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DISTRACTION really IS the key!

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    DISTRACTION really IS the key!

    It is SO simple (yet... so Hard).

    But that ONE moment where you stop yourself and say: well, what if I did X instead of Y?

    What if (as this morning) I made a nice breakfast... instead of going out to buy booze??

    (YES, it's morning!! :blush: Most talk about the Happy Hour time of day. If I make it past the Morning, I'm good to go!)

    So I Stopped myself for that moment and am cooking bacon right now. YUM. My mood before was, "Who CARES if I make a bad decision??" But... when I made Right decision, I admit it felt good.

    (Not to mention, I'm hungry!)

    It is that one moment where you question what you're doing that can make all the difference.

    Just food for thought... (mmm. Food!)
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    DISTRACTION really IS the key!

    Savon ~ well done! How right you are the that one decision can change your whole day! Enjoy breakfast and have a beautiful day.:h
    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


      DISTRACTION really IS the key!

      Exactly. You got it. The key is to being awake enough, aware enough of our own thoughts (and impulses, and emotions), to be able to intervene (mentally).
      It is that one moment where you question what you're doing that can make all the difference.
      Awareness brings the freedom to question what we are doing, and to make good choices.



        DISTRACTION really IS the key!

        yum... bacon

        Well done you, and enjoy your breakfast.!
        ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


          DISTRACTION really IS the key!

          Well done taking that original thought to a new place. A fy up always works for me, wonder if the oils help process the alcohol? Food & fluids are the best hangover cure


            DISTRACTION really IS the key!

            Just had a craving and realized I hadn't eaten for hours. Quickly made a PB&J sandwich and chased it with my topa dose. I love bacon!!!
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              DISTRACTION really IS the key!

              you are so rt,it does take just a moment,is it worth it for you,your doin great keep it up gyco


                DISTRACTION really IS the key!

                Right on the money, Savon!...

                You have to learn to think about your thinking.....



                  DISTRACTION really IS the key!

                  Hi Savon,

                  Good for you frying the bacon instead of your brain!! I think that's the biggest difference between alkies and social drinkers - the amount of time our brains spend thinking about booze! One day, in a galaxy far, far, away, there will be a button we push that will serve to turn our drinking brain to the "off" position. In the meantime, we'll just have to fire up the grill!



                    DISTRACTION really IS the key!

                    OH DEAR. Thanks for all your responses. Vera-B... yes! In a galaxy...

                    But in the meantime, I "chose"??? to drink.... Somehow Justified it.

                    So you see how it goes.

                    I probably shouldn't post anymore. Or at least until I have 7 (many?) days under my belt.

                    Did I mention that I've been unemployed for over a year... and my bf (Freakin'!!) DIED in June.

                    OK OK - I can handle it! Really. Actually, I'm amazed that I'm still alive.

                    Sooo, folks, dear people, please try to Understand that I am dealing with a LOT.

                    I'm not starving (yet). And I have potential help. Yet, I never wanted to NEED help!

                    God bless, etc.
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      DISTRACTION really IS the key!

                      Savon - yes you SHOULD continue to post!!! We can't only post when we are not drinking, as even if we do struggle and get drunk, we have to keep coming back here to get the encouragement to get back on track!! I do manage a few days AF here and there, but I am no success story - but that is better than what I was doing before!! And I believe it is because I keep coming back. So keep posting and one day... in that galaxy..... you never know!!
                      xo Peanut


                        DISTRACTION really IS the key!

                        Ditto what Peanut said! Keep posting! I think it is when people go away that they are really in danger of giving up... Don't give up!


