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No Luck...

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    No Luck...

    I'm not trying to be mean, but I have really found no support in your threads...
    I have hoped for some, and most of you seem really nice and supportive, but I've been really apprehensive about posting ( watching a long time), and every time I try to post anyting I get nothing back. As you all know, getting nothing back doesn't do much for your support system...
    Anyway, I'm going to keep trying...I'm not mean, judgemental - I don't know crap about what I'm doing here - I'm learing a lot from all of you!
    I'm kind of shy, and apprehensive - don't trust a lot, so I'm sorry. Just trying to fit in...

    No Luck...

    Hi there! I must have missed your previous posts. I am sorry! Yes, not getting anything back is truly horrible. I am sure it is not deliberate at all. Please keep posting, it does take a little time to get used to the boards. Also time zones are differant for all of us. For me now it is 6.15am others are probably sleeping deeply ) I am not sure where you are?
    If you are lost, drop me a pm always happy to give some support. I know how difficult this struggle is. You are not alone. Take care x
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      No Luck...

      I agree with the whole time zone thing. So sorry you have not gotten anything you needed/ wanted. this is one of the best places for that with the best most supportive people!!! Perhaps if you had only replied and not started a thread that we could all get to know you... just a guess. Anyway, I will try to search you in the AM and I hope you keep posting.
      Best wishes!
      One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


        No Luck...

        Hey hun!
        Sorry this has happened to you. There is nothing worse then needing support and not getting any. I have to be completely honest, i must have missed your posts! I'll have a look at your posts that you have sent so i know your situation.
        Keep posting tho!!! Take care!


          No Luck...

 , post and post again.....there are people here who will support you if you stick around.....all the best to you....I will look out for for posts from now on....Bella XXXXX


            No Luck...

            Good that you started a thread, and sorry to hear you don't feel supported! I do agree with others that the best way to get your need for support out there is to start a thread and ask questions! And tell us about yourself! That way people can see where you are coming from, and what you may want or need to talk about! Being shy will hold you back here, just as it might out in the face-to-face world... so do your best to jump on in anyhow, and talk about yourself, OK?

            best wishes,



              No Luck...

              Hi goingmyway
              Im pretty new around here and spend more time lurking than posting. I to am pretty shy and well battered from my years of drinking.
              I dont really know my way around the site but just keep hanging around & some how I have managed to do 20 days AF. This is an amazing place to be I guess you just have to keep putting it out there.
              Keep posting & reading it will get better.


                No Luck...

                Hello again GoingMyWay

                Sorry we lost touch for a while, think we joined at a similar time?
                Know just what you mean. Although i'm spending a lot of time on the site & feeling huge support & affection here, i do find it confusing at times!

                The worst feeling is kind of like chasing my tail - picking up threads, losing them again. I now open up 3 or 4 tabs and try to follow some threads by refreshing them throughout the day.

                I've also decided to join one thread regularly (i decided on the ODAT, one day at a time). Hopefully then i can get to know people a bit better & vice versa

                Feel free to PM me. I've forgotten how to send one but will find out...
                Great to hear from you again! How you doing?



                  No Luck...

                  We are here to help each other.Posts can get buried very quickly because of the numbers of needed responses on certain days.This is no place to be shy.The squeaky wheel gets the grease...Jump in to the posts and let us get to know you.I am sure that no one was ignoring you on purpose.Post again if no one sees you.I am glad to have you PM me and I know that many others feel the same way..Give us a chance and give yourself a chance.We are all in this together and together we can find our way out...Again I stress PM me, if I can help...And jump in and get involved....We are here for you..
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    No Luck...

                    glad to have you here goingmyway please keep posting and lets us know how we can help you ..
                    and post any or all of yur question .. stay strong and think positive
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                      No Luck...

                      I must admit that I have been having some trouble keeping up with all of the new folks lately. Hello and Welcome aboard. This truly is a great place. Give it a chance.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        No Luck...

                        It is a wonderful place to understand a lot of things. If you need help with your family, I can offer my experience of dealing with my loving husband and the affects of his alcoholic behavior on the family. stay strong and believe in yourself.


                          No Luck...

                          Hi GMW!

                          I am glad you are here and would like to know more about what you are going through. I am kinda shy too and haven't posted alot, but I am going to ramp it up because I need the support, and its theraputic for me to try and help too. Sometimes when I read a thread and there are alot of responses, it seems like anything I can think of to say has already been said!

                          If you would rather PM go ahead! I will be happy to listen!

                          You are welcome here and we all have a common goal. To knock AL on its ass!!!


                            No Luck...

                            This place can be a bit overwhelming at times. I too felt lost in the shuffle a bit in the beginning. But everyone is hear to help, I haven't looked (but I will) have you posted your story? Give us a chance :groupluv:
                            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                              No Luck...

                              OMG! You all have been so nice to post and reply with so many nice and encouraging messsages! Thank you all so much, and I certainly am wrong not feeling the support!
                              Yes, Gia, I have tried to post messages and support people here - I actually feel better about doing that than worrying about me.
                              Thank you all for reminding me about the time zone difference. Again, I'm learning here, but you all are great, and I so support all of you in all of your own efforts.
                              No, I have not posted a story - is that something most of you have done?
                              Thanks again so very much!!!
                              GMW :thanks:

