SO, i get up this morning, hubby watches F1 and i decide to have a nice soak in the bath, just to relax. I make a nice cup of tea, run the bath, close the door to stop my baby girl coming in and relax. Within minute my baby girl notices i'm in the bathroom with the door closed... That's a NO in her world. I did it so she wouldn't stand by the bath and pull my cup of tea down and want me to play with her. I wanted a break. ANYWAY, she stands at the door SCREAMING, not crying, SCREAMING as she couldn't get in. Hubby did NOTHING. Just let her scream. In the end i opened the door and she stopped right away and came in. When i mentioned that he could have taken her and carried on watching F1 he was like 'well you shouldn't have closed the door'.
While i was in the bath and noticed scum, LOADS of scum around the bath, it was EWWWW. Even the tiles were EWWWW so i got out and cleaned the bathroom top to bottom, cleaned the blinds ect ect. I will admit that i was a bit pissed at this time cause i seem to ALWAYS do the cleaning and my hubby never does any of it. SO i come out of the bathroom in just some panties and he's like 'ooooo she got dressed, finally, someone's being lazy today' and i was like oh shut up which was followed by ' someones a bit moody today' Not are you ok, what's wrong. So i just ignore that and go upstairs. I spend the morning cleaning out the bedroom and yesterday clearing out the loft all by myself.
Anyway, after i calmed down, i went downstairs and told him what's wrong. The house is tidy but it's dirty. I can't keep on top of it. I show him everything, the doors need washing, this needs doing, that needs doing, i can't do this on my own. All i do is work full time with children and clean the house. I just want some help. The other night, after cleaning the garden up i came in, sat talking to my hubby and went online to sort out my baby girls birthday gathering and i got yelled at for talking to someone online. I go nowhere, i work full time from my home, i see no one and i can't talk online for a few minutes while sorting out a gift list which he ASKED me to sort out. AHHHHH.
He told me to just ask for help but why should i, why can't he just do it. He said he can't see things like dirt but really !!?!?!?!?!?! I always questioned why i used to drink..... well, sure makes sense! Day 18 AF today.
Sorry for the moan. I love my hubby to bits. He's amazing and wonderful and i wouldn't want anyone else but COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
