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My first time on this site

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    My first time on this site

    Hi Seila welcome!
    You are definitely not alone in your struggle here.
    I dont take topa or use the CDs but I do use the supplements. Kudzu, Lglut, gaba and true calm. I think they have made such a difference to me. I too take other meds and am OK with these. But i guess it depends what you are taking...
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      My first time on this site

      Seila, this "beast" is a mystery, but just remember, lots of times, we inherited this syndrome, so its out of our control by genetics, and the other, well, depending on how long and how much we've drank, it really is physical.....just have to re-adjust our minds, bodies and spirit. I promise you that you'll be much happier and life will be much better, without this problem consuming so much of our thoughts and feelings! You'll feel as super as you did when preggers. I'm so glad you are starting now, its awful when it affects your kids, and they are mad at you for not being all together there for them, or knowing you are toasted cuz you act like an idiot....please do it before you have to have your child treat you like some monster for being out of control...its awful! You will be ok, its just a battle, but you have alot of army members here to help you fight! Cheif on here, always says, "its harder to keep drinking, than to quit"....that's soooo true. Waking up not worrying about what you did, said, didn't do, and feeling ready to hit the day with full steam, beats the heck outta waking up with guilt and feeling like dog dookie! Glad you are here, when you get time, tell us your story! Where you are from, etc.... if you'd like!
      "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


        My first time on this site

        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          My first time on this site

          Oh, Seila.... This is the place. You have to have it all, the meds & the support. thier are so many orgs, forums, groups to be involved with. Choose a few, or not. Thier will always be help here. Welcome.... Iad.
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            My first time on this site

            Hi Seila,
            I was fine at the low dose of 25mg and it actually did help me - I think - unless I was just totally psyched at the time and had the CD's going and all. By the end of the month I was up to 100mg and holding, but was experiencing extreme fatigue midafternoon - every day after work or after supper I would fall asleep in my big comfy chair. I had started to get a bit of word confusion, but not much. And only a bit of tingling in my face after my swims. When I upped to 125mg, I felt this pressure in my head and upper jaw - I realized I had had it for a while and it really increased with 125mg. One night I said I thought I would die!! BF was a bit freaked. He also said my personality changed - was apparently quite a tiger!!! Like watch out what you say to her!!! Plus, I missed my period that month too - not a common side effect. I still a tempted to go back on it at a low dose though, as at 25mg, I had no trouble at all. I never experienced the metallic mouth taste, or super brain fog or alot of tingling. But it was enough to make me stop and get it out of my body.
            On the other hand, there are some who go up to pretty high levels and have very few side effects. Everybody is different - you can only try, see if it will work for you. It is worth it I think/
            xoxo Peanut


              My first time on this site

              Awesome advice all! Starting day 2 and feeling pretty good today. The weekend and the planned Halloween party with 28 kids will be a trial and all the moms want to go out afterward but I am feeling strong and am armed with the "I am dieting so no drinking" line as most will be shocked that I don't keep the party going. Will be interesting but I am committed.


                My first time on this site

                :welcome: Seila
                You are off to a Great start and you sound very determined. I have not yet purchased the CD's for financial reasons, but I use most of the supps and will probably start the Topa soon. Welcome aboard, I look forward to your future posts.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  My first time on this site

                  Wecome seila1 :welcome:

                  Wow, are you off to a great start, so smart to have already read the book. The CDs help me tremendously as well as the supps. Very important to me. When I stop taking them it means I'm not taking care of myself and I slip. I'm on a low dose of topa which I purchased online and it helps me. The glut under the tongue really helps a lot. When I feel a craving coming on I put 1000 mg under my tongue and it's like magic. I drink the all-one every morning.

                  Congrats on your day 2 and we love having you here and you are so right about reaching out. This is the place to be.
                  Becoming :l
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

