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Using supplements with liver problems?

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    Using supplements with liver problems?

    I've just ordered the My Way Out book and CD's, and expect them to arrive next week. I'm a three cocktails a night every night drinker and have been for many years. Recently my bloodwork showed an increase in my liver enzymes, doctor recommended discontinuing alcohol. So OK then, easier said than done, but I'm willing to do so for my health, I'm only 55 and have grandchildren to watch grow.

    I'm looking forward to starting this program, I did great giving up smoking last year using Chantix and the online help program so I have some success in overcoming addiction. Can anyone give me feedback on using the supplements or prescription medication and the effect on an already damaged liver? I read the FAQ's and realize no one can dispense medical advice and I'm not asking for that, I'm asking for anyone's personal experience. I intend to work this program with my primary care physician but he's young, so feedback would be appreciated.
    vegan zombies want your grains

    Using supplements with liver problems?

    Welcome Cycle,

    I'm surprised that liver enzymes would be up with just 3 drinks per night. Except for the fact that it's daily, 3 drinks seems rather tame. But, if you and your Dr. feel you need to cut back/out, you've come to the right place. Many here are alcohol free and others moderate, similar to Roberta Jewell in her book. Most of us have discovered a whole new world in sobriety. We're awake in the evening, do not constantly think about the next drink, and in some cases, have lost a couple of pounds not having the empty calories. Of course our health is much better. You can feel it. Strongly suggest you order the MWO book and read up on the program. It's very revealing, and very helpful. Hope to hear more from you!



      Using supplements with liver problems?

      Cyclefan, big welcome to you!

      congrats for wanting to be a healthier person.

      short of the prescription meds I'd say drinking will be way harder on your liver than any of the natural supplements/vitamins/minerals/aminos. with one exception...I'd avoid high doses of chromium at the moment as it's been linked to liver disorder.

      things that will definitely HELP your liver are Milk thistle (silymarin standardized extract) 200 mg per day or so, and Lecithin (also known as phosphatidylcholine) which I try to get about 1200 mg of daily myself.

      also try to avoid a lot of animal fats and sugars. fat from olive oil, avocados etc is best.

      hope to hear more about you and how your doing.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Using supplements with liver problems?

        incidentally the prescription meds may be fine on your liver too, I'm just not so familiar with them....
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Using supplements with liver problems?


          I know that Rx meds can be hard on your liver. As for the supplements I would think that they would help heal the damage. I take a ton of them and have for over 2 years now. I haven't had any bad experiences with them, and I do feel healthier, for sure.

          I would talk to your doctor before starting anything that is prescribed unless he is the one who is doing the prescribing. Just to be on the safe side.


            Using supplements with liver problems?

            Hi Det,

            I was hoping you'd be here - you know far more than me about supps! Thanks!



              Using supplements with liver problems?

              I had pretty high liver enzymes (230 - normal high is 180 I think). I did all the supps and added fish oil and flax seed oil 3- 6 times a day. I was popping pills all day long. Today my liver enzymes are perfectly normal. whoohoo! I was six very strong jack/cokes every night for 20 years (except for pregnancies). Last drinking binge was June 24th, so I'm sure time and the supps have been crucial in getting my liver back in shape.

              Wishing you well. It's a very scary thing when we realize the damage we willingly do to our own bodies.

              And welcome, I look forward to getting to know you!:welcome::h
              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                Using supplements with liver problems?

                Welcome and I hope you get the help you need.

                The Nature's Way brand bottle of Kudzu says "Liver Tonic" on the label for what ever that's worth. Of note, the My Way Out brand kuzu rescue bottle does not indicate that. I believe the Reader's Digest manual I have references milk thistle as a liver rehabilitative herb too, as determinator already said.

                Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                  Using supplements with liver problems?

                  oh, and shame on me for forgetting SAM-e (S-adenyl methionine) just be careful not to get ripped off. get a reputable brand from a good store...lots of fake sam-e on the market these days I hear.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Using supplements with liver problems?

                    OK, I'm back. I had some business travel over the past month and knew I could not commit to AF until that was over. Saw my Doc yesterday and reviewed the program, he tried to convince me AA was the way to go, but I told him there was no way I'd do that. I have a lot of things going for me, will power is not one of them. :-) Also I live in a small town, I want to keep my recovery private. So I got the topimax yesterday.

                    I was getting pretty excited to start this program tomorrow, went to the Health Food store today and was astounded to see the prices on the supplements. When I got back home and logged on to this site I saw that I could get the starter pack of supplements for almost $100 less that what I would have paid at the store, so OK, I will wait a few more days then I will start in earnest. Although I will start the hypnotherapy CD's tomorrow I want to follow the plan exactly as it's laid out in the book. I have so much faith that this will work for me, but knowing myself I need the structure.

                    In the past month just waiting to get started I've cut my alcohol consumption in half. I'm looking forward to the support from all the kind folks here and hopefully down the road I can offer some myself.
                    vegan zombies want your grains

