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Roberta's recipe

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    Roberta's recipe

    There are a couple great threads going right now with a similar theme, work the program. I posted the message below on one of them and later decided I should start a new thread with it. I know I'm fairly new, but I think it is really important that we work the entire program. So here it is:

    In completing RJ's MWO book, there is a line that stands out to me, "Prepare to change your life." She goes on to say that the word "prepare" is key here. She recommends that you gather all your supplies together before you start. Gather up all your material supplies (book, cds, meds, supps) and gather your psychological supplies (your courage, your support system, your motivation...), and incorporate all the pieces for the greatest success.

    I thought about this as I have experience cooking projects. I find my recipe for let?s say stir fry (yummy!). I have made stir fry many times and have tried both of the following scenarios:
    Scenario 1: I start chopping the veggies. When the onions are ready I throw them into the wok. As I start to chop other veggies I realize I haven?t started the rice yet. I start the rice, the onions are now burning and the other veggies are not even ready to go in the wok yet. I quickly get some other veggies ready, throw them in, stir it all up, put in all the spices, and in my chaotic mess, decide that the dish will be just fine if I use everything but the soy sauce, so I leave it out. Now the stir fry mix is ready but I have to let it simmer because the rice is still cooking (stir fry is not meant to simmer). When it?s time to eat I?m frustrated because it didn?t go like I thought it would and the meal tastes ?ok? but seems like something is missing.
    Scenario 2: I gather all my ingredients. I make a plan which includes starting the rice first since it will take the longest to prepare. I chop all the veggies, measure out all the spices (and the soy sauce). Then I add the veggies, spices, and soy sauce to the wok in an organize manner. When it is done the rice is ready to go, I have a tasty meal, and I feel successful and happy with the results.
    Trust me, I like Scenario 2 best and try to plan all my cooking projects this way now.

    Back to the MWO program. I started out piecemeal: started reading and posting here, got the kudzu (which is amazing for me!), ordered the book, read the book, ordered the cd set, and plan to purchase the remaining supplements later today. In the mean time I have had some drinks, and have had some AF days. And I feel good about what I've done so far. I?ve been sampling the ingredients but I didn?t have the complete ?recipe? yet. I now have the recipe and realize that each piece I have sampled to date is preparing me "to change [my] life".

    I have been thinking that I will try this program without the topamax. Now that I have read the entire book, however, I have changed my mind about that. Who knows, the topamax may be my ?soy sauce?. Without it, I may not attain the final result I so desperately want and that would frustrate me.

    After reading the entire book, I believe that if I truly want the full benefit of this program I need to include all the ingredients. Thanks to RJ for sharing this ?recipe? with us.

    Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic

    Roberta's recipe

    Nice post, Peri! I have noticed that WAY too people seem to come here and think that MWO is entirely about the forum, or bulletin board, here. They don't seem to pay attention to the FAQ's, the introductory messages, on the website, (not to mention the book!), etc., and just kind of charge in and "try to" stop drinking, or "try to mod" or whatever, without really using a coherent plan based on the MWO program.

    I hope a lot of newbies read this post.... well, maybe some old-bies, too!



      Roberta's recipe

      Thanks for the reminder Periwinkle!

      I read the book about 2 years ago and immediately ordered the Topa and some supps. I found I couldn't take the Topa, and the supps don't seem to do too much for me, so I kind off forgot about the program, and continue to muddle through trying anything I can really.

      I am going to re-read the book as even without the Topa, there is a lot of good tips and wisdom to be found there.


        Roberta's recipe

        Hi Peri, I read the book and chose the supps that I thought would help me which luckily for me they do (Kudzu, lglut, gaba, true calm and all one) and use the support here. Without all these elements I know I would never have got where I have today.
        You sound like you are getting results and thats great!
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Roberta's recipe

          Marbella, I encourage you to work with the supps a bit. I think they work differently for different people. I started out taking some arbitrarily, and then I ran out here or there. I don't feel Gaba or L-Glut does a lot for me. But Kudzu, which I initially passed off as unimportant, turned out to be the key. And I'm still taking L-Glut because I ran out last week, and after a miserable 2 days I figured I better go back on. So maybe it does more than I think.

          Part of this is mental. But part of it is physically allowing your body to heal without AL in the systems. I think the supps help a lot in this regard.


            Roberta's recipe

            I was wondering that Boss- if I should stick with it more conscientiously even if I don't immediately notice the effects.

            How much L-glut do you take? I read elsewhere you are taking 2 Kudzu 3 times a day?


