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    Morning all!

    Beautiful blue sky today! Perfect for a drive to the NC foothills on the back roads with the top down. In my mind I picture crusing down the road with no other traffic. :H then I think, hummm.... close proximity to mountains, peak leaf season, Sunday afternoon, no traffic. Which one does not fit? :H In the Miata, my head is about tire level to an SUV!:H:H

    Savon, how did you do last night?

    Have a great day everyone and stick to your plan!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


    Oh Shoot, Greenie! You weren't supposed to remember to ask!!

    Actually, it was a LOT of fun - but I Did drink. 3 drinks, altho first one probably should've counted as Two (strong!)... Didn't get drunk, but did get to that "happy" place.

    Thing is, I think if you get to that place (where you have no aftereffects the next morning), it lulls you into thinking you can do it.. anytime you want. We all know that's not true!

    And the other thing is that I found myself thinking about AL this morning... very tempted to get some. Because that feeling was SO good, I want to recreate it. But. BUT. It just starts the whole cycle over...

    I'm feeling good this morning (and a gorgeous one it is - nice & cool Finally!). I need to convince myself that I don't need anything to "add" to this feeling...


    (Keep in mind, folks, that it's been maybe Years since I've kicked up my heels a little in a club-type atmosphere...)

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



      Good Day Greeneyes and Savon and all to come ---- Day 1 for me. Went out to dinner with family and had a couple of glasses of wine, and then I fell into my old pattern of drinking while watching the hockey game when I got home. So here I start again. I'm going for a 5 day visit out West to visit my daughter on Wed., so I'll be out of touch for awhile. Will be trying to mod while I'm away. Don't want any embarrassing moments.

      Enjoy the day everyone!


        ODAT - SUNDAY

        Good Day Greeneyes, Savon, New Day and all to follow
        Nothing much to report here. Day 5 and working again today. Last night was absolute Hell at work, and I really wanted to drink to destress when I got out. Fortunately, I didn't get out until almost 1am, so everything was closed. Hope everyone has a great day.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          ODAT - SUNDAY

          Hello all! Sunny here also, and a beautiful fall day in not-so-rainy Oregon. The long range forecast says the ray will arrive on Thursday and our typical pattern is that it will not stop until May or June. So I better enjoy it! Day 9 for me, and breaking new ground. Politics and the stock market still have me so riled up, but I'm doing better at not reaching for my old liquid ally. Still working on my huge document on alcohol, it's affect on the body and brain, and how to get traction against it. I hope I can post it later today.


            ODAT - SUNDAY

            Hello ODATers!
            Modded very successfully again last night. Beautiful sunny day out. I'm taking my daughter to a movie then watching some football while catching up on laundry and dishes. I don't mind at all since the sun's out. I feel so good about my modding. I almost didn't finish my last glass of wine. But, of course I did.

            Have a great day, everyone!
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              ODAT - SUNDAY

              Hi everyone,

              Just wanted to check in real quick and say hi. Son's birthday went great, he was king for a day. I rented a limo for an hour, while they were in it I had arranged for a radio announcer to do a dedication....he thought thas was awesome.

              Enjoy all your sunny weather, its below zero here:upset:

              Take care all:l
              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                ODAT - SUNDAY

                Hi ODATers,
                It seems like a "sunny day" theme is emerging here....we have a gorgeous day here in Utah! Cool fall clean, crisp air will be my treat for the day.
                Boss, I notice that you are on Day 9....Great Job- you made it past the 7 day point!!! I know that has been a tough spot in the past...I applaud you!
                I just got back from three days in the Mountains....there is nothing like being in nature to rejuvenate the soul. I hope everyone has a great Sunday. Kriger
                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                  ODAT - SUNDAY

                  Hey gang! Sunny all around!! But, it has been windy as hell here - just howling yesterday and still going strong today - cuts right through ya! And, not supposed to go above freezing today, and we have our halloween hash run. I have decided against the hula girl plan - too freakin cold for that!!! Elf will have to do - I can layer!! Then we have a fingerfood potluck - I think I will make some mexican cheese dip for that!

                  Drank wine the past couple of days, but tomorrow is a work day, so I will bring AF beer with me today.
                  Enjoy your sunday everybody!!!
                  xoxo Peanut


                    ODAT - SUNDAY

                    Footnote: Sunday has been AF!! Got a lot done, too. Gee, funny how that works!
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      ODAT - SUNDAY

                      Hi everyone!!!!

                      Wow, everyone is doing awesome! Great job! AK, your son's bday sounds like it meant a lot to him. He will always remember it! Very cool!

                      I worked all day today....I am tired! I was up late watching the fights, and up early for work....ewww! I much prefer sleeping in....don't have one of those days until next Saturday!!!

                      I have been feeling pretty good about my battle against the booze! I am on Day 12 going on! Other than yesterday, I have not thought dwelled on it.......

                      I'm glad that everyone's day went well! Oh, Sea, what kind of nurse are you? I mean what area do you work in?

                      AF July 6 2014


                        ODAT - SUNDAY

                        Happy Sunday ODATs,

                        Well, after the weekend celebrating with hubby it's back to preparation for the week ahead. Have been reading a very interesting book today "Stroke of Insight" which recounts a brain scientist's stroke. It's extremely interesting. The 2nd and 3rd chapters on brain function will prepare me for Bossman's research paper. This is your brain . . . this is your brain on booze . . . Boss, congratulations on day 9. Know it hasn't been a straight line, but then life in general isn't. Savon, you did so well! Know exactly what you mean about recreating the good feeling - think that is the path we all go down and where most of us get tripped up. Sea, hope the stress doesn't get too much - it's not healthy!! At least you can relax in the knowledge that the Pats won today. Greenie, you must be part writer. Your descriptions are straight from a novel. Can just see you cruising in your Miata and taking in the scenery. AK - way too cold. Did you grow up in AK or are you a transplant? And Christy, Kriger, and everyone else, enjoy your week. Have functions/classes Mon-Wed, so it will be a stretch getting online, but will try.



                          ODAT - SUNDAY

                          There was no traffic! (well, hardly). The part that didn't fit was the "peak" instead of the traffic. I undershot leaf season by a couple weeks. But OMG, what a perfect day! I felt like a bird with her little cage door tied open with a bright ribbon. Delicious lunch on a stone terrace of a historic house overlooking a beautiful park with a waterfall. Walked around Main St. taking in the people and sights. Then took off up the road and wandered into a University campus that was gorgeous and then onward to a State Park I had never visited. And my friend was so very comfortable and easy to laugh with. Boy, did I need this day!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            ODAT - SUNDAY

                            All I gotta say is YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear

