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Starting over - once more time

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    Starting over - once more time

    Hi everyone. I was posting on these threads months ago, since then I have let my life get away from me, spent the last many months in an alcoholic stupor.

    Today is the first day of sobriety for me, and this time I am trying it with Antabuse. I absolutely KNOW that I cannot do this without help, I have tried the supp's and the CD's and they didn't seem to even make the slightest dent in my cravings for alcohol. I just drank and drank anyway, but with the Antabuse it will take the choice right out of my hands.

    I have just gotten separated and am 2 weeks into a new life of freedom, and do not want to have alcohol ruin my chance at happiness. I am feeling a little like a fish out of water, suddenly my nights seem to drag on and on because I no longer have my drinking buddy to fight with all night long.

    I could use some help with getting me through the first 30 days, is there anyone else out there on Day 1?

    Starting over - once more time

    Hello Angeleyes, I am not on day one but somedays its feels that way. Just wanted to say hello and wish you all the strength and happiness you need. The evenings do get easier, you really have to make an effort to remember or find something you enjoy doing to occupy that time. Very best to you.


      Starting over - once more time

      Angel, I'm only on Day 5, so I'll be with you. Definitely hear you on those long nights. I don't think I slept more than an hour last night.


        Starting over - once more time

        Hi and Welcome Back Angel
        I am glad that you have Antabuse on board now. I wish I could take that. I am hoping to start on Topa soon. I can't even seem to hit the 30 day mark anymore. I must do something to change that. The important thing is that we NEVER GIVE UP!!!
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Starting over - once more time

          Hi Angel Eyes!

          I am currently taking AB right now and have been AF for 10 full days. I take it in the morning with my vitamin when I am feeling good and proud to be hangover free! For the time being, I can't moderate, too much shit and stress in my life right now. I need to face it sober and strong. Once you get past a certain point ( and its a little different for everyone ) , it does get easier!! I am trying to look forward to other things in my life right now besides the drink and that helps when I start to crave. But knowing I absolutely can't have it even if it's under my nose makes a world of difference! Unfortunately though, I can get very crabby when there seems to be nothing else that I want than a cold beer! (Which turns into 8 or 9 in the end!:upset My poor family!

          Good luck and PM me if you have any questions!

