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New here - Wanted to thank you all!

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    New here - Wanted to thank you all!

    Hello, this is my first ever post - but i confess to 'lurking' for months, on and off. 9 days ago I ended up in hospital with a fairly minor (though still hurts!) injury. I fell down some stairs in front of my children.....fell into the car, fell out of the car....etc etc. My husband was, I think, aware then just how bad my drinking was. The SHAME!!! Alot of people say they have to reach a point where realisation kicks in ( said exactly that in his pdf.) Well that was mine. I haven't had any al since that 9 today. I went to the doctor and she was great....referred me straight away to a dependency clinic. This is the first time i've been sober for more than a week in ....oooh, it must be 3 years? To see my family (and friends (eek) out of their minds with worry for me at the hospital was awful. And do you know what? if that hadn't happened, I KNOW i would still be drinking. I wanted you all to know how this site has helped me....before when i was still drinking and thinking 'I should stop, no I really SHOULD stop', to now when i still look at posts and think 'thank you, i'm not as alone as i thought i was' Even on the still drinking post, it re-inforces me to not want to do that anymore...god knows i've done enough drunk texting before! Thank you all. sorry it's long! :new:

    New here - Wanted to thank you all!

    Summer H. Hello there, and welcome.. Big congrat's on day 9 af. well done. Yep, great site this isn't. Hope you stick around and use the support and idea's/inspiration and education here to your advantage. Keep going, and all the best, G.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      New here - Wanted to thank you all!

      Hey!! WELCOME! 9 days.. WOW FANTASTIC. I know how hard the first few weeks can be. I agree with you, you really need to hit that wall before you'll stop drinking. You need to honestly know that you can't go on drinking and that are honestly going to grit those teeth and get over it. Well done for reaching that. The shame does go away. Trust me on that one!
      Keep staying strong. Don't listen to those voices that say... 'ok, one drink will not hurt' or the voices saying 'i'm better now, i'll never get to how i was' You need to be aware of them and nip them in the ass right away! Grit those teeth girl and keep posting! We're all here from you!


        New here - Wanted to thank you all!

        Welcome Summer!

        Pleased you are ready to start posting. 9 days AF is a huge accomplishment - give yourself a pat on the back.

        Keep the faith - you can do it!
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          New here - Wanted to thank you all!

          Hi Summer,
          I'm glad you're doing much better and on day 9. It's a struggle, but with the support you have here, you're going to get through the bumpy road. More important, you've got family who cares. Take care of yourself and have a great day.
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            New here - Wanted to thank you all!

            Summer, a warm welcome to you! :l
            You're post really struck me. I just finished the book "Drinking-A Love Story" (100 thumbs up!). Catch this:

            Truly landing, landing with such finality you realize you have to get off the damn elevator (drink) or you'll die requires an elusive combination of despair and grace, something known in AA as "the gift of desperation".

            I got that gift, along with so many here, and it sounds like you did too.
            As lil.mich says, don't forget how bad it was. I keep a bracelet around my wrist that I gashed, that says "Hope Lives In Your Heart". It is a reminder to me every day, even though the physical scars have healed and the memory is fading.
            Stay close here. You will find so much comfort and support! And congrats on day 9 - that's awesome!
            You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


              New here - Wanted to thank you all!

              Summer.............We've all had our personal nightmares. They sure aren't pretty, but Remember : " You can't do anything about the past; You don't know what the future holds; All you can take care of is the here and now ! " Good Luck & Welcome......IAD
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                New here - Wanted to thank you all!

                Hi Summer!

                Congrats to you! I'm starting day 3 here. Nothing embarrassing THIS time to stop me, just sick of being the wino I am. God knows I've had my share of "shame", as I'm sure we all have. I'm gonna stay here....hope you do to.
                "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


                  New here - Wanted to thank you all!

                  hi summer as you said you were lerking and had already found wht you needed welcom gyco congrats on th 9 days


                    New here - Wanted to thank you all!

                    Thank you all for your messages! I really do appreciate them. I have support from my husband, although this is a last chance saloon for him I think! Funny though, I feel different somehow this time. Whenever i've tried to stop or cut down before, there's been a little fellow sitting on my shoulder saying: 'well, you know, you only have to not drink for the weekend, cos he goes back to work monday and you can start again'. So i wasn't doing myself any favours really, only pretending. I haven't felt too bad actually, although I have changed my route to work to stop going to the offie!! It got to the point where just as i walked in the door he would say: 1/4 bottle glens?? Nothing like personal service! (and i would go back after work too). Still, i've saved loads of cash so think i'll treat myself! Also, am going to get a bracelet as suggested to remind me. Or, maybe put a rubber band round my wrist and ping it when i get a craving. ouch!


                      New here - Wanted to thank you all!

                      That's exactly what we need - rubber MWO bracelets! Great idea! I want one! Pull and snap hard anytime that hand feels like picking up a drink.:H
                      You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                        New here - Wanted to thank you all!

                        Welcome and good luck! You are off to a fantastic start. I dig the bracelet idea also. Snap!
                        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                          New here - Wanted to thank you all!


                          I'm really glad you weren't too seriously hurt! Have you read My Way Out? I found for me, changing my routine and retraining my brain has really helped. I also used the cd's and a lot of the supplements.
                          I also wear a bracelet for recovery. I'm actually afraid to take it off! I started out to quit smoking, and on the quitnet forum I joined, after 3 weeks you get to design a "cyber" bracelet. Well I found one lying around that is pink, black and white. The black represents disease and darkeness, the white is healing light, and a clean body, the pink represents my "new" lungs (and liver too)!
                          I hope you stick around. It's not an easy process, but it helps to have the support of those that understand!
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            New here - Wanted to thank you all!

                            Hi Summer, You and I have a similar story. I too, hit rock bottom on Oct 2nd- (without going into the rock bottom details of my life) and I was also aware of MWO, but not ready to commit and become a member until Oct 10th when I took a deep breath and realized that my family is more important to me than the bottle. Being a closet drinker does not help - but I joined in MWO, and with a lot of friends on this sights help- I am AF for 17 days now. The first few days were rough, but now each day it gets easier. I also have attended an AA meeting, and today I am going to my 2nd meeting
                            Congrats to you, keep up the good work
                            Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                            And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                            • Yesterday is History
                              Today is a Mystery
                              Tomorrow is a GIFT


                              New here - Wanted to thank you all!

                              Summer, What a great idea.......but how would you ping a steele bracelet...ouch ! Ha!
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss

