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weight problem.

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    weight problem.

    Im concerned about my weight,I am putting on weight and and eating less.Also the topomax is suposed to take the weight off, so im wondering why im unexpectedly getting fatter. Is the protien drink fattening.

    weight problem.

    WOW jones, I lost weight because of less calories(no alcohol).I can;t imagine a weight gain.Maybe someone else has advise???I did have eating binges in the first few months but even they didn't add the calories that AL did.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      weight problem.

      Are you drinking enough water? That is SOOOOO important....8 8oz glasses a day.
      AF July 6 2014


        weight problem.

        Hi Jones,

        When I give up the wine I crave sweets and also give myself more permission to eat things that may not be good for me! Filling the hole the wine left. Needless to say, not so good for the waist line. Are you eating enough to keep your metabolism up? Are you exercising?



          weight problem.

          Jone.. you walking/jogging?. calories coming off must exceed calories going in...simple fact. so, intelligent eating combined with exercise. may take awhile for result's, but that's o.k. G

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            weight problem.

            Jones, also if you are on 'benzo's' they are notorious for putting on weight. G

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              weight problem.

              Guitarista ... what are "benzos"? .... anti-depressants? ... I'm on those and gaining weight too, even though my doctor said the type I'm on shouldn't produce weight gain.


                weight problem.

                New day.. yep . ' benzo's as in antidepressant's. can put on weight, and can be addictive, and can be hard to come down off if you're a longtime user.. go carefully, and get yourself informed.. i'm no doctor, just know of people who have had difficulties... research!.. good luck, and take care, G.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  weight problem.

                  all benzos, AD's etc will add weight if you are predisposed. Having said that perfectly useless statement, it is widely known research wise that all of these products have a 70/30
                  the 70% work-the rest you know
                  Im a lawyer, not a doctor, but I work in the area of health. I can only say ask your GP to redirect to another product, there are AD's that dont add weight(but they make you psycho if you drink-hello effexor)
                  having been both patient and lawyer, be SO,SO care ful with what gets prescribed?


                    weight problem.

                    hey Jones!

                    Were you underweight before you stopped drinking? It could be that you are adding pounds because you really need them?

                    just a thought


                      weight problem.

                      I gain weight too, even though I exercise ! Ha! IAD.
                      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                      Dr. Seuss


                        weight problem.

                        I am curious at to what topa level you are at. I know I did lose weight during my 30day AF, but there was one member I recall who did gain weight. Is the Topa making you very tired? Thus lethargic, not motivated to exercise, just want to sleep?? That is a common effect. Also, not everybody loses weight on Topa - I was checking out a topiramate forum, mostly people using it for siezures, and there was very mixed responses in terms of weight loss.


                          weight problem.


                          Thanks everyone for coming to my rescue,and I think Gia hit it on the head,I do believe its the formula..As I was really just having a big scoop and not reading the directions..Otherwise I have been walking,eating right,exercising but this spare tyre just formed around my waist and looked/looks like it has taken up residence.So I have stopped it altogether until I get my weight back under control.But otherwise I havent been an angel,but I really feel so many positive changes are starting to take place in my life,also because my thinking has changed too.I dont have the old religous AA drop and you will burn in the fires of hell..Im starting to feel a sense of control over my life,and not Alcohol breathing down my neck,like your being controlled by this fucking monster,that holds you prisoner in a dungeon and wont let you do anything you want to do,but forces you to do everything IT wants to do AND then curses life out of you,and says OH man your such a fucking loser,look at you,and on and on..And its like you cant see that thats not true.AT ALL.. until you break out of that prison.Then you can start to learn about you and some times it seems really easy and then sometimes it seems s struggle,but it works,those little chemicals have a magical way of correcting some faulty feeling/thinking and you can take that next step and know that theres hope.
                          Ive said a lot tonight and now I might go sleep a while .LOVE YOU ALL.

