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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    Right sending a search party out for the Bess . What happened to yesterday!!!!!!! dont let this thread die or i ll get the electric cattle prod out !!.:H Hey i love you lot WAKE UP !!!!! maybe the Bess is touring with the Uni no royalties for me . Have a great AF day everyone. And special hugs for me mate Greenie hang in brave heart:l
    Love cap

    ODAT Thursday

    Hi CaptnJack and ODATers,

    Would love to join your thread!!! I am at that point in my 30 day attempt (never gotten there) where I really have to focus ODAT or I will sabatoge myself!! Any wisdom welcome!!

    Greenie, thinking of you as well and sending out a big hug!!!:l

    Best to all!



      ODAT Thursday

      Hello All, got a PM from Greenie yesterday and she seems fine...i have been wondering where Bess is?? I need an update on all her Critters.Sending out an S.O.S and hopefully she will come HOME to us soon.If you start the thread, Capt....I'll help keep it alive.Deal???...DEAL.
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        ODAT Thursday

        Morning cap,evergreen,evielouand all to come.

        I'm getting better. I'm trying to dig my way out of the grief pit again. I'm annoyed that I fell flat on my face in it, but everybody says that's to be expected - that it truly is a rollercoaster. Sort of like the beginnings of a scab on a wound being torn off. Nice AM visual, huh? :H Anyway, I tend to be quiet when I feel like this and I so appreciate your telling me you're thinking of me. It means a lot to me. :l :h Greenie
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT Thursday

          Good morning. Day 19 here. Have a great day!


            ODAT Thursday

            You Can't Count Me IN
            I will help to keep the thread alive. ODAT is all I can do.
            Good day Capt., my sweet love. Thank you for getting us started. I too am missing Bessie very much. I love to read about her life.
            You are one tough chick Greeneyes. You already know how much I admire your strength.
            Good Day to Evielou-Hope things are getting better for you and your family. You remain in my prayers.
            Hello EG, nice to see you.
            Congrats!!! No maam-keep up the good work.
            I hope that I did not miss anyone. I am very tired. I just got home from work.
            Have a Wonderful Day All.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              ODAT Thursday

              Hey all Good Morning,
              ODAT sounds great, I'm on board. If I focus on how many days I have I get to relaxed, so today is a good day to be AF for me.


                ODAT Thursday

                Good Morning all. Back at ODAT since I have failed miserably and am so ashamed. I'm not giving up though. NO WAY!! Today is day 1 Again and I'm trying to stay positive, taking all the supps and drinking lots and lots of green tea and water.
                The best to all of us!!
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  ODAT Thursday

                  Hello all!
                  Best wishes to you for a good day

                  Was ok with the new singles group last night. Really enjoyed myself AND being able 2 remember it all this morning! Way 2 go!!! Had 1 1/2 glasses of red...

                  but then hit it big time when i got home so... a difficult day 2day. It's been a beautiful day out & i've spent it glued to here. Did make it out the front door when the doorbell rang earlier - thought it was the postman with sups & CDs! But no, just the guy to read the electricity meter : (

                  Wishing you all well
                  Good getting 2 know you



                    ODAT Thursday

                    Dear Greenie,When I tried to get sober, it was an ON/OFF daily battle for many months,Then I joined MWO in Dec. 2007 and fell on my face, OVER AND OVER...Finally in May, something clicked and it feels like it is gonna stay clicked, this time.Relapses are just part of getting well.It is a relearning processing of your thoughts and it takes time to reprogram your brain...don't ever give up and then there is no chance of failure...It will click for you, just like it did for me...PM me if I can help...
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      ODAT Thursday

                      Well done noma'am ... you seem to be one of the strong ones around here..... you and evielou! Thanks for your inspirtation you too! I'm struggling lately. But today is another day 2. I'm not going to give up, or else then I'll really consider myself having failed.
                      I enjoy this thread and feel it's where I need to be .... ODAT.


                        ODAT Thursday

                        Good as Gold . . . . I can relate to what you are saying. I could maintain myself at social events but once I had a glass or two look out when I got home!! Sort of a reward for moderating . . how warped it that!!! Like it didn't count if no one saw me!

                        Evielou, that is so good to hear and encouraging that it is going to click. The idea of reprogramming my brain makes perfect sense!! Rethinking social situations and reestablishing patterns!! There is hope. I already feel as if I am thinking differently!! I actually look forward to days when I will be distracted and not have the opportunity to drink rather than I used to look forward to opportunities to drink!



                          ODAT Thursday

                          Evergreen --- I do exactly that myself. Behave myself at functions now (didn't always, but you could get away with being stupid when you're younger... not so funny as a 55 year old), with the promise of a "nightcap" when I get home ... which turns into 3 or 4 Scotches .... or wine.


                            ODAT Thursday

                            Yeah you guys you're right. The "reward" is so not worth it. A habit i need to break

                            Lookin 4wd to ttomorrow

                            Luv uy'all

                            Gold xxx


                              ODAT Thursday

                              Happy Thursday ODATs,

                              I'm feeling pretty boring these days. I know that's not all bad - getting lots of work done that I didn't before (anything after 5:00 PM used to be a lost cause!). But not much excitement going on, either. Sounds like a few struggles here and there on the ODAT thread, but that is to be expected. The fact that everyone keeps coming back is a testament to our shared perseverance. Let's keep it up! And throw in some AF days there for good measure. The more we string together, the more we establish new habits. Here's to a fabulous weekend!


                              p.s. Is anyone planning to celebrate Christopher Columbus Day? Does anyone really care?

