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How many women/girls/ ladies here?

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    How many women/girls/ ladies here?

    I am a girl!!! and single mom of 3 kids


      How many women/girls/ ladies here?

      I'm a 30 year old woman with 2 young children...happily married, and getting better everyday. Welcome here.


        How many women/girls/ ladies here?

        I'm female 45, (eek) married 19 yrs. Three children 16, 13, 8.....Have everything going for me all the more reason to stop drinking before I mess everything up!



          How many women/girls/ ladies here?

          Female, 34 years old, one son who is 13 and three quarters (for some reason that's important!) Two Samoyeds, a long suffering fiance who seems to love the odd socks off me (cant seem to find two matching socks on a morn) and a filthy wine habit...
          That's me in a nutshell... or case
          ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


            How many women/girls/ ladies here?

            Mom of 3 daughters, 10, 8, and Ontario, Canada....
            AF July 6 2014


              How many women/girls/ ladies here?

              akmom;442417 wrote: 17-g, 14-g, 12-g, 7-g, 5-b & 3-g
              SIX KIDS??!!! WOW!
              AF July 6 2014


                How many women/girls/ ladies here?

                40 year old mother of 3 - Welcome aboard!:h
                You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                  How many women/girls/ ladies here?

                  hi I'm raineyjane,42 seperated, mommy to 5 little fur babies, 10, 9, 6,6 and 6. going on day 3 in intensive outpaicient rehab. It is going really well! Hope to talk with you soon!


                    How many women/girls/ ladies here?

                    Aloha! I'm 51 and hot all the time (no, not in the sexy way)
                    Two kids 21 and 18 and am now an empty nester as they have left for college. Can I really walk through the house naked now? I can now drink with out hiding...not a good thing as it tends to creep up in quantities. My husband loves me to the point of almost smothering, but I love him too, just not as much...


                      How many women/girls/ ladies here?

                      Hi everyone
                      Well ...yes I'm a girl least I wish I was!
                      I guess being 40 means you are no longer!
                      I'm married and I have a 9 year old Son.
                      We live in a seaside town in Western Australia.
                      I work as a dental hygienist - the person everyone
                      "loves to hate" lol. Nice to meet you all.


                        How many women/girls/ ladies here?

                        oh must make a dental appointment, one of those things I always forget because I hate trips to the dentist.

                        What a lovely friendly bunch you all are, thanks for the welcomes and the tips.
                        I am glad that I found here, I don't know about you lot but I was doing loads of searches for help on the net. I knew I was a problem drinker, but hated having to go to the doctor about it. I would be too embarrassed, which is very stupid because I embarrassed myself more when drunk. I had this thought that I was the only one, other women are far too disiplined to get into this pickle.... so delighted ( I mean that in the best possible way) to see other women with the same problem as me.
                        I have a husband that loves me to bits, I think I hid my drinking fairly well from him, altough when I would get drunk he would give me a curt telling off, short and grumpy type telling off, but I don't think he realises that I know I have a problem, or that I have a problem, last night he came in from work, and had two cans of Budweiser with him, said " want a beer before dinner?". He can have one beer, or a half beer, but me I have to go buy more, then hide it so he thinks I got smashed on one can..... ( god can't believe I am owning up to doing that) ...... so I said no, I won't have a beer tonight, and didnt.... he had his can, then unusuall for him was watching a movie and drank the second one ... I just want to not drink for at least 60 days to check and see if I can do it, if I find it hard then its off to the doctor with me, and really stick in here and listen to the wise words of the mwo posters.


                          How many women/girls/ ladies here?

                          Hi all. just wondering if anyone could recommend a website to meet chic's? G.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            How many women/girls/ ladies here?

                            maybe you could start an intorduction site here?


                              How many women/girls/ ladies here?

                              Hi all,

                              I am a ''girl'' (refuse to think older) of 46 with a husband and 3 girls 19,18 and 13. AKmom this is me tipping my hat to you!!! WOW!

                              Married women not drink . . . . LOL . . . I think those figures must have come from a single woman or a husband who is in denial of our problem. I have a great husband who loves me and may be beginning to realize (thank god) that this could be a problem for me. Like you Mise I tend to hide what I drink. He can drink one or 2 beers on occasion and . . . . gasp . . . . . will even stop with half a bottle left.

                              Great thread and welcome to the site!!



                                How many women/girls/ ladies here?

                                Sometimes a "lady"! (Hey - that sounds odd...)

                                Was doing quite well with the AF thing. Now not so much. Need to get re-inspired.

                                Generalization: I think women are more verbal, plus I think they might be more "able" to admit they have a problem... (They HAVE been known to stop and ask for directions, after all! LOL)

                                I've been unemployed for a Long time, too long. Getting scared. Wine/AL doesn't help make problem go away, but it gives me some time with head in sand. Not good, I know.

                                Anyway, I'm here and reading.
                                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

