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nona alocholic

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    nona alocholic

    Hey peanut - I was up until 3 am. Not drinking, just up.

    I hope all is well with you!


      nona alocholic

      Holy moly - I think I will stop drinking today - no wine for Peanut!!! It's like I have to drink ALL the wine in the house so there is none left to tempt me. Ha!! What logic is that?!?! Quelle banane! Feeling yucky, slept late, it's raining out there, think I'll just stay on the couch and read (convalesce??). Sorry for my middle of the night ramblings!! I vaguely remember doing it!!
      OK - here's to at least 1 day AF!!
      Love you all!!
      xoxo Peanut


        nona alocholic

        Oh peanut, that made me laugh. You're like me after wine *lol* You're great!

        Anyway, Donna, Giving up drink is really hard, with all the help in the world it take a lot of will power and just gritting your teeth. You can do it tho. Stay strong and take one day at a time. You'll make it!


          nona alocholic

          I told my husband I had to drink all the beer in the house a few weeks ago so I could start my AF days without temptation...???? It made since when I was drinking..


            nona alocholic

            Or, you could have a blow out on thursday that will make you never want to drink again!!!


              nona alocholic

              Hi Peanut and Donna,

              Hope you're both ok today. Peanut, I would never hold a late night "fling" against you! Just re-commit today and use last night as a learning experience. Donna, I hope you log on today and let us know a little bit about you. How can we help?



                nona alocholic

                Email me privately and I will give you all of the support you need if you need to talk to someone.
                Keep coming here. It's a wonderful place.
                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                  nona alocholic

                  Donna, hope you're feeling ok today. Just remember, today is a new day and yesterday is gone forever ......I'm saying to myself as well as to you. Lets get back on track and NEVER STOP TRYING. with love, Gaia


                    nona alocholic

                    Donna & Peanut, how are you doing today ?
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      nona alocholic

                      Doing fine today! Haven't heard anything else from Donna though! Think she is still with us??


                        nona alocholic

                        Canterbury's Un official Town Frum and Website iz my way, i need to get help from the anger i am.


                          nona alocholic

                          kookies ant all cum... tis all right. must cee.


                            nona alocholic

                            sudden mishap drunkerd, tell all. nerdier, must/:goodjob:


                              nona alocholic

                              out @ troll lookiee forum for furtjer infpor of serious problems. fuck now. by.


                                nona alocholic

                                Donna???? What's up?? What are you doing??? Talk to me!

