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ODAT Tuesday

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    ODAT Tuesday

    Good morning ODATers

    After yesterday's dark and dismal wet day this is morning is bright sunshine and clear blue skies in this part of the UK :goodjob:

    Modded again at the weekend - feeling much more positive and able to not get totally plastered.

    Going to work now - be happy


    ODAT Tuesday

    Hi there MM. Hope modding work's for you...only one way to find out!... Be well,and good luck,G

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      ODAT Tuesday

      Good morning!!!

      Day 7 AF here.....I am quite excited as this is the longest since August! Will be a busy day, kids after school, kid stuff after dinner....good since it is a dismal day here, not to mention getting freaking cold!

      Hope everyone is well. I will check in after work!

      AF July 6 2014


        ODAT Tuesday

        Christy - well done!! You have now experienced every day of the week AF!! Good job!

        MM - Excellent! Sometimes I feel more successful modding than going AF. Probably because I find it harder to do!! I hope that at some point I can be there!

        Guitarista - Hi! Hope your week is going well!

        Hello to all the ODATers!



          ODAT Tuesday

          Morning all!

          You modders amaze me! What incredible strength that must take!

          Christy, way to go on a week!

          Chilly here this AM - turned on the heat. I guess the rum raisin ice cream I'm eating doesn't help :H:H

          Have a bright day!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT Tuesday

            Mad Mum great to see you starting this thread it is one of a number of very long term ones that needs to keep going> Bessie started it ( the funny avartar of a cute cow with a wagging tail) in the begining and it was a great place for all those souls just starting here to take it one day at a time and then perhaps move on to more long term AL free threads if they want. But at the same time its been a great one for anyone in whatever stage of recovery to hang around.
            Thanks mm
            Guitar man 7 days way to go
            Christy acc 7 up toooooooo YEAAAAAAAA
            evergreen as you said hello all ODAT mers have a wonderful day , night , morning special hugs to sea
            L:Ove cap


              ODAT Tuesday

     you sail...sorry I'm off topic but just noticed your sailing pic...beautiful.


                ODAT Tuesday

                Nothings off topic here gaia been sailing since 11 years old ( probably thrown on a boat younger but too young to remember dad was..... well lets say not gonna except a son scared of boats HAAAAAAAA) sailing is essential to me and beautiful!!!!! the sea is where I believe we all came from in my humble view.
                Why do you??? sail that is?


                  ODAT Tuesday

                  Good morning (or afternoon/or evening wherever you are) all ODATer's ---- Christy --- 7 days .... great ... that's a goal a few of here are trying to achieve this week.... good on you!
                  Start of day 2 (again) for me. Dreary, wet fall day here. ... but I have a tennis match at Noon to look forward too ... my first competitive match in over 10 months! Great to get back to the game! (we play indoors here in the fall/winter months in case you're wondering).

                  MM --- I struggle with modding ... sometimes I can, sometimes it gets away on me.... especially if I'm at home

                  Have a terrific day everyone. I'll be back later towards the bewitching hours for me (5:00 - 9:00) to help ward off AL!


                    ODAT Tuesday

                    Hi everyone -

                    New day - I'm with you on day 2 - looking to get another 7 under my belt and then go from there. I also hear what you say about modding - depends on the drink for me - I can mod easily with beer but wine? Forget it - I have recently decided to completely cut wine out of my life. I can't handle it, it makes me stupid and I am NOT able to mod when drinking that at all.

                    It's dreary here today, supposed to rain all day. I have a really busy day at work but really it's one of those days that I wish I stayed under the covers. I am going to save a "mental health day" though for the winter when it's a blustery snowy day and i am going to stay home, wrapped in the covers watching movies all day - doesn't that sound like heaven!!

                    Hope everyone has a great day whether modding of AF - it will be AF for me.

                    Love and hugs,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      ODAT Tuesday

                      Day 2 again here for another Canuck!!!! I didn't sleep at all last night though. Well, maybe dozed a bit. It is such a strange feeling,to be so tired and just lay there, unable to drop off. I even tried some melatonin. Very frustrating, but I tried to stay calm. I had to move to a different bed/room as BF was being rather NOISY!!!!! If I can be asleep, the snoring doesn't get to me, but I can't fall asleep with that noise - constantly elbowing the poor dude!!!!

                      Dreary here too. A mental health day today would have been grand Uni!!! Doctor appt - must inquire about a couple suspicious moles. Congrats on day 7 Christy and on successful modding MM (I wonder what that feels like?!?!) I was out with a small group of ladies last night (we all have boys the same age,now in Grade 12, but had decided a few years ago when they went into high school that we would keep in touch and get together a few times a year). So like I have said before, going out is not such a problem for me - I drank soda and lime and really enjoyed myself. Another glass of soda and cranberry at home wtih 2 smokes and that was it. It is so good not drinking, as I don't smoke as much either!!

                      To work!!!! Have a terrific tuesday everybody!!
                      xoxo Peanut


                        ODAT Tuesday

                        Hi everyone,

                        Day 2 here as well. It's getting colder and darker by the day. I swear, the older I get the more winters bug me. Some days I have to ask myself, what the heck are you doing living in Alaska anyways?

                        Hope you are all well and happy, good luck to you on whatever day you might be on :l

                        Lovin life ODAT!!!
                        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                          ODAT Tuesday

                          Hi all --- the end of day 2 for me too. It SNOWED here this afternoon! AKgirl, I know you can't sympathize, and I really don't know how you deal with the dark and cold for so long!
                          Peanut --- try earplugs .... I've got a hubby that can fall asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow ... takes much longer for me ..... but if I didn't block out his snoring, I'd be in the guest room every night.

                          When my kids were little, I used to imagine and wishing I could be so sick that I couldn't get out of bed and somebody else would have to deal with the day-to-day stuff .... I really just wanted a day of staying in bed, being left alone, etc. etc. Now that they are grown and gone I guess I could do a day like that, but there is still too much daily stuff to deal with. Maybe one day this winter I will declare a "sick day" and just lounge around too. ... and be healthy enough to really enjoy it. Whenever I was sick when the kids were little, it didn't matter.. you still had to suck it up and get on with the day.... and if you did stay in bed because you were sick, they never left you alone anyways.

                          Bring on day 3!


                            ODAT Tuesday

                            It snowed here this morning, too! I'm not ready for this! Day 1 for me again after 3 days AF, 2 very successful days of modding then last night I blew it. Sigh. I will be AF today, though. Good to hear from all of you. It's dreary out and am having a hard time as I'm so very disappointed with myself. Oh well, ODAT.
                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              ODAT Tuesday

                              Hi everyone....

                              No snow here....well, when I took garbage out at work it almost seemed like faint snow. I am not ready either!!!! I HATE the cold!!! I would love to move somewhere warm and a beach, Canada we don't have many warm beaches, lol!

                              Becoming--don't beat yourself up. You did 3 days AF AND 2 good days of moding! Be proud of that! We are only human.....we aren't perfect....don't dwell, get back on your horse and plug thru. I know the dreariness outside doesn't help. Would be better if it were sunny for you....I am sending you sunny thoughts!!!! Don't be sad Becoming....
                              AF July 6 2014

