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New from NZ

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    New from NZ

    :welcome:Hi Kiwimum,

    I'm also new, and like u have the problem were one drink is not enough. I was very aprehensive about antabuse, due to the side effects. I started today, and hope that I have the will power to carry on with it. All I can say is take one day at a time.

    All the best! And chat soon!!!


      New from NZ

      Hello- Can't really add to the advice already given- just want to say :welcome:


        New from NZ


        Thanks Everyone,

        I can't believe how much happier and positive I am feeling today.

        I have been tired, lethargic and depressed for longer than I can recall. Which is so "not me" - by nature, I'm positive, resilient and full of energy, and I would love to get back to feeling that way.

        Last night I had my first good sleep in months (beacuse I didn't drink yesterday). I feel much perkier, and have cleaned my desk, started a to do list, and been working through it quickly this morning.

        I got the prescription for antabuse yesterady, but I'm nervous about using it due to all the side effects. So what I'm doing is this - I've got it in my purse with me at all times, and have decided to take it if I get a craving I can't deal with.

        The funny thing is, just having it with me makes me feel much happier - it's like a security blanket! It's like - I can relax - knowing that I don't have to drink - I have a magic pill at my disposal in times of need.

        I've just ordered the kudzu and the hypnosis CDs, and I started my other supps yesterday.

        So - I've already completed Day 1 without alcohol, and day 2 is feeling great so far.

        I haven't felt this positive in months!

        Thanks so much for being there - it makes an enormous difference connecting with people who understand.

        best wishes


          New from NZ

          Hi Kiwi, Yay for you!!
          I'd be really interested to know how the Antabuse goes...
          And what Boozehag(no more) said - she knows what she's talking about. I also went to Ideal Health in Glenfield - the Kudzu is called Daily Detox & they're really well informed. There's another one (Neurocalm I think) but they won't sell that to you anymore without having a councelling session with them or something - not the store's idea, I think the manufacturer came up with that??
          Angel xo



            New from NZ

            Oh, and BHNM...LOL...a turd for a brain...


              New from NZ

              Hi angel
              Speaking of turds... I got the daily detox too and holy moly green shite.... never taking that again! I bought the neurocalm too and I got it for someone else recently and they didnt say anything about counselling - i just muttered something about its not for me I am buying it for a friend....


                New from NZ

                OMG is THAT what was going on!!! I just thought it was 'coz I was eating my greens!! I might try the neuroclam next time though...
                Angel xo


                  New from NZ

                  Yep it was scary stuff I tell you................
                  I didnt find the neurocalm much good to be honest and it is quite expensive about $40 I think. I found the L-glut better.


                    New from NZ

                    Kudzu is a daily detox! --- I didn't know that what is was. When I went searching for it locally here and got a lot of strange looks .... some hadn't heard of it, others obviously had but didn't carry it. When I finally found it a new employee (trying to educate himself I guess, read the label out loud .... "relieves symptoms associated with alcohol consumption"....... I thought I'd die! .... i muttered something about it being good for other things. Now I know where it's located on the shelf, I go in and grab a couple of bottles and hope I don't run into another new employee again! So, in retrospect ... do we take this when we drink, or when we don't? Now I'm confused.


                      New from NZ

                      Back to why I wanted to post here originally ----- a big hello to all you Kiwi's ... I think you live in the greatest country on earth! Have visited a couple of times and have been from the top end of the North Island to the very tip of the South, but too many years ago!


                        New from NZ

                        Cool! Funnily enough, I've always thought I could happily live in Canada! I love Vancouver and BC. Best wishes, KM


                          New from NZ

                          Hey ND! Yes, we all can relate to you Canadians down here. I was down in Queenstwon a couple of months ago and there's quite a few down there...always lots of fun!
                          Angel xo
                          BTW I take the Daily Detox's supposed to help cravings & repair your liver. So if you do slip it's good to take also...


                            New from NZ

                            Daily Detox daily...d'uh!


                              New from NZ

                              You take it daily! Holy shit.. I mean holy green shite... I took one tablet once and I though an alien life form had taken up residence in my arse. TMI maybe... I thought it was only for taking once in a while for a clean out.
                              New Day - you are supposed to take it to stop cravings for drink or to help stop you drinking. But I have read that the chinese use it for hangover cures too. Tried that too and it soooo did not work.


                                New from NZ

                                oh doh for me too! I am irish so thats my excuse whats yours?