              Roberta's recipe

              Excellent post Periwinkle! So many people come to MWO for help, but that is hard to do with mere keystrokes. The program is everything. I think perhaps our welcoming responses should include a directive to read your post! Keep up the good work - and by the way, can I come to your house for stir-fry? I used to make it (under plan #2, of course) but it never tasted all that great. Hubby finally had to ask me not to prepare it any more! Oh well, my skills lie in other areas . . .



                Roberta's recipe

                Right, I'm cooking a stir-fry for dinner....and I'm chopping all my veggies up first...
                Oh, great post about the programme also - I agree


                  Roberta's recipe

                  Thanks for all the replies!

                  Vera you can come for stir fry any time you want! Like anything it just takes practice. The trick for me was learning to get the wok really hot.

                  I hope I didn't offend anyone with this thread. I do understand and believe the program to be customizable for our individual needs. I know that some are alergic to certain things and other's can't tollerate some of the products. (I guess that could be said about stir fry too.)

                  I truly want the best for all of us. :h I know that is different for some of us but I hope that everyone gives themselves every advantage the program offers.

                  Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                    Roberta's recipe

                    Wonderful Post Peri!!

                    When I started the program it was also in a disorganised, sloppy manner.... forgot to read the end of the book I was so focused on Topa being my cure pill!!

                    Like Boss mentioned, I feel the supps are an essential part of my program and have felt a huge difference on them. I do take the GABA, it is also great for PMS symptoms which might explain why it didn't have a huge effect on Boss (chuckle).

                    I take 5g of L-Glut powder mixed into a bit of water - hit's the spot straight away!

                    BTW I was planning on doing a chicken stir fry for dinner, which I suck at making and now you've reminded me why LOL!! I loved the analogy!
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      Roberta's recipe

                      Peri, what a fantastic post!!! Huge pats on the back for you!!

                      I wouldn't worry about offending anyone if I were you. Your post obviously comes from the heart and you seem very caring and supportive of others. You are a great addition to this site. Great job!

                      Thank you.

                      Love, Me
                      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                        Roberta's recipe

                        Thanks for all your replies!

                        Thanks for the support and pats on the back. I can't wait until I get the cds and the tmax. I have everything else ready and waiting.

                        I am crumbling today though. The tension on some of the posts today has me in a bad place. I would never have posted a single comment on this forum if today was my first day here and I had read some of the posts. My very first post included a plea to please be kind in your replies. And everyone was and has been. But just reading some of what was going on I wanted to hide today. But I have come to rely on this forum for support so I keep checking in all day hoping for a ray of light somewhere.

                        To make matters worse, my mom and dad called to tell me they will be in the area this evening so I invited them to dinner. Well my mom and I love to drink wine or margaritas together and while I haven't completely stopped drinking yet, I'm on edge about it. The other thing is that I actually did go buy all my favorite ingredients in anticipation of cooking stir fry tonight (made myself hungry for it)! Wouldn't you know it! My dad can't tolerate spicy food. I don't do non-spicy stir fry so I need a new plan!

                        I have realized something powerful about myself today. I have wanted to drink since about 9 am, which was shortly after I caught up on the major theme of this morning's forum. As a child I "hid" in my room when there was family tension. In my adult years I tend to "hide" behind AL when I'm feeling this kind of tension. So today I've learned that stress and tension are some serious drinking triggers for me. This will be added to my list of moderation "rules" if I am able to get to that point: I cannot drink when I am feeling the stress and tension of people's issues, be they mine or someone else's.

                        I do feel a little better now that I mustered up the courage to vent.

                        periwinkle :sigh:
                        Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                          Roberta's recipe

                          I'd also like to add that I'm not judging what was said by any one, their "rights" on this forum, or anything like that. It is just where I am today and what I learned about myself in the process.
                          Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                            Roberta's recipe

                            Those are some good insights for you today, Peri! Even at the cost of what felt like unpleasantness in some posts... good things to become aware of. And it's best not to over-idealize this forum, there are a LOT of cracks and flaws, but if you can tolerate that fact, and focus on the positive, you will continue to find that it is VERY helpful!



                              Roberta's recipe

                              I'm feeling much better today!

                              WIP thanks for the encouragement. Dinner went fine with mom and dad and we had a good visit. My mom and I had 1 margarita each (I made them and I actually made mine weak... very different than I would have a couple weeks ago).

                              I received word from my Dr today that he has ordered the topamax. The final "ingredient" I'm waiting for is the cds. Hope they come by the end of the week, but we did have a federal holiday yesterday.

                              I will keep you "posted".

                              Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic

