So, I gave up smoking about 8 weeks ago which is awesome, but I had started drinking more as the hangovers weren't so bad - was up to about 1 bottle of wine 3 or 4 nights a week(sometimes 1.5). Anyway, the hangover free honeymoon is over & last week I woke up at about 3am after drinking and thought I was going to throw up - it sucked.
So I've been better this week - had a few on Friday night but not too much, af on Sat, 2 beers on Sunday (not af I know but I did go to open the bottle of wine and actually had a grapejuice instead...this is good as Sunday is a drinking day for me...especially if I don't have a hangover) and af yesterday. Today will be af also.
I couldn't sleep last night or the night before...I've heard the stories about withdrawals and sleeplessness is one of them. I always though 'oh that sounds bad, glad I'm not that bad', no not me...but I am aren't I?? These are withdrawal symptoms aren't they??
Don't be shy, tell me what you think as really, it's making me think 'Crikey, I drink waaayy too much - I'm actually getting withdrawals'
Thanks for listening.
Angel xo