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Day 1

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    Day 1

    I went through the fridge and poured out the beers I had leftover from the weekend. I only have $5 in my pocket, and I need it for cigs. I feel really good about this. Today rocks!!!!!


      Day 1

      Today does rock MM, and tomorrow will too!!! PM me first thing in the morning and you can go through my day with life is sooooo boring that you will fall asleep and never drink again!!!! LOL
      "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

      AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


        Day 1

        Hey Montana,
        Make sure you have a plan in place to go with Antibuse. I too turned to it a few years back. Sure it makes you feel ill, but the problem is that it doesn't take away the cravings. I think it's the cravings that are so hard to deal with. Keep comin' back to this site, maybe try some Kudzu (nutrition/vitamin stores have it) or Campral (RX by doctor). Both are anti-craving meds. I don't know if you can mix these with Antibuse. Ask your doc. Good luck to you. Every day counts and you CAN do this.
        When life is more than you can stand...kneel.


          Day 1

          Hi MM - I've just joined today, and I'm starting antabuse in the morning. Like you, I really hate to vomit, so I'm confident it will work like a charm for me! Apparently it's best to take it in t he morning, when your willpower not to drink is the strongest, and then the effect last through the next 24 hours. Hope yours arrives soon!



            Day 1

            MM, I think it was Hippie who said he only keeps a few bucks in his pocket, never enough for booze. I think that is a very wise decision, so good for you for handing over the ATM. I've also found it helpful to think of my hands as "quadriplegics". They can't do anything without me, and gosh darn it, they aren't picking up a drink if I can help it!
            Welcome Kiwi, happy to have you on board!:h:l
            You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


              Day 1

              Hey all,
              Thanks for the nice words. I'm on day 2 and feel good about it. My antabuse wont be here for about another week.(Darnit) The antabuse is more like insurance for me. I wont drink if I know I'll get sick. I didn't drink for about 2 weeks when I had to get a hysterectomy over 2 months ago. I was scared to drink before the surgury...(I was scared it would mess with the anesthisia and I would wake up during the surgery). Then I kept not drinking because they gave me percoset and I didn't want to mix the 2. I didn't crave because I couldn't drink. I drink now because I can. Dumb, I know. I don't have anyone telling me I can't. I'm glad I have you guys. Seems everyone of you writes something that makes me think. Such smart people you are!!!!!
              KiwiMum, Keep in touch. I want to know how the antabuse makes you feel. I heard it might make you taste metal. Had that with my last preg, and it drove me a little nuts, but it was bear-able.
              Talk to ya'll later.


                Day 1

                Hi Tam;
                Good to have you here. I have similar issues. I work from a home office and can easily start drinking beer in the afternoon. Of course it continues through dinner (I cook, my wife does not) so by the end of the evening...gee...another 10 or 12 beer day. If I do that for 2 or 3 days in a row, then my system adjusts to it and I "function" (yeah I know, denial here).
                It is funny when I don't drink how great I feel. AL makes us stupid sometimes. I have been on this board a long time, must be a slow learner. Hopefully you will do better.
                Love and Peace,
                Love and Peace,

                Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                  Day 1

                  even if I start at 6 I usually have 9-14 beers before bed time.(Usually every other day) I do function, but I'm tired of functioning. It's time for me to excel. I know that much beer isn't good for my body. Keep in touch and let me know how you're doing.


                    Day 1

                    MM, thanks for the reply.
                    I will keep you informed.
                    Love and Peace,

                    Sobriety Date 12.07.2009

