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    can anyone help me? I received the 4 CD's with the hypnotic CD, the Cleansing CD, the Subliminal CD and the Sleep CD. I am alittle confused about them. The Hypnotic CD puts me to sleep every time I listen to it, Is it still helping me if I am asleep? The clearing CD talks about the reverse side of the CD but there is no reverse side. Am I suppose to reverse my thinking not reverse the CD? I feel like a dope, because I am not sure what to do. Can anyone make a suggestion? thanks.



    A lot of people fall asleep during CDs. You can do them sitting upright to help stay awake. Supposedy they work if you are in a sleepy state, if you lose consciousness, but you are supposed to wake up right at the end. If not you are prob just asleep.

    About the other side, I think those CDs were probably originally on tape and probably then you had to turn the tapes over. I always just went to the next item on the CD.



      Check the schedule of CDs that is outlined in RJ's book. The Clearing CD is 1st, then you listen to the next one, I think Hypnotic. You don't flip the CD over. Clearing prepares you for the next CD or "level." It i supposed to clear your mind and make you really ready for the Hypnotic to work.

      However, I don't think you need to be super strict on the order of the CDs. It is hard to schedule them with work and family. But I could be wrong on this. You may want to re-post your questions specifically mentioning CDs so you get sufficient responses.

      Good luck and I hope they help! There have been lots of comments here about the CDs so feel free to share.

