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Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

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    Just Starting MWO and want advice and support


    I am a young female who has always been a problem drinker, but also a very functional drinker! My job right out of school was really high stress and I had to do a lot of public speaking, so I found myself sometimes needing alcohol to loosen up! I never got out of control and alcohol never interferred with my work.

    I was laid off last year due to the economic problems (nothing to do with my drinking)
    My drinking problem escalated with my days completely free and of course with the emotional blow of losing my job. It has gotten to the point where I am sick without a drink!

    Since then I have gone through detox about three times with Valium. Now I am drinking again, and taking Valium (not a lot) but I"m worried about becoming addicted to both. I do drink a lot less than I used to and have been tapering my drinking, but just can't seem to get through an entire day without several drink or a valium or sometimes both. I get extremely nauseous and I have a major phobia of vomiting (I know no one likes to but I freak out). So I feel Like I have to drink or pop a pill just to function. I hate feeling like something has that much control over me.

    I have read the book and am trying to get into the hypnotherapy. I also had my dr prescribe me topamax, but he wants me to just take 1 50 mg a night. I am also having a problem with the supplements. They make me vomit. I know my stomach is already sensitive from the alcohol wihdrawal, but everytime I take them I get sick. Has anyone else had that problem?

    So that's my story! Sorry if it's toolong. Any advice and support would be appreciated. It seems like a great community! Thanks! And good luck to everyone!!!

    Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

    lulu, it's pretty quiet around here tonight, but I'm sure you will get a lot more responses tomorrow. Sounds as if you have done considerable thinking about this, and since you have done detox a couple of times, you know something about addiction, right? So my advice is: set your goals; gather together your determination to meet those goals; and set up your life so that it can work. Get the alcohol and valium out of the house; start some different activities, do some exercise, maybe yoga, maybe meditation; work on a healthy diet; spend a lot of time here on some of the regular threads, get to know some of the people who can help support you in meeting your goals.

    Welcome, and best wishes,



      Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

      Lulu, stick with us. Let us all help you.

      I've never done the valium route. But I was a daytime drinker for the last few years. I definitely know what it's like to be sick every morning. To be sick until I had my first strong drink, usually at 6am before work.

      IMO, this is not abnormal. This is not "weak". Don't bash yourself too much over it. The key is to stop feeling guilty about what happened in the past. It's to turn your energy into finding a new door to the future. You can't change the past. But you CAN change the future.

      I've done some reading on chemicals. You may find it useful. My current thinking is posted on this post. Caution: Long.

      On Pills making you sick. Here's what really works for me. 2 Kudzu, 2 L-Glut, 2 St Johns Wort, Morning, 3pm and Evening. For stress 1 Valerian in morning and 3pm or so. For sleep 1 Serotonin 3g before bed, and one more if I wake up at 2am. Since I've gotten on this program my stomach has been MUCH better, even on AL days as well as AF days.

      Good luck. We are all here for you. You are already on the road to opening a new door. Let's do it together.


        Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

        Hello Lulu and welcome!!

        I'm sorry you are struggling and I wish I had some wonderful words of advice. Others here write much better than I. What I can tell you is this place is wonderful. Stick around, we are all here to help.

        On the cd's I know they are a little hard to get used to, but for me they have truly been the key.
        As for the supps, some are capsule form so I wonder if mixing them into a smoothie or something might help?

        Sending you good wishes :h
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

          just wanted to say welcome again we meet in chat and it was nice to get to know you...
          you can do this good luck stay strong and think positive
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

            Hi Lulu,

            I'm pretty new too, but have found so much support here. This is the right place if you want support. No one is perfect, and everyone will feel they have made mistakes. Stay with us and keep posting. I didn't at first - I was really nervous, but everyone here is really nice!
            You've found the right place and I think "we" can help you.
            Stay stong!


              Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

              Welcome Lulu
              I hope that you find this to be as wonderful place as I have. I have be through pretty horrible detox a few times myself. I highly recommend that u stop the alcohol and then taper off of the valium. You probably already know that that is a double whammy to the system and may cause seizures. It sounds like you have a good plan in place. I wish you well as you begin your journey. The first step is up to you. Please let us know of your progress.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

                Welcome Lulu,

                I too Topa for 3 months, with great success. Yip I also used to feel like the supps were chewing away at my insides but soon realised that if I ate something small, it settled my tummy.

                All the best on your journey.
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

                  Hi Lulu
                  I think that sometime putting something small and soothing into your stomach just before you take the pills can help with the nausea. Also maybe consider something for gastritis... after a long time drinking AL we can get very irritated stomachs!
                  I have found that having a list of things to "do instead" can help to distract you from drinking at times (it's not the whole answer, but just one more little thing to add to help out)
                  I actually made a list and try to do something else, and have put that list right where I can see it on the fridge.. things like have a bath, read something, do some cooking, even chores, music, chew gum, call my mother (that's a goodie), now that I have this forum, I tune in to MWO too.
                  Maybe you could make a similar list?
                  Please keep tuning in!
                  It's Time


                    Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

                    Hey hun.
                    I'm sooo sorry to hear you've had such a rough time.
                    My only advice to you is get out of the house, keep busy, get rid of all the drink in you house and NEVER drink and take valium at the same time. It's deadly stuff. Try just detox and hopefully the throwing up will stop. It never will if you keep drinking to stop throwing up. You're in a vicious circle and you need to get out of it now. I know it's horrible but keep close to your doctor, DO NOT DRINK and just take a valum when needed. Once the thowing up has stoped, half the valium and come of it slowly.

                    You're in a great place. We're all here for you. You can do this! Keep posting! Take care! XXX


                      Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

                      Lulu, I'm pretty new here too. You can do this. I have found that I really like the live chat. Sounds like you have found that too. If you can find even one person you can talk in person with (or on the phone) I find that helps a lot too. For me it's all about being honest and seeking support. You have support on this forum! I have found awesome support here!
                      Hang in there, we are rooting for you!

                      BTW: I am concerned about the mixing AL and valium as others have expressed. Not a lecture, not judgement, but sincere concern for your safety.
                      Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                        Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

                        well you found a good site,welcom,just curious did you read the instructions on the valium,i beleive it says take with no ALCHOHOL,my dear the valium helps you with wthdrawl,actually they use it in hospitals when you have bad withdrawl symptoms,then you get weened off it slowly,and i mean slowly,you think AL is bad ,my dear ive been there several times it is not pleasnt,but you will survive,again welcom,gyco


                          Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

                          Thanks for all the replies and support! It's a lot of help! I am definitely staying away from mixing the Valium and AL, I know it'll just make life 10 x worse! I'm trying to stay away from both and so far today have been sucessful with that today!

                          Thanks for the advice with the supplements as well, I was taking them on an empty stomach so I think that's why I was gettting sick! I look forward to more being a part of this community! Thanks all!!!!


                            Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

                            Good for you, lulubell! Great start!



                              Just Starting MWO and want advice and support

                              You sound so much better than yesterday. You have received some really good advice and it seems like you are taking it. Good for you. This won't be without difficulty but you CAN do it. We'll all here to help! Kriger
                              "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu

