Hmm - me too
Thankyou so much 4 this thread & 4 being here. I'm in a strange place 2 at the moment - drinking, want to stop, need 2 stop. Scared but hopeful. I just feel so much BETTER when I'm sober!
Feel as if I'm preparing myself at the moment. Using the time while I wait 4 the sups & CDs to make that decision, a real committment to go AF 4 a while. And i'm realising that i haven't had that committment, if i'm honest. I've been so caught up in fear, remorse & just COPING with the seemingly endless cycle - drink, drunk, hungover, feel desperately bad & then... do it all over again! I often think it's like taking a vacation to some really bad place & having a terrible time - I mean, would I want to go there again?
I'm thanking you :thanks: because it's your thread that's helping me realise this & find the committment that's been missing. You & everyone here who's courageous & generous enough to share their thoughts.
I feel we're in the right place & that we deserve a brighter future! Let's take it a day at a time shall we? Keep safe & keep in touch
