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Starting Day 4

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    Starting Day 4

    Made it this far, thanks for the encouraging words and advice. I have felt queasy and sick every day, with low grade fever, which I took to be withdrawal. I have tried to taper off instead of quitting entirely but read that heavy drinkers, the ones who would really benefit from tapering off (to avoid withdrawal symptoms) instead of stopping all at once, are the ones least likely to succeed at actually doing it. I was just like the ones I read about. Could not do it. One thing always led to half a dozen others.

    Starting Day 4

    That's great snowgoose!! You'll feel better as more time goes by. Hang in there, you're doing great! Drink lots of water with fresh lemon in it to help flush out the toxins.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Starting Day 4

      Snow, you are doing GREAT. I could never understand the "tapering" thing. If I could have "tapered" on my own, I would never have had the problem I did have! I was simply unable to consistently stop, once I'd had one drink.

      Day 4 could very well be the day you really start feeling better. If not today, then VERY soon. Keep us posted, OK? And tell us what your plans are for ongoing freedom from alcohol?



        Starting Day 4

        Congratulations Snowgoose --- you've made a great start ---- even though you're not feeling all that great ---- you will shortly and then you'll be able to enjoy your achievement that much more. It's a huge adjustment for your body .... and just think of the reward ... a healthier body and a clearer head each day .... a battle worth the effort.
        The lemon and water suggestion from greeneyes is a good one to help the process along.
        We're all rooting for you!:goodjob:


          Starting Day 4

          Congratulations on Day 4 Snowy!
          Stick with it.. and stay with us... Keep postin
          ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


            Starting Day 4

            Great job Snowy!

            Hang in there, like WIP mentioned, it does get better.
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Starting Day 4

              WELL DONE! I know it's hard but you're doing sooo well! You are such a strong person! Keep going!


                Starting Day 4


                Well done on day 4!...listen, day 4 was the hardest day for will get better...I promise.

                You are so close to being done with the physical part....get through this're doing great!



                  Starting Day 4

                  Sorry you`re suffering, Snowgoose, but well done for getting this far along. I know this isn`t much comfort right now, but please hang in does get better.

                  Star x
                  Formerly known as Starlight Impress.

