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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Hi, It's just all so familiar isn't it - I thought I had the only twisted little mind going! I can justify anything, I can change my mind in an instant. I had wine last night and haven't felt brilliant today but I know I'm going feel FANTASTIC tomorrow. Hope your dinner party goes well New Day. Like you I'd like to do a good stretch as well.

    Short term goal 7 days AF


      ODAT - Friday

      Hi Patricia --- okay, starting tomorrow, I'm going for a stretch ... hopefully 7 days! Have a good evening


        ODAT - Friday

        Holy Moly - New Day! Are we twins?????
        I actually had to go to the little A&W here on campus for a teen burger AND fries (I never usually take the fries) the other day to make myself feel better!!! Wine drinking is fattening in two ways!!!
        No long stretch in my near future as the wino brother is coming back through town on his way home. But then the next week I hopefully can regain some strength and get a good stretch of AF days in!


          ODAT - Friday

          Peanut --- that's too funny about the burger and fries too! ... and yes, how slim I'd be (like I used to be) if I hadn't developed these nasty habits!
          Enjoy your brother's visit .... I don't get to see mine too often either. I have to do next week AF as much as I can, because the following week I'm flying to Calgary to visit my youngest daughter ... she moved out there in May to be with her boyfriend ... and it looks like they'll be staying for a few years. She's hoping I can potty train their two pups that they got a couple of weeks ago in my 4 day visit. Yeah, right! They're in an apartment right now, so it makes it very hard.
          So, I'm pretty sure I'll be drinking that week!


            ODAT - Friday

            Hey - I'll be heading out there too at the end of the month for my daughter's 19th b-day. I promised her I would come. I have 2 sibs in Calgary (one is visiting in Wpg right now, therefore having me in between the 2 cities - I am like the halfway drop-in point - pretty good though, I get to see alot of travelling types!). I will stay with my sister, who makes vats of wine, so that will be hard. BUt then, Nov1 - I think I am psyching myself up for another 30 stint. I would feel so much better if I could just do it!!!!!!!


              ODAT - Friday

              Well I did it! Just got back from the dinner party (it's just after midnight here) and managed to moderate just fine. On the way home I thought, well I did fine, so I'll have a scotch nightcap. Funny though ... and this has never happened before ... when I walked in the door, all desire for more AL disappeared. Got ready for bed, brushed my teeth and thought I'd check in here before heading off to bed. I'm sooo tired!
              Not having a few drinks after I arrived home is a huge step in the right direction for me! Something's working .... slowly, but there's been improvement here. So thanks everyone for lending support and encouragement through this site.
              Good night! --- see you tomorrow!

