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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning ODATERS!

    Well, we had some struggles on the weekend it seems but we all manage to keep coming back and picking ourselves up!

    As well we have had some new members join our thread! Welcome! You will find a lot of support here. the ODAT thread is a great place for newbies and oldies and anyone who wants to take things one day at a time. Which, lets face it, is sometimes how we get by while fighting this beast.

    I hope everyone had a great day yesterday - mine was a bit stressful - the 7 year old got on my case just a bit (as they do) but I'm still surviving.

    Take care everyone and have a great ODAT day...

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Over the weekend, I aimed to do things that I would have done when I was AF and full of life. I succeeded with some, achieved other goals (things I put off) and I feel better for it. I must say that I seem to have more energy with a few AF days under my belt, but I think the supplements help too, replacing things I have been low on for ages.

    Having new found energy is encouraging, even if I stuff up from time to time. Baby steps!!
    Hang in there, what choice have we got than to try and get better, if it takes time, so be it, dont beat yourself up, but health wise... we know we need to change some things.



      ODAT - Tuesday

      Hi all ODAT'rs

      :welcome: all the newer members. This is a great thread as Universal just said. Sometimes you cant look too far into the future its better to take it a step at a time. Had a busy day yesterday, daughters 16th birthday. However, stayed AF so that's the main thing.

      Wet and miserable here today but managed small walk. Supplements, exercise, it all helps.



        ODAT - Tuesday

        I had suprise yesterday. The lies about the relationship are in the open. I wouldn't have filed on the grounds of adultry if I didn't think it was true but somewhere in the dark corners of my mind I thought "what if he's telling the truth and they ARE just friends". They're not and now ABSOLUTELY knowing and that he thinks they may be falling in love and he DOES want a divorce absolutely knocked me off my feet. Why must I despair over this? I don't want to be married to him. I've turned back into the dog in the manger but worse. I am practically paralyzed with sadness and all the other crummy emotions that go with it. Maybe I'm not the strong greenie everyone is so proud of. I didn't drink, but I sure did want to. I hate being stuck in this mire of sorrowful emotions. :upset:

        This'll probably kill this thread. Sorry.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Greenie, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what you're going through. Must feel like someone just hauled off and kicked you in the stomach! It's ok to feel sad and angry though, give yourself that. Somehow it's just a little easier when you're the one that wants out.
          Now you need to muster all of that strength we all know is within you and keep telling yourself that AL will only make matters worse. We are all here for you!!:l:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Hey there Uni & all. Hope ur as well as can be!
            Green - sorry to hear your sad news. AF sounds like the best way to deal with it. Look forward 2 getting 2 know you better as you move through this time

            Just checkin in. Had an ok day yesterday & ended up feelin pretty positive. Thought I’d let you know a little more @ where I’m at…

            usual routine at the mo - wake hungover & eventually drag my self out of bed. Nurse myself gently through the day - water, coffee, water, coffee etc! Food creeps in at some point in small amounts till i (usually) eat a good meal in the eve

            Afternoons (as hangover subsides) usually feel much more positive & hopeful. Clock-watchin starts @ 3pm. Don't want a drink at that point, just want to get the supplies in so i've got what i "need" 4 later (the thought of a sudden detox horrifies me)

            Later - aim 4 one bottle of red max, hope 2 try for ?. Finish the lot. Around midnight dissolve gratefully into bed & unconsciousness, knowing what the 1st conversation I hear on waking will be

            One difference yesterday, went 2 my once weekly alcohol group meeting (cognitive type approach). Find it really supportive & the approach suits me (and as a bonus I made a new friend last night - similar age & drink pattern. She’s AF & on antabuse) Told them I’d found this site & that through some of the posts it’s dawned on me quite quickly (thanks you guys!) that I haven’t yet made an honest commitment to stop AL, even for a short time. It’s been a real “rabbit in the headlights” job with me. I’ve been locked into the fear & then spent all my time & energy maintaining the cycle I’m in because it feels safe & familiar. This has been going on for years

            I feel differently now. Something subtle is changing (please God!) I want 2 try again to stop. Did 5 days AF in January, cold turkey, going to AA. This time I’ll have the book, sups & Cds & YOU GUYS!!!

