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New from NZ

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    New from NZ

    Hi Everyone

    I found this website today, and was so relieved to finally find some people I could relate to. My story is very much like RJs - mum of 3, professional, educated, seemingly successful but dealing with an increasingly out of control drinking problem. I cried when I read RJs story, as it could have been me.

    My problem is white wine, having increased over time to a bottle a night, with the occasional whisky thrown in for good measure. I've been feeling increasingly tired, irritable and depressed over the last few months, and have recenlty sought help at a clinic. I've seen a counsellor twice, but have refused to go to AA, or group clinic meetings - I just don't want to go public with my problem, it's too embarrassing.

    I've been trying not to drink over the last month, with very mixed success. I can manage 2 or 3 days of AF, then I go back to drinking again. I suspect I'm not a mod sort of person - I'm afarid after one drink, it's all over - I can't seem to stop there.

    I had something of a meltdown this morning, and had to skip work and go to the counsellor for an unscheduled meeting. After lots of tears and talking, I've decided I need to go AF for a while, and she referred me to a doctor who prescribed Antabuse. Have any of you tried it? I'm a bit scared, as it comes with a long list of side effects. I can't start today, because I was drinking last night, but I'm going to start in the morning.

    Have also bought a whole bunch of supplements, but couldn't find any kudzu. I've downloaded the pdf of the book so that I can start reading.

    Would appreciate some advice on what is really worth buying in the health shop - there is lots to choose from, and its quite expensive (if you're not paying for it with US Dollars!).

    How do you know if you're an alcoholic or a problem drinker? It's scary to think that I might not be able to drink again. I recognise that my drinking has become a problem, but I still like alcohol (I'm sure this is a classic addictive statement!)

    All support would be gratefully received - I'm feeling really delicate, tearful, depressed and scared.

    KiwiMum :new:

    New from NZ

    Welcome KiwiMum

    Yes - your story is just like mine. And there are so, so many others just like us. Wine seems to be a problem for alot of people. And of course, your question, how do you know if you are an alcoholic or a problem drinker. Terminology is just one thing. If you think you have a problem, then you do. It took me a long time to finally say, ok, this is out of control, and then a long time to actually do anything about it. But I had started also getting more tired, stomach pain, depressed, etc.

    Have you thought about ordering the supplements from this site?? Alot of people swear by the Kudzu and also L-glutamine, for cravings. Several others here use the Antabuse too, and should be able to advise you on that.

    Keep posting, stay here, ask for help and you will get it. Try the 30 days for sure - sometimes if takes a few tries, but it sure does a person good - in body and mind - to achieve that. Modding? Maybe put that on the back burner for now and re-assess after a 30day AF period.

    Best to you - stay strong - keep posting!
    xoxo Peanut


      New from NZ

      hello and welcome Kiwimum
      It doesnt really matter what type of drinker you are - the only thing that matters is that you want to control it rather than have it control you. I wouldnt think about the big picture just yet - justy focus on getting through the next few days and then you should feel much more positive. You will find lots of support on here and if you read the posts you will see that most of what you are saying now is exactly what all newbies say. You will be able to figure out what suits you but generally it is a good idea to try for 30 days or more AF before you decide on whether to stay AF or moderate.
      Quite a few people are on antabuse and it seems to be very helpful - I am sure they will respond to you directly on that. You can get the kudzu from Ideal health in glenfield Auckland - I think its about $40.
      PM me if you want more info.


        New from NZ

        ah hi peanut
        we are cross posting! Two brains better than one although mine only accounts for about a third of a normal brain!


          New from NZ

          Bh - a third of a brain!?!? Nay - you are far too wise for that!!


            New from NZ

            or maybe a turd for a brain not a third of a brain


              New from NZ

              Welome New

              Stay close & keep talking. There are some strong & successful people here. Like you, i hope to be one of them



                New from NZ

                Hi Kiwi and a big welcome to you. Your story sounds very familiar and it is fantastic to hear that you are getting some help. Regarding labels? I dont think it really matter whether you want to call yourself an alcoholic or a problem drinker. What you want is to change an aspect of your life yes? For me I think the drinking played a large part in my depression. When I stopped drinking, i found my depression lifted and I was able to start to sort my problems.
                I take the kudzu and lglu for cravings and swear by them. I also take gaba and true calm as needed. I get them from this site and think they are worth it during the early days. I have not taken antibuse. I think what helps a lot of people is to go 30 days alcohol free and then decide whether they want to drink moderately or abstain. The 30 days will give your mind and body a chance to heal a little.
                Keep posting and asking questions the support here is fantastic and helps me immensely.
                Good luck!
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  New from NZ

                  Kiwimum, like others here I say pull out all stops & make thirty days your resolute goal. You may feel strange for the first week, but you will see the benefits after that. Just imagine the sense of acheivement you'll feel.


                    New from NZ

                    you seeem like avery wise person,AA does not work for all,but i hae some alternatives,your here and thts a good start,there are many online sites if you dont like AA meetings,and you dont like to face people,i go to online AA very easy to find,you can also find lots of widom in the people here;,as far as an alchoholic is concerned, you my dear have to make the decision whether you are or arent,we cant decide tht,from my xperiences in life there are many kinds of,problem drinkers,you can also in your own home go,to AA book and read the 1st 167 pages and it gives you a alternative way to treat the drinker,but its only a suggestion,and it doesnt cost nothing,4 volumes,you will be fine hope this helps gyco


                      New from NZ

                      Hi Neighbour,

                      I tried to get Kudzu too here in Oz, with no luck. L-Glut is great, you will find that easily.
                      I relate to your post, let us know how you go on Antabuse.



                        New from NZ

                        Hello and Welcome
                        It sounds like you have a good plan in place. I completely agree with all of the advice that has been given. I wish you well as you begin this journey. It is so worth it.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          New from NZ

                          Welcome! Stick close to this site, the program & people here are wonderful!:welcome:
                          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                            New from NZ

                            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                              New from NZ

                              Welcome Kiwi,

                              You have the book, the meds and you're sorting through the supps... you have made a great start. Like others have suggested, keep posting and reading.... put your hand up if you need help, there is a lot of awesome support here:-)
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

