being here, how do we do it? how do we rid the beast till it is a non issue? I must add.... it is great to get back to the things we never seem time to do when AL is in our lives. Oh if was as simple as saying 'no'!


          how many times am I going to start?

          It is not simple, but the fact that you are all here shows you ARE making progress. You are not denying your problems and you are looking for ways to solve them.
          For me acceptance was a big part. If I just accepted that I was an alcoholic and then came to terms with that it helped me to get started on my plan.
          You will get there, all of you.
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            how many times am I going to start?

            just put one foot in front of the other and start walking make a plan and stick to it ..if you say you are ready to quit drinking then mean it ... do it for yourself .. stay strong and think positive
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              how many times am I going to start?

              Hang on in there guys..You just have to be strong and say enough is enough.

              idbiscuit, its hard when everyone around you is drinking so maybe its best to avoid those situations while you are trying to build your resolve. Perhaps its best to steer clear of the golf and the drinking for a few weeks, then you can go back when you feel stronger about being around alcohol.

    , its not agony to give up the grog,it only seems like it right now. Bite the bullet get on the wagon! You can do it!

              Montana Mommy, congrats on cutting back and soon cutting out I hope.

              Leelou, its a great idea to busy yourself with life to avoid the bottle. Keep busy it works wonders.

              All of you just hang in there and keep going one day at a time.
              This site helped me so much and it will help you too. Great people with great support and advise.
              I know you all can do it. I did. I drank over a bottle of Vodka a day and stopped cold. Its nearly 2 years now and when I was in the the place you guys are in now I would never have believed it possible..but believe it you can.
              Good luck to all of you
              Victoria xxooxx


                how many times am I going to start?

                Oh, yes - keep yourself busy.. REALLY does work.
                Saturday's are my main day for drinking myself silly and I didnt even have my internet connection to come on here for support, so ending up cleaning the house!
                Im now surveying my handiwork from yesterday with a clear head.. and it feels great.
                I agree with the others - plan your day ahead, and dont allow yourself TIME to think about having a drink. The first few days are exhausting, but think of what you can achieve?
                Hey, my house is near spotless now! LOL
                ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                  how many times am I going to start?

        ;431823 wrote: I'm with you Biscuit, I'm with you. And If I knew the answer I wouldn't be typing with a drink in my hand. Right?

                  So let's work this out, logically. How will you overcome the "peer pressure" of friends, and habits?

                  How will I look at myself and say Boss, you know you have to do it sometime. You are only delaying the agony.

                  It's so easy to say, and so hard to do. What do you think?
                  Boss- that seems to be the whole problem- we are not dealing with something logical or rational- that is why logical and rational solutions do not work.

                  Have you listened to the podcast by Dr Sinclair? ( I mention it an a thread on Naltrexone)
                  I think you would find it very interesting.

                  #64 - The Sinclair Method for Treating Addiction Podcast Episode


                    how many times am I going to start?

                    hi bisciut,lots of advice,wisdom is a great thing,some keep going on the way they are and drink themselves to oblivion,or some lern to stop,and wonder if they can ever again,some even stop and drive themselves nuts thinking about it every day,and some even like you sound like there out with freinds who just drink and sometimes to much ,maybe,speaking for myself,ive never had a problem stopping,its staying stopped,do i wnt to ot dont i,i have to decide that,or in your case,one thing is known were in a world that drinks and drugs a lot more these dys,its acceptable till one does WRONG,society willnever change,i have to agree with MARBS,if it has got to the point where there is nothing left,there are a lot of medications that can trim or totally rid you of AL,trust me unless all your freinds are willing to rid themselves of the lesser evil,that they also indulge in ,it will be hopeless,other then leaving your freinds,which is out of the question,you have made a 1st step,the people here are a lot like you,including myself,los of now how,but only you can put it into place yco


                      how many times am I going to start?

                      Keep busy busy busy hun, stay away from people and places where drink is evenif that means ordering food online to stay away from shops. That's all i can really say. I've messed up so many times but i the end just remember you're trying and kno you have a problem. That's a great start.


                        how many times am I going to start?

                        I have started many many times, so I know how you feel. At least you are aware, and care about stopping drinking.

                        I really have no advice, except don't beat yourself up, and start again today!


                          how many times am I going to start?

                          idbiscuit;431820 wrote: Well, here I am again.....everyday I announce: "this is an AF day." but I don't make it. Really struggling as our group of friends comprises 4 couples who golf and play together every weekend. And drink....I feel I will start out strong but just can't seem to not succumb to peer pressure. Help. How do I get started and stay started?
                          I think that you are saying that you have resolve to quit drinking in the mornings, but as yet you have not had a single AF day? Then you will want to plan how to make a day AF, and how to get the support you need to do that.

                          When you are planning how to have an AF day, you will want to begin by thinking about this: What would that day look like? Can you resolve to take control of the day, instead of just letting it unfold according to other people's plans, and allowing your impulses to drink, and the drinking triggers that are all around you, to be in control?

                          This really is a matter of making a decision and setting up the conditions of your life in such a way that you can be successful... not just wishing and hoping that maybe you won't drink, today. It takes a lot of resolve, and some time and work, as well. You have to make changes in your daily activities, and work on making changes in how you think and in how you respond to stressors and peer pressure.

                          Spend some time reading the posts here, join an AF thread or two, ask questions.

                          Best wishes,



                            how many times am I going to start?

                            Hi idbiscuit,

                            It`ll happen if you truly want it hard me on this, `cos there was a time when I couldn`t do it either, just as you feel you can`t do it right now.

                            If totallly WILL succeed, but not until the determination to stop exceeds your desire to carry on drinking. I do not mean to sound at all IS hard, but it is very doable once you tell yourself that you refuse to drink.........COME WHAT MAY.

                            Wishing you the best,

                            Darling x
                            Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                              how many times am I going to start?

                              thank you all

                              The most encouraging thing to me is that others are and have gone through what I am going through. It really helps to feel not alone. It also give alot of encouragement as far as wanting to be part of the success story. I know I can do it this time.
                              And it is not just about stopping drinking for me it is also changing my lifestyle.
                              I'm excited. A bit lost but hopeful.
                              Hanging on!

