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Weak and low

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    Weak and low

    :upset: Hi everyone.
    Today is my 11th day AF and i feel like i've hit a brickk wall. The cravings are STILL not letting up and i'm just thinking i can't get through today and tomorrow is going to be the same struggle. It's not getting any easier. I'm aware why i wanted to stop drinking but come on... it's meant to ge easier surely! I know that if i drink i'll never kick these cravings and feelings but i just feel that i've hit the brick wall and i can't move on. I'm being strong but i just can't see how i can get through the day. The hours and minutes are going so slow. Sorry for the moaning. I'm just finding it hard.

    Weak and low

    Give it time michelle. I found the second week very difficult. I think alot of people do. Try to keep yourself busy yes I know that is hard. But it is worth it. Dont let your head engage in wobbly thoughts. You can do this, you know you can. Try writing down all the worst things you did while drunk, try remembering how you felt, read some old posts you have written when you have been at rock bottom. Motivate yourself to keep going. You CAN do this if you want to.
    Take care
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Weak and low

      You can do it!!

      :alfear LM, it's the IMP, huh......I'll make myself very small and you can keep me in your pocket to whisper encouragement when you need it. I'm making a list of things to do when the cravings, exercise/dance, meditate, listen to an inspirational CD, qigong (very helpful), talk to a friend, come to the Forum, etc. I remember something about HALT.....cravings are worse when we're hungry, angry, lonely, or I'm big into self care.

      This is hard isn't it. I'm trying to think of it differently...something like...instead of giving up something I'm replacing it with other things I enjoy. I've gone 2 months AF several times and felt wonderful. It's worth sticking out....even though I'm not the poster girl for being AF. Big hugs, Gaia


        Weak and low

        Everytime you feel like this, look at your little baby and think of what kind of life alcohol will bring for her.

        I think you would be surprised at how well this works.

        Stay strong.


          Weak and low

          Thinking of you & hoping tomorrow is a better day



            Weak and low

            Try for find a project to do to divert your attention away from your current thoughts...take a walk, bake a cake, go shopping, read a good book, get involved in a cleaning project at anything that will take your attention away from AL. Think about how much better your body feels for being without the poison....think about how clearly you can think. This journey is not a bed of roses but with some positive thinking your days can be less torchurous for you. I hope you are able to get past this, LM because there are better days ahead....
            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


              Weak and low

              Hi Lil
              Yes the beginning is very hard view it as the hardest thing you will do in your life and it will put it in perspective.I was told by other members that it would get easier and I couldn't believe them.I would come here when ever I had the craving or felt a trigger at work and the support helped me overcome it.Yes it will get easier I am 5 months AF and the cravings have left. al grip on me has weakened as time goes on . My lifestyle changes have enabled me to live a sober life.I will not let my guard down but it is as if I was a non drinker and this is after over 35 years of al in my life to different degrees. The first 10 days the hardest then a little easing up --- but you can't ---.Fight as hard as the first day.Don't let the al fool you into just one .Educate yourself look at other programs for tools that you can use in your fight.Stay strong you are a member of our team and we need as many AF to help the people deal with day one which you have dealt with.

              Stay Strong and Keep Fighting
              AF 5-16-08
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              AF 5-16-08


                Weak and low

                Look at the bright side Michelle. If you make it through day 11 and 12, then you won't have to do them again! Haha. I'm rooting for ya!


                  Weak and low

                  HI ALL... IT'S ME AGAIN

                  Boss Man Very true! That's how i've been thinking.

                  It's hard and i can not tell people how hard and how much i've wanted to scream and pull my hair out over the craving and voices in my head... IF i drink today, i'll be back here all over again in another 11 days... I don't think i can handle going through all this again. ANYWAY, i've taken MANY calms and i'm feeling much better so the DRINK LOST! I am honestly trying soooooooooooooooooo hard to make it to 30 days. I cried so much today not because of the cravings but because i was so scared i'd give in and drink. I even went to the shop but walked out with anything and everything APART from drink. I just couldn't do it to my daughter, my husband and me. I'm going to have dinner now, a take away cause i've earned it for being soo strong, i'm going to over eat and watch a movie with my hubby SOBER!
                  So for all those who find it hard.... You're not alone!

                  Love you all


                    Weak and low

                    Good for you LM!!!!



                      Weak and low

                      Great new Michelle! I knew you could do it....
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Weak and low

                        Good job LilM,

                        Eating always helps me. Even in the worst of my drinking days, a full belly made it much easier to turn down a drink (which I rarely did). Now, it gives me the boost I need to get through a challenge. Keep at it - everytime you win, you add more than notches to your belt. You add a new layer of freedom and hope - don't let it go!



                          Weak and low

                          believe me i did it cold turkey without anyone here to help me .. when i first start this fight again al ..
                          and it took alot of willpower and just knowing ..i wanted to change .. you can do this yes it not easy but in life nothing worth doing ever is ..just do your best stay busy come here and post your thought ,go in to chat . do what ever it takes to get where you want to be in life and it sound to me that you want it really bad to stay sober .. and use those feeling to write talk read and learn ,, and there are alot of other thing you can try.. go to AA meeting in your area .. anything to not drink .. stay strong and think positive
                          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                            Weak and low

                            Hey LM, how are you doing today?

                            Hang in there!
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              Weak and low

                              Hi everyone!
                              I'm doing much better today. Still wanted to drink. Very tempted to buy a bottle but i'm not going to. I'm not giving into this. I've worked soooo hard to make it 12 days and i'm not throwing it all in for a drink. It'll not help me, it'll make me feel crap, it'll keep me awake at night while i hate myself for drinking and then i'll be back to square one with the cravings and all. I can't go through all that again. Not right now. PLUS, my 30 days landing on my baby girls birthday just makes it soo worth it. I'm going to make her proud and celebrate with her.

                              Thanks you everyone support! Love you allXXX

