In completing RJ's MWO book, there is a line that stands out to me, "Prepare to change your life." She goes on to say that the word "prepare" is key here. She recommends that you gather all your supplies together before you start. Gather up all your material supplies (book, cds, meds, supps) and gather your psychological supplies (your courage, your support system, your motivation...), and incorporate all the pieces for the greatest success.
I thought about this as I have experience cooking projects. I find my recipe for let?s say stir fry (yummy!). I have made stir fry many times and have tried both of the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: I start chopping the veggies. When the onions are ready I throw them into the wok. As I start to chop other veggies I realize I haven?t started the rice yet. I start the rice, the onions are now burning and the other veggies are not even ready to go in the wok yet. I quickly get some other veggies ready, throw them in, stir it all up, put in all the spices, and in my chaotic mess, decide that the dish will be just fine if I use everything but the soy sauce, so I leave it out. Now the stir fry mix is ready but I have to let it simmer because the rice is still cooking (stir fry is not meant to simmer). When it?s time to eat I?m frustrated because it didn?t go like I thought it would and the meal tastes ?ok? but seems like something is missing.
Scenario 2: I gather all my ingredients. I make a plan which includes starting the rice first since it will take the longest to prepare. I chop all the veggies, measure out all the spices (and the soy sauce). Then I add the veggies, spices, and soy sauce to the wok in an organize manner. When it is done the rice is ready to go, I have a tasty meal, and I feel successful and happy with the results.
Trust me, I like Scenario 2 best and try to plan all my cooking projects this way now.
Back to the MWO program. I started out piecemeal: started reading and posting here, got the kudzu (which is amazing for me!), ordered the book, read the book, ordered the cd set, and plan to purchase the remaining supplements later today. In the mean time I have had some drinks, and have had some AF days. And I feel good about what I've done so far. I?ve been sampling the ingredients but I didn?t have the complete ?recipe? yet. I now have the recipe and realize that each piece I have sampled to date is preparing me "to change [my] life".
I have been thinking that I will try this program without the topamax. Now that I have read the entire book, however, I have changed my mind about that. Who knows, the topamax may be my ?soy sauce?. Without it, I may not attain the final result I so desperately want and that would frustrate me.
After reading the entire book, I believe that if I truly want the full benefit of this program I need to include all the ingredients. Thanks to RJ for sharing this ?recipe? with us.
