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To post, or not to post....

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    To post, or not to post....

    that is the question. Some people post, but there are alot who don't. For me it's like this,

    Posting for others:
    On one hand I want to post and be supportive and helpful. On the other hand, who the heck am I to give advice. I haven't even went a week yet, close but not quite. I know it doesn't matter, we are all here to help, just feel like a hypocrite sometimes.

    Posting for me:
    Yay, doing so good...woo hoo day 4....great day 5.......crash!!! fell off the wagon AGAIN!
    Too ashamed to tell my progress. Thinking off deleting this now, but I'm not.

    I simply want to say hello, sending good thoughts to all. Hoping for some back as I start day 1....yet again. This place is very helpful, I want to stick around and get it right.

    So here's a shout out to all that don't normally post, let us hear from you!
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

    To post, or not to post....

    Hi Akgirl,

    I feel the same way. I feel like a broken record. I can't get a week under my belt either!

    I just post when i feel like it! I hope my advice helps..


      To post, or not to post....

      We all have struggled at various times. Both your voices are important and both are valuable, doesn't matter if you are AF 1 yr or can only make 1 day, you are here and trying.


        To post, or not to post....

        I agree with Hart. Post your hearts out! It's when people fall silent that it seems they have given up getting (or giving) support, given up on the idea that they can form any kind of caring bonds with other struggling people. They just say to hell with it all, and go off somewhere, and drink.



          To post, or not to post....

          Thanks for the feedback....:l
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            To post, or not to post....

            Great post Akgirl!!! I'm glad your my friend. Your awesome!!!!


              To post, or not to post....

              That's what this site is all about....helping people get a handle on their drinking. It doesn't matter how many times you have to try before you succeed, as long as you keep trying.....

              Sooner or later you will decide it's much easier to quit than to keep quitting.

              Stick with us, can do this....



                To post, or not to post....

                I know what you mean...I feel 'what can I offer?' there's other people doing so much better.
                But I love reading what everyone else is saying.
                akgirl - maybe if we post more it'll make us more accountable?? Whadya reckon??
                Thanks, you've helped me be more voal here! Look out!
                Angel xo


                  To post, or not to post....

                  keep on doing your best ak we love you and we are here for you .. stay strong and think positive
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    To post, or not to post....

                    Hey there I am new to this site and on day 2. I like what I see and what I am reading. Don't give up, your posts have already inspired me.



                      To post, or not to post....

                      AKgirl, keep posting. From the start your posts have been honest and from your heart. I like to read what you post Keep it up. You have umlimited do overs here...LOL!!
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        To post, or not to post....

                        Is'nt that the question ? Iad
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          To post, or not to post....

                          Sometimes it feels a little boring when there aren't new posts so I encourage everyone to post.

                          I must admit I feel guilty because I don't welcome every new person etc. But it's such a great board and there's always enough people that do reply so it all works for the good of everyone I think.

                          No-one professes to be an expert with advice here. Sometimes just sharing your struggles, etc. helps the next guy.

                          Welcome and thanks for posting!
                          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                          ~Jack Welsh~:h

                          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                            To post, or not to post....

                            You already know how I feel about you....I want only the BEST for you! You will get it; I know you will. You have never given up and that is the main key to this struggle. Please stay with us and post, post, post. It is such an excellent way to sort things out and get the support you need on this journey. Keep your chin up, hun.
                            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                              To post, or not to post....

                              Hi Miss Alaska,

                              Sometimes I think the best help is when someone out there in cyber land has experienced or is experiencing some of the same things we're feeling. There is no better solace for a young mother challenged with the responsibility of caring for little ones than another Mom. And for the broken hearts out there, knowing they're not alone is a big help. I used to think I was so clever in hiding my vodka stash until I found out (here) that I was merely a member of a huge hide-the-booze club. So, it's not so much that anyone has the answers, but that they feel our pain, our joy, our temptation, our anxiety. You keep posting, because we need the northern exposure perspective!


                              p.s. I rescinded my membership in the hide-the-booze club, but the stories are still hilarious.

