I am a young female who has always been a problem drinker, but also a very functional drinker! My job right out of school was really high stress and I had to do a lot of public speaking, so I found myself sometimes needing alcohol to loosen up! I never got out of control and alcohol never interferred with my work.
I was laid off last year due to the economic problems (nothing to do with my drinking)
My drinking problem escalated with my days completely free and of course with the emotional blow of losing my job. It has gotten to the point where I am sick without a drink!
Since then I have gone through detox about three times with Valium. Now I am drinking again, and taking Valium (not a lot) but I"m worried about becoming addicted to both. I do drink a lot less than I used to and have been tapering my drinking, but just can't seem to get through an entire day without several drink or a valium or sometimes both. I get extremely nauseous and I have a major phobia of vomiting (I know no one likes to but I freak out). So I feel Like I have to drink or pop a pill just to function. I hate feeling like something has that much control over me.
I have read the book and am trying to get into the hypnotherapy. I also had my dr prescribe me topamax, but he wants me to just take 1 50 mg a night. I am also having a problem with the supplements. They make me vomit. I know my stomach is already sensitive from the alcohol wihdrawal, but everytime I take them I get sick. Has anyone else had that problem?
So that's my story! Sorry if it's toolong. Any advice and support would be appreciated. It seems like a great community! Thanks! And good luck to everyone!!!