            Before I found you I felt frightened (& the rest…)
            Now I feel nervous & willing to try, one day at a time of course! Looking forward to sharing



              ODAT - Tuesday

              I am very happy today. Things are looking up. I hope its not the Bundy curse... When good things happen, expect really bad thing to happen in return.

              Every day gets better. I am hopeful that I will not have make a "I f-ed up" post in the future.

              And to everyone working toward their goals :goodjob: & :thanks:
              Starting over again 09/06/11

              "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                ODAT - Tuesday


                Greenie - I'm feeling for you - stay the strong greenie everybody has gotten to know! You will get through this, difficult though it may be. It sounds like you have some pretty supportive GF's around you, which is really great - you need them!!! My heart is with you!!

                I hope everyone has gotten back on track after the weekend! I am on day3 today - almost drank that half bottle of wine last night, but drank an AF beer instead and I think I got 8 hours of sleep!!!! Another darn bladder infection, and I don't feel like the antibiotics are doing a thing!!!! Must get back to the doctor!

                Welcome to all the new ODAT peeps on this thread and a goodday to all you oldies (haha! did I say that???)
                xoxoxoxo Peanut


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Hi all,

                  I posted yesterday and I'm going to do it again today to try to stay on track. I'm on day 3 AF after terrible happenings this past weekend. Just trying to rebuild. I want a better future.

                  Greenie, I've been where you are and it is so, so hard. Keep your chin up and know you are doing better than me if you are staying AF and not falling into a pit of despair and self abuse. My ex never admitted to cheating even to this day, but I know it's true. I'm so much better off without him now. Know that this too shall pass and you will be stronger because of it.


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Greenie, I am SO sorry!!! Through the months I have always enjoyed your posts. You are wise, strong and deserve better!!! (I also can assume beautiful since you have green eyes . . . that is where my name comes from as well - evergreen). I have had several friends go through this and it is miserable for a time but each of them when they get beyond it is better and stronger for the experience. One of my friend's exes is absolutele miserably because she exacted the best revenge - living well. All words that do not help right now. But following this thread's mantra ODAT is the best you can do and remember there is NO situation that is made better by drinking.

                    Sending you a hug!!!:l


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Greenie --- I can only imagine the pain you're going through and you are such a very strong woman not to succumb to drinking during this horrible time. Evergreen spoke of a friend having the ultimate revenge and I think you're on the track to that ---- "living well". A friend of mine just went through this after 20 years of marriage, and you should see her now! She was always a terrific person and he's the big loser here, but too proud to admit it, so she's moved on and after two years is in a very happy place without him.
                      You go girl!:h


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Hello all Tuesday ODATs,

                        Greenie, the pain you are feeling is perfectly natural and understandable. The very person who committed to love you through thick and thin has hurt you to the core. There's a part of me that really wants to make him walk crooked for awhile! But Evergreen has the best suggestion of all - grow beyond him. You're already a long way ahead of him, just don't look back. And Uni, I'm sorry your 7-year old is giving you a hard time. Perhaps it's time for the response on page 6 of the "Mother's Manual" - so, dear, do you wish to see your 8th birthday?!?

                        And Goldie, you sound so ready for your own way out. We'll be with you on your journey. We have so much to learn from each other.

                        Vera's fine - just got home from my Tuesday bible study class. It's very interesting, though the late hour leaves me precious little time for posting. Here's to hump day!



                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          Struggling but still trying. Will log on again tonight. Px
                          Short term goal 7 days AF


                            ODAT - Tuesday


                            I accidently popped onto this thread, it's February 2009, I hope you are ok Greens.

                            I'm pretty new here but finding lots of wonderful support. You take care of Number ONE - YOU!

