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First day...

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    First day...

    Hi all, this is my first time doing this publicly. A few years ago I was able to go AF for 18 months, then I started to slip into drinking socially, and for the past 18 months, it has just been really crazy. I just don't understand what happened, or why; I've got everything going for me, great job, recently married, relatively young; I have got my whole life in front of me, but can't seem to go more than a couple of weeks without having to have something to drink. I am going to be picking up the book and the supplements and what not, I just wanted to get my first post out of the way. I am doing this to save me from myself and hope that in turn, my new wife can start trusting me again. I feel like a failure; like everyone else gets to enjoy being able to have a drink and enjoy wine and scotch, but for some unknown reason, I have to be the fuck up that can't handle it... I go from depressed to angry to feeling sorry for myself, and there is no reason. I mean none. Anyways, as my login says, I am tryinghard; for me, for my future and for my beautiful new wife. Any tips or encouragement would be greatly appreciated...
    :new: But need all the help I can get!

    First day...

    Hello tryinhard and welcome. Trying to stop drinking had always been very difficult for me and I think most of us here. I can't seem to get beyond 15 days but I keep trying lie you. Just work on today, do not drink today and don't think about tomorrow or yesterday. Keep checking in here, everyone is very helpful and supportive. You have your whole life ahead of you and you can do this. Just keep trying hard! Again, welcome and all the best to you.
    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


      First day...

      Hi there and welcome. Firstly many congratulations on your wedding. Like you say, you have much to live for and it sounds very much like you are trying to sort this out before you get much deeper. That is great!! I think that most of us can relate to what you say about not just being able to enjoy a drink or two. Feeling like a failure? Yep that too. BUT there is a way forward and for me it was the book, supplements and the support from here. I would never have been able to get or stay sober without those tools. So my advice to you would be to read the book and put together the best plan for you and then jump in and enjoy the ride! Best wishes to you.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        First day...

        :hello2: and :colorwelcome: TIH
        The book and the supps is a good place to start. Coming here for support is probably the most important part for me. I have also had long periods of AF time, but manage to convince myself after some sober time that I can be a "social drinker" That is complete and utter Bullshit for me. I progress very quickly into full blown alcoholism. This program has been a great help to me. I am glad that you are here. I wish you well as you begin your journey and look forward to your future posts.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          First day...

          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            First day...

            Thanks everyone; I really appreciate the support... Figured that things were getting crazy enough to just reach out for help before the shit really hit the fan. I guess overall, I am just tired of fighting with my wife over this and tired of lying and tired of the after effects. And by the same token, I am thinking to myself, well maybe I can have a drink after a few months! UGH!! WTF! No one said it would be easy...
            :new: But need all the help I can get!


              First day...

              Your name TRYING HARD is a huge step toward already know that it is gonna be a challenge.Being Sober is so worth the work that it takes to get there.Alcohol is a thief and a liar.I think you are very wise to know that it will destroy you, if you let it...If you stop now then you will do no more harm to yourself and your wife.She will see that the real you can be trust worthy and honest.Have you thought of taking Antabuse in the beginning so that you can not drink, even if you are tempted??Many have found it very helpful and your spouse will know that you are serious about getting sober, if you do take it..
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                First day...

                Hi Tryinghard,

                You should be really proud that you are able to have even a few weeks under your belt at times. I can't seem to last longer than a few days. It's these little success that keep us going. You are headed in the right direction.


                  First day...


                  You're in the best place! Take some time, check out the threads, ask questions, share your thoughts - we need them.

                  B E L I E V E - change happens

                  Good luck



                    First day...

                    I have been reading up on the different medications on some of the other threads. To be honest with you, I am hesitant to get on a controlled substance, however, I can certainly see how that would further my commitment to my wife. Good to know that there are believers in it out there though. Will continue my readings and see what other's experiences have been! Thanks again to everyone for all the support. I look post daily with success!
                    :new: But need all the help I can get!


                      First day...

                      Welcome! You are not alone!
                      "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale

