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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Well, I'm a half hour early my time but close enough......and since I haven't been around all week I figured I was feeling kind of ODAT"y

    so forgive me for starting at 11:45pm my time instead of 12am...

    I miss you guys! I'm sorry I haven't been around. Work has been therapist actually told me today that it was time for a mental health break.......I work in sales but I have a large area that I manage so when things go wrong it is up to me to fix or figure out a solution so we don't lose million dollar clients.........can be a little stressful at times.....
    Haven't been AF but haven't been out of control either....but need to work on some AF time......

    Oh, and the turkey soup was good! apparently we have a lot of Canadians on this thread right now that had thanksgiving last weekend - me too! Lots of yummy turkey soup to keep me going!

    I'm sorry I haven't been around for encouragement.....please know you guys can always PM me or Bessie too - she is busy like me.......we love you all and hope you are doing well.........

    always the ODAT gals!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Friday

    Well it's Friday here now and I'm off to bed shortly. Had fun at the fair. Stuffed myself and rode a few rides. Wish we'd gotten there earlier, I would have liked to look at more exhibits. The amature and school age art was pretty amazing. Never did get around to cutting the grass - maybe this afternoon. I want to look at some gas logs today. The way hubby is spending money he doesn't have - it makes me not give a s**t what the judge said about me not being allowed to spend mine. Then on the other hand, you don't want to piss off the judge. Grrrr...... I'll figure something out, you just watch!

    Have a good weekend and stick to your plan or no ice cream for you!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Friday

      Is it Friday already.....It's off to bed. IAD.
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        ODAT - Friday

        hie everyone.
        its friday morning here in kenya, looks beatifull expecially now that its raining, on my way to bring our livestock back home after along migration, cant wait to have enough milk ones again, more so glad my cow from croft is not dead. have a nice weekend all.


          ODAT - Friday

          Hi everyone

          I too have been extremely busy and have not got to log on as much as I would like to. Apart from one glass of wine at dinner on my daughters birthday have been AF for October. Feeling very positive and trying to get as many AF days in as I can.

          Have a great week-end everyone.



            ODAT - Friday

            Hi ,
            Talk about a crap day!!!!!!! starting to have doubts about this new job!!!!!! but only week 2 gotta keep trying... hope all have an al free weekend. Sailing Race number 2 tomorrow hoping to do better. But lately i just wanna get better at remaining sober!!! Good to hear from you Uni ,massai and all
            Lots of love Cap


              ODAT - Friday

              hi uni,hahaha your a canadian neat and yes i had turkey and a real ham mobday,haha monday and there was a mob here,was a good day,other then some arguing,but tht was fixed and im glad your bac,hope yuor job gets bit less stressful,do as i did slow down b4 it bitesssss,you gyco


                ODAT - Friday

                Hi ODATers

                AF last night and feeling sooo much better today. Had words with hubbie who said Wednesday that we wouldn't drink again until Saturday and then last night was sniffing round for wine!! He managed to cope with his witchen hour though and stuck with the fizzy water - brilliant.

                Done lots of cleaning and even more to do after lunch.

                Luv to all

                PS. Finger didn't need stitching (see Weds ODAT) thanks to all of you who sent good wishes - you're all stars!!!


                  ODAT - Friday

                  Not sure if I should be posting here...

                  This week, I had 1 small bottle of whiskey, 2 bottles of 1.5 liter wine!! BAD WEEK.

                  Just had Final glass of wine (at 8:00 AM?) left in bottle. Really disgusted at myself.

                  Going to do ODAT for rest of day. Partial ODAT??

                  Letting things get to me. Wanna hide, escape.


                  Sorry for the downer!! It's GOT to get better???????
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    ODAT - Friday



                      ODAT - Friday

                      Savon....... Put your big girl pants on right now!

                      ODAT is a good place to post. I might wonder if you posted under long term abstainenance :H. You will one day, though. what was your plan? where were your tools? It's easy to let things get to you but you know each and every one of us use it as one of our excuses. You've got to have something in place to do when you reach for that bottle or your car keys. Often if you distract for a while, it will pass. spend the money on a movie instead. go buy some lipstick or a new pair of sexy big girl panties! Get on chat. Write down how crummy you will feel if you drink. Do good tonight and this weekend! I know you've got it in you!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Friday

                        Hi All

                        Noma'am - what day?? 28??

                        Savon - I hear ya! Not too much success for me this week either. My BF came home last night with 4 bottles of wine for me, all new ones I hadn't tried yet. I didn't ask. I didn't have any in the house, so was not going to drink. He is such an enabler!!! But did I object??? Uh - no!!

                        Friday night tonight - I will swim and try to avoid the vino. Very tired after a couple real gruelling days at work. Doing a lab test, and on my feet in there for 8 hours straight. Couldn't walk by the end of the day yesterday - my poor bad foot. But that enabling BF of mine was so sweet and gave me a foot massage then filled a tub with hot water and epsom salts and made me soak my feet, bringing me wine and ciggies and my book. So - how could I resist. I asked him - you WANT me to drink, don't you!!!!!

                        I think I will try to go AF for all of November. I think I am gaining weight and really don't want that - especially before Christmas!! I will have to have a serious talk with the BF though, make sure he helps me by not bringing wine to me.

                        OK ODATers - have a fabulous friday. Enjoy the spring weather, youse guys down under! And a beautiful fall day. AK girl and mom - hope it is not too, too cold up there yet!

                        xoxo Peanut


                          ODAT - Friday

                          Hello fellow ODATers!

                          Happy Friday to all!

                          Peanut, as for the weather.....thanks for the thought, but IT IS too cold already. 8 below at my house this morning. And the worst is yet to come, it just gets darker and darker from here on out. I think the darkness bugs me more. Makes you feel like you should hibernate.

                          Okay, so this should be Day 9.....but I had 3 glasses of wine last night. (stupid leftover bottle, should have dumped it) But that makes me ask, do I really have to go back to day 1? I've had so many day ones....its discouraging. I think I will just be Day 8 -1, how's that?
                          I'm so damn happy about the week AF I am going to keep going, more determined than ever.

                          :l to all you ODATers, keep your chin up and try to perservere, we can do this!

                          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                            ODAT - Friday

                            Hi everybody,

                            Meant to log on much earlier because have been at home today on my own and it is easier to use computer but at least I've got round to it now. Nice to read all your posts. Keep well and happy all. Px
                            Short term goal 7 days AF


                              ODAT - Friday

                              Hi all ---- I messed up last night and drank. I'd fought it off successfully the night before, but I guess I just didn't have the fight in me for another night. I tried, but by 7:00 pm I was opening a bottle.
                              Disappointed, but in my twisted little mind, I figured I'd better drink last night because tonight we have a dinner party to attend and if I hadn't had any wine for 5 days I might go crazy and drink too much at the dinner and then cause some embarrassment. Does that make any sense to anyone?
                              After tonight I'll be back to AF for a good stretch.
                              I feel bloated from the drinking, but also because I had to go and get a hamburger and fries for lunch to make me feel better ... nothing like a little grease!
                              No wonder I put on so many pounds in the last few years .... from the AL and then the hangover cures!

