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A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

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    A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

    What a beautiful picture!
    Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
    Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
    For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


      A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.


      Thanks for your post. I am still drinking too and really want to moderate but not sure I can. I'm tired of feeling like crap the next day. I know my kids can tell even though I try to hide my glass. I have a wonderful husband who wants me to moderate or just go a couple (or more) days a week being AF. The problem is I dont want to completly stop. All I can think about is getting that know? Will check back latter. I'm hoping these forums will help


        A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

        Life is so pretty....... Let's look forward to that and work towards are life to live within that ! IAD.
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

          Back to the title of the thread

          I believe that for many of us, drinking is a continuum, or a bell curve (not sure which is the better analogy). Some people put down the bottle one day and never pick it up again. However, that doesn't seem to be the case with most of us. Some of us stop cold turkeyfor awhile, then go right back to where they were - or worse. Some have success with AF for awhile, then are able to mod. Some quit, them mod, then it gets out of hand again. We are all different, but we are all at MWO for the same reason -- because we are looking for a solution to a problem that we recognize with AL. People's solutions, and paths, may be different, as we are all individuals. But I hope we can respect each other's solutions.

          I think the different threads (monthly abs, long term abs, monthly mod, long term mod, just starting, etc.) are geared toward where we are generally headed -- or are today -- or maybe both. I think I understand Chelle's rationale for starting this thread, but I do believe that this site ought to be safe for everyone, no matter where they are on their journey. Many people find this site because (or while) they are drinking, because they are looking for solutions. If I found a site that said "Welcome. Stop drinking, then you can come back," then how would that help? I think that is how some people feel about AA.

          All that said, I think we all recognize that MWO should not be party central. I will say that chat can get a little difficult at times; there is a different dynamic to chat which is more temporary, and chat is busier in the evening.

          I hope this does not offend anyone, but helps to bring groups together, rather than divide us.

          All the best to everyone in their journey,


            A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

            Thank You. IAD! Trying to get the hang of this...(the computer stuff that is). If you look under "Just starting out you should see my story. Let me know if you got it!


              A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

              CS04;440342 wrote:
              Many people find this site because (or while) they are drinking, because they are looking for solutions. If I found a site that said "Welcome. Stop drinking, then you can come back," then how would that help? I think that is how some people feel about AA.

              Thanks CS- I think that sums it up nicely- I don't usually post while drinking because I tend to do my drinking outside the house, but that is not the scenario for everyone.

              After all, if everybody could just 'stop drinking' there would not be much of a problem, would there?

              Most people when we come here, cannot just 'stop drinking'.


                A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

                Marbella, exactly. It is a process, and a difficult one. (whether is it quitting drinking, or changing habits of any sort.)


                  A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

                  Autumn08......RJ can help.......Read the book try the supps. they can help your cravings. Then there is the support ! Can't beat it here ! So many people from all over the world ! I've been to AA....not downing them but they have this one course.....maybe you might not be very comfortable with that. Here you have a can be Alcohol Free or Moderate ! It's up to you ! Just don't fool yourself ! IAD.
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

                    Oh hips......we all make mistakes.........there is no such thing as a perfect parent, male or female.

                    No, it`s not in the best interests of the child to have to go through the legal system to gain access to your own child, but if Sal won`t be reasonable about allowing you to spend time with your wee girl.........what else can you do but go through the legal channels??!!!

                    O.K., you have a history of drug and alcohol abuse.........not perhaps what the courts are ideally looking for in a guy who`s seeking access to his child, BUT!!!!! as long as you can prove that you`ve cleaned up your act.........involve the help of your G.P.........blood tests would help to prove that you`re free of drugs and court in the land would refuse you access, even if that access has to be supervised initially.......not ideal, but it`s a start, right?

                    Whatever you do........don`t let this situation get you down to such an extent that you go on a would just be playing right into Sal`s hands. And no, I am not unsympathetic to Sal either.........I understand she has a new partner and is in the early stages of pregnancy, but Sal must equally understand that you are Jas` father and love and need her in your life, just as Jas loves and needs you in her wee life.

                    I waited a full 5 hrs at the CAB today, hip.........not fun, but if you get yourself along there for their opening will get to see an adviser.........they are wonderful........well worth the wait.

                    Don`t`ll find the answer, because you want to.

                    Star x
                    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                      A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

                      Ignorant American here, what is CAB?:anyone:
                      It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                        A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

                        Citizens` Advice Bureau.

                        Is cool rachelita........I`m always asking for translations from around the globe!! :H

                        Noo whersma moose??? LMAO

                        Star x
                        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                          A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

                          one2many;440459 wrote: I think it is Citizens Advice Bereau....
                          Why do people go there? Alcohol and drug treatment?


                            A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

                            I know its hard right now but I can promise you one thing you will not lose your daughter. It is almost impossible to break a father daughter bond like you have. Blood is thicker than water. Dont even worry about Daddy Ritchie - thats all bullshit dont even worry about it. Your are her Dad and nothing can ever change that. You just need to stay calm and focused and keep doing what you are doing being a great dad to Jasmine and get your access confirmed legally as soon as possible. Everyone has got problems as we well know and if only perfect people got to parent the world would be full of orphans. Thinking of you.


                              A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

                              A Work in Progress;440462 wrote: Why do people go there? Alcohol and drug treatment?
                              My next question exactly.
                              It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                                A Safe Place for those of us still drinking to post.

                                ha ha no its for free legal or similar type of advice. You might even get a cup of tea and a dry biscuit if you are lucky but no rehab!

