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    Well, another day, another dollar. I didn't win the lottery on the weekend so off to work for me!

    Slipped Friday night and had some beers - not sure how many but It was more the smokes that I was craving which is what kind of did me in.........BUT - big learning lesson for me - holy hangover on Saturday! I felt the worse that I have felt in years. Needless to say that just put me right back on track - the combination of the beers and the ciggies made me so sick - I can't believe I used to poison myself with that crap daily! It just goes to show how unhealthy we are making our bodies -- they get so used to the crap that when you stop giving it to your body regularly and then try to do it again, they go - "what the hell are you doing to me? I don't think so!!!"

    Good reminder for me. I have NO desire to drink or smoke right now, that's for sure. Was a compeltely AF weekend with no desire after that. Just thought I'd share that story in case anyone whos been going AF/NF for a bit decides they can handle a night - soooooooo not worth it!

    Hope everyone has a great week! I can assure you mine will be another AF one.

    Love and Hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


    Hi, Monday is nearly over here, I messed up on Sunday, and I felt it today. So back to day 1 for me.... at least as I write this... my day is nearly over.



      Hi all ODAT'rs

      Had an extremely busy week-end and did not get near the computer. Today is my daughters 16th birthday. Started a new diet so feeling very optimistic. Lets see how long it lasts!! One of the other threads really rang a bell, all the happiest moments in my life, birth of my children, wedding day were all sober. Hoping to have lots more happy sober memories.



        ODAT - MONDAY

        Good morning,
        I'm starting day 16. Every day now without alcohol is a record for me so I suppose I will always have a reason to celebrate. I've been out to dinner several times in the last 2 weeks and I'm getting used to not drinking in those situations. I have officially retired from AA. It's just not my cup of tea right now. I initially started going because I just needed somewhere to escape to when my husband was home (because he was soooo mad at me). Now that peace has been restored, I would much rather be with my family than chugging coffee in a dreary room and admitting over and over and over that I am an alcoholic.
        Have a wonderful day!


          ODAT - MONDAY

          hi ODATs

          Back in again with another Monday. Stayed AF last night so keeping up with the plan and feeling good today.

          Luv to all



            ODAT - MONDAY

            Had a productive AF weekend, in fact, too productive. I burned myself out. Couldn't get up this morning. Its a good thing I'm not on the clock. Feeling much better after lunch.
            Starting over again 09/06/11

            "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



              ODAT - MONDAY

              I had an AF weekend. Very tempted tho but it's just not worth it. My Monday has been pretty boring really. Going to curl up and watch a movie tonight. Bring on another AF day!!!!!!!


                ODAT - MONDAY

                Hi All ODATers
                Well I really blew it this weekend. I went to a Singles dance on Saturday night. I really should have known better. I felt so awkward and out of place. My sick alkie brain, of course said. "You can have two or three." yeah, right. You know the story. It ended up being 9 or 10 and I carried in on right through yesterday. I have got to get my act together. I did this for 10 years before. I don't know why I can't get past 18 days now. Things were a bit different then. I was married with small children. Now I am divorced and the kids are grown. I guess it is time to be accountable for me. I am seeing my doc on Thursday and I am really hoping that she will let me try the Topamax. I also need to get my butt to more AA meetings. Just like u said Uni, when I drink now my body says "WTF"?? and I pay a higher price. I guess that is a good thing. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  ODAT - MONDAY

                  Back to the beginning for me again today. I couldn't get past another weekend. It started with our wedding anniversary on Thursday and I successfully moderated then and I was so pleased I did. .... but it just got me going for the weekend. Again, I've disappointed myself.... but I will not give up. I almost felt like giving up on the weekend when I was back to my old habit, but I have had more AF days than ever before since finding MWO, so I'll keep trying..... ODAT.


                    ODAT - MONDAY


                    Hi guys

                    Have been around for a week or so & feeling more supported than ever here at MWO
                    You've all been an inspiration
                    Need somewhere to be on a regular basis and ODAT seems a sensible place 2 start!

                    Drinkin @ a bottle of wine a day at mo, waiting for sups & CDs. Then hope to give them a few days 2 set me up. After that, do the deed & aim for AF as 1st step

                    Here's hoping



                      ODAT - MONDAY

                      Half of Monday over and so far so good. Weekend went better than expected! Stayed the plan and even better than my plan on Sunday. Finding that ging to bed really early helps!

                      Not much thougts of drinking at all today so far and this would normally be my "old" witching hour. Now if I can just stay on this road and keep heading straight forward ....

                      It just feels SO right ....


                        ODAT - MONDAY

                        Hi all,

                        Today is day two again for me after going on a terrible binge Saturday night. Got into a big fight with my BF--he left me at the bar and instead of just leaving and going home I continued to drink and share my woes with anyone who would listen. We were going to go for a hike Sunday, but instead we were both too hungover to get out of bed, got nothing done, and are on the verge of breaking up. I don't know why I can't just behave? I'm a pretty normal, reasonable person when sober, but when drunk I do reckless things and I'm completely unreasonable. Then I don't remember hurtful things I've said. I am so down and actually still feeling quite hungover. I hope to make another shot at sobriety starting now. I have everything to lose and nothing to gain by continuing this madness.


                          ODAT - MONDAY

                          Hello fellow Monday ODATs,

                          Typical Monday with work. Husband had to leave Sun. am for a weeklong trip to CA, so the house is rather quiet. I modded on Sat. and Sun successfully (AF Fri. night) so rewarded myself with a little clothes shopping today. That has been one of the best "side effects" of very limited AL - have lost 11 pounds which makes the shopping a tad more fun. I'm not a very good shopper, though. It wears me out, so it will be off to bed early tonight (that, and I stayed up way too late last night watching my Red Sox lose to the Angels).

                          Welcome to the ODAT thread all newcomers. We're all pretty gorgeous (especially the Cap'n.) and humble, of course. Sea - you can do it, friend. You're just going through some new experiences (takes a lot of guts to do a singles dance) and the anxiety plays right into the alkie brain. You, Uni and all of us know that if we keep swinging this bat eventually we'll win the game (OMG, I am watching way too much baseball . . .). Newbies - suggest you read/download RJ's book and get familiar with all aspects of the program. There are lots of folks here who've tried every aspect and can help if needed. Here's to Tuesday --



                            ODAT - MONDAY

                            Hi All, well, I feel pretty good tonight. Was more than cantankerous before getting home from work. Picked a fight with my poor husband. Got home, we fixed dinner. I had one glass of white wine...have been nursing a huge glass of water. The bottle is sitting on the counter with less than a glass worth's in it and I keep thinking of all the great reasons I should just finish it off but I haven't. I keep looking over at it. Gonna cork it and put it away. While I haven't gone AF, I have had two days of extreme moderation. Yeah me.
                            Hanging on!


                              ODAT - MONDAY

                              Hey ODATers - it is tuesday already for alot of you, and here I am just at my witching hour. I got my BF to get me an O'doules from the fridge outside. IDBiscuit - I have a half bottle of red on my counter, and 5 minutes ago thought, oh hell - just finish it!! But no!!! I won't!!! Besides - on antibiotics for a couple days here, so I shouldn't (like that's ever stopped me before! yikes!!)
                              If I need to, I will drink that half bottle tomorrow, but I still do have a goal of making it until the weekend without. ODAT for sure!
                              xoxo peanut

