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It can't be, can it???

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    It can't be, can it???

    I've been here a short time, mostly lurking & reading, occasionally posting - something akgirl said made me think I should start my own post...make myself more accountable like!.
    So, I gave up smoking about 8 weeks ago which is awesome, but I had started drinking more as the hangovers weren't so bad - was up to about 1 bottle of wine 3 or 4 nights a week(sometimes 1.5). Anyway, the hangover free honeymoon is over & last week I woke up at about 3am after drinking and thought I was going to throw up - it sucked.
    So I've been better this week - had a few on Friday night but not too much, af on Sat, 2 beers on Sunday (not af I know but I did go to open the bottle of wine and actually had a grapejuice instead...this is good as Sunday is a drinking day for me...especially if I don't have a hangover) and af yesterday. Today will be af also.
    I couldn't sleep last night or the night before...I've heard the stories about withdrawals and sleeplessness is one of them. I always though 'oh that sounds bad, glad I'm not that bad', no not me...but I am aren't I?? These are withdrawal symptoms aren't they??
    Don't be shy, tell me what you think as really, it's making me think 'Crikey, I drink waaayy too much - I'm actually getting withdrawals'
    Thanks for listening.
    Angel xo

    It can't be, can it???

    Hey angelcakes..(yummy, cake).
    I would think they're withdrawals. Mine are impatience and I get super annoyed by my family. Congrats on the quitting smoking. That's my next goal, probably new years. Congrats on the better week.


      It can't be, can it???

      I would think that it could be withdrawal symptoms. There have been a lot of other posts on the forum about sleeplessness. I often have trouble getting to sleep so I wouldn't know one reason from another. Hang in there though. I think you're asking good questions.
      Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


        It can't be, can it???

        Well, sleep disturbance is not what most would call a "withdrawal symptom." It certainly does accompany alcohol abuse and dependence, and it persists after one stops drinking. It took me about 6 weeks to get normal sleep patterns restored.

        What are your goals? Are you planning to go AF for a period of time, in order to attempt moderate consumption?

        Were you drinking daily, or nightly, for a long period of time? If you were going AF for at least 24-hour periods, regularly, then you are not likely to have any kind of severe withdrawal symptoms. But if you start feeling really shaky, you ought to see a doctor and get your blood pressure monitored, at least...

        best wishes,




          It can't be, can it???

          Welcome Angelcakes,

          It doesn't sound to me like you were drinking enough to have actual withdrawal symptoms, and sleep disturbance could be any number of things. However, without the smokes (you go, girl - that is the best!) your body is probably going through some adjustment. Probably a good time to come up with a plan. It's been said a gazillion times on many threads, but a great place to start is to read/download RJ's book. It outlines her whole program which may help shape your own. We'll support you every step of the way. Best to get this beast under control now - nothing gained by waiting!



            It can't be, can it???

            Thanks for replying to me.
            MM - I tend to get impatient with the family when I AM drinking - will have to look out for it now.
            Thanks for the encouragement Periwinkle, I look forward to getting to know you.
            WIP - You ask the dreaded I going af for a period? I guess I'm doing one day at a time. I would like to moderate - I still believe I can. But I'm not ready to commit to going af yet...I'm not really into counting the days & that stuff. I didn't drink daily...but it was getting to every second day & I thought it best to get it under control earlier rather than later.
            Vera - I have the book,CDs & supps - read the book twice & listen to the CDs often...after I got used to that guys voice I really like them - hypno suits my Aquarianism!
            Thankyou for your helps me to know people care.
            Angel xo


              It can't be, can it???

              It can be.....take some sleepy time tea, or a benadral for a couple of days, until your body regulates it's self. IAD.
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                It can't be, can it???

                Interesting - I find if I drink, I fall asleep quickly, but then wake up at about 1 a.m. and stay awake most of the night. Whereas if I don't drink, I usally get 7 or 8 hours good sleep. I've just been to a stor and bought a homeopathic spray caleed "sleep weel" to try. I've also got some sleepytime tea, and I'm going to have a relaxing bath tonight. Good luck!



                  It can't be, can it???

                  I also don't sleep when I quit drinking - sleep like the dead if I drink a bottle of wine every night - go figure!! That's passing out, not falling asleep. I've tried melatonin, and that seemed to help, but I think i am sensitive to some things, and I am very groggy the next day. I think it just takes time for your body to adjust. My 30days AF a couple months ago? I was actually sleeping - actually sleeping - by maybe the 3rd week. It took a while, but it will come.


                    It can't be, can it???

                    Hi Angelcakes
                    Hello again Angelcakes and hi Kiwimum welcome. Angel I think I live near you in Auckland? Anyway back to the topic I know that I had similar reaction for a couple of nights after a binge in that I would keep waking up with a fright and be all sweaty etc and I eventually came to the conclusion that although it may not be full blown AL withdrawals it is still a type of withdrawal - was for me anyway. I too am off the fags too and have been moderating sucessfully for 3 months now after 3 months AF. With the ciggys gone there is no binge urge for me.


                      It can't be, can it???

                      I have seen the supplement Melatonin brought up several times on this forum as a sleep aid. I know it really works for some. I am in support of vitamins, herbs, etc. Please be careful if you take prescription medications when deciding to take any supplements.

                      From other threads I have read on this forum it sounds like a lot of us take antidepressant meds. I take celexa for depression and have looked into melatonin to help me sleep. One source I consulted is the "Reader's Digest: The Healing Power of Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs". Regarding drug interactions it says: "Check with your doctor. Adverse drug reactions in people taking conventional antidepressants along with melatonin have been reported." Other supplements it suggests to avoid if you take antidepressant meds are Ephedra, 5-HTP, Ginseng, and Kava.

                      I'm not in the medical field in any way I'm simply quoting from the Reader's Digest book cited above. Like the book suggests, check with your doctor. I just wanted to pass along in case any one else has concerns or hadn't thought about it.

                      Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                        It can't be, can it???

                        I use melatonin. Just started about a month ago.

                        Melatonin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        I found this interesting from the article:

                        "Studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology have said that melatonin pills sold as supplements contain three to ten times the amount needed to produce the desirable physiologic nocturnal blood melatonin level for enhancement of sleep. Dosages are designed to raise melatonin levels for several hours to enhance quality of sleep, but some studies suggest that smaller doses (for example 0.3 mg as opposed to 3 mg) are just as effective at improving sleep quality."

                        So right now I split my pills, so they are 1.5g apiece. I take one 30 mins before bedtime, and if I wake up one at 1am or 2am. If I wait til 3am I have some grogginess in the morning, but not nearly so bad as with valerian or unisom.

                        The article notes that Melatonin is not available OTC in New Zealand as it is here in the US.


                          It can't be, can it???

                          Wow, thanks again all. Peri, I'm not an ADs (was for a while for post natal but I came good) I've got some calm's fort and a bath is an excellent idea KM.
                          KM - I get that 2...when I drink I crash hard but wake around 3am and can't get back to sleep..I haaate that, another good reason to not drink.
                          BHNM my neighbour...yes, it's me - went to Ideal Health...thanks so much, the lady was lovely & she said 'if it's for drinking' but I didn't feel judged at all. Giving up the ciggies is great news (go you!)and it's such an inspiration to hear you're modding OK. My God that some living I see you doing??!
                          Angel xo


                            It can't be, can it???

                            Hi hun, i also would say that yes, it's to do with cutting down on the drink. Don't worry tho, it'll get better. Try getting some herbal sleeping pills to help you through this.
                            Well done!! Stay strong!

