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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Eeek! Where'd the weekend go?

    Working at he music festival was fun. Saw lots of friends I hadn't seen in a while. Everyone commented on how small I am. I was quite up front and said I found I needed to change some things and quit drinking, changed the way I ate and was divorcing my husband. Kinda gets it right out there in the open doesn't it? :H I worked the bar at the hospitality tent for a bit and sold CDs with the performing artists and was offered many beers, etc. but had no problem with it. Just happy with my water. Observed some REALLY drunk people.

    Yesterday I packed hubby's clothes in boxes and taped them up and labled them and moved them to a storage shed behind the office. It felt good and bad at the same time. He said it would have been easier for him to just come and get what he needed when he needed it. Typical. I don't recall volunteering to be his closet.

    Tonight is a Trout Unlimited chapeter meeting. I've not been to one and I hope to meet some people to fly fish with.

    Have a great, productive kickoff to a fantastic week!! :l
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Tuesday

    where did monday go us on the other thread
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      ODAT - Tuesday

      sound like you are doing great green... good to hear ..PS WE ARE IN MONDAY RIGHTor did i lose a day somewhere
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Have a great ODAT, friends. Had one day AF yesterday and feel good today.
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Is this the right day Im sooooooooooo confused. Any way all the best to all the od @ timers Tuesday here in OZ. Greenie fly fishing I love but its SNAPPER time here on Port Phillip Bay Landed 3 nice pinkies pan sized snapper YUMMMMMMMMMMMM on the barby with a side greek salad!!!!! I LOVE SPRING
          All the best fellow odaters with that every day determination it all adds up to happiness.
          XXOO Cap


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Guess we'll continue this thread now?

            AF yesterday. Had great night's sleep last night! That always starts the day off right.

            Day 2... is beginning.

            Whatever your day (if you're even counting!) - make it a Great one, ODATers!!
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Hi ODATers,

              Greenie, been thinking of you!! You sound great!! I wish stopping the al would make me smaller - has not done much as of yet but maybe it will come as I have been exercising more. It is interesting now to go to those events and not be drinking. It makes me wonder did I really act like that!! You sound good. I agree . . closet, I think not! He should be glad they are in storage . . . . without a match! Sorry, being a little catty . . . meow!!

              Happy Monday/Tuesday Captain, becoming me, tlrgs and akgirl!



                ODAT - Tuesday

                Good day all

                I hope it IS tuesday today because I'm joining a book club this evening & have been looking forward to it. Hoping to keep busy today - lots to catch up on

                Keep well friends


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  It is officially Tuesday!

                  The bottom right corner of my computer says so!

                  The trout meeting had a low attendance, possibly due to the state fair being this week. I enjoyed it though. I was in a rush and left home w/out dinner and was happy to see it was catered for $5 a person. They had two good slide shows of members' trips out west (some places I had been to) - very good presentations. Met some nice folks and learned about the chapter trips. I haven't signed up for any yet because I don't know what my next job will be and how flexible it may be in terms of time off. Really though, I think I was sort of commitment-shy for some reason. Maybe because they were overnighters and all the names of people signed up were men. (Actually, that might be a GOOD thing :H). I did sign up as "seriously interested" for the planning aspect of a trip to a river in Tennessee that I really like. I can always sign up for some others next month - there are two I'm interested in. The trips are really a good deal.

                  Maybe I'll go to the fair tonight and eat all that good-for-you food. The weather is perfect. I've never been to the fair completely sober.

                  Have a good Monday (just kidding :H).
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA what day is it!!!!!!!!!! Bessie please come back (if its me Ill leave) but please come back the odaters need some one with a reliable calendarHAAAA


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Capt!!!! She's as bad as I am!!!!! Where the heck is she?
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        I dont know greenie what happened to my last post Im going crazy .. dear Bessie we need you!!!!!! just a little post..... a teeny weenie little tweeny post about something from Bessies world any thing happy to hear about the pigs copulation or the chickens constapation . We all miss ya Bess


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          Good day everyone --- yes, it would be nice to hear from Bessie ---- just a little post to let us know she's okay. There could be a thousand reasons why she's not ... broken computer, all her critters keeping her very busy, etc. etc. .... but it would be reasuirng to hear from her.

                          Savon --- another day 2 for me to and hoping for a good run of AF.

                          Captn .... I so wish we were going into Spring! .... although our fall right now has been spectacular ... even nicer than our summer was. I remember catching a snapper off the coast of N.Z. while out for a 10 day sail with my friends and their family. We had a spectacular fish and scallop fry and a memory I'll never forget!

                          Everyone sounds positive and energetic ... let's carry that through the week! Have a good one!


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            GM OTATers,

                            Greetings from the frozen north! I am happy (and amazed) to report Day 6!! I have to admit, I wasn't sure I could do it, a little tiny part of me didn't want to let AL go. I enjoyed my wine with dinner ya know? But right now I do not miss him at all.

                            You all sound good, hope you have a wonderful day!! :l

                            Happy to be an OTADer!
                            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                              ODAT - Tuesday

                              AK you are the best!!!!!!!!! keep going it just gets better!!!!!!

