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Day 3!!!

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    Day 3!!!

    Ok, so yesterday went pretty good. Got into an arguement with my daughter. (She's starting her teen years, so not drinking isn't gonna cure that!). BUT, I was able to step back, and re-evaluate, which was a BLESSING! Once her homones simmered down, and I was able back away, and think....we were okay! Not the long, drawn out bitching, moaning, and yelling about EVERYTHING under the sun. Just an arguement, and done. Thoughts of wine did pop into my head, more like negative thoughts..."I suck as a Mom, I can't handle this...Why bother trying to improve myself...Might as well drink my wine". But I didn't and it all worked out!

    Came home last night and had to stop at the store for milk only. Actually made the decision to go ANOTHER mini-mart which didn't have the liquor store next to it. Usually picking up milk, meant getting wine too. Come on! Made sense, they're right next door to each other.

    So, today I'm feeling NOT GUILTY, NOT SHAMEFUL, NOT WORTHLESS! Slept like shit, woke up at 330a, but NOT HUNGOVER. I can't say I'm feeling totally happy, but I'm feeling hopeful and optimistic for the first time since July, when I was last here.

    Thanks for listening...I wish I could be of more help to others out there, and not talk about ME so much, but I don't feel comfortable quite yet telling people how to do this, with only 3 days into it after having 2 weeks in July and not sticking to it. I'm with you though, and rooting for each and every one of us!
    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

    Day 3!!!

    About those negative thoughts I was having. I was able to get past them this time! I was able to take those negative thoughts and turn them around. HOW DID I DO THAT?!?!?!?! I've read books about it, but somehow it clicked this time, without even trying to do it.

    I hope I can be like that more often...
    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


      Day 3!!!

      That's fantastic, Pan! You made a great decision to stop at a different mini-mart; decisions like that make a huge difference in our progress...



        Day 3!!!

        Hi P, congratulations on your achievement both in not drinking and handling your daughter!! That's one of my big worries now, having to deal with sibling rivalry and general all round mess! Of course it's my fault, being more interested in drink than actually spending time with my kids. I have to take REALLY deep breaths and remind myself that while drunk, i didn't mind (or care) them stuffing sweets in front of the telly every night (cringe), but now, of course, I do. So, we are all in for some training around here!!! My kids don't know me anymore! Who's this mum who insists on homework? Who's this mum who doesn't switch the telly on until after tea? It's hard though...but it'll be worth it I hope. God, i've let so many things slide......I can't even see through my oven door anymore ha ha!


          Day 3!!!

          Pan and Summer.... YEA ON YOU!!! It is a whole new life and so much better! I'm excited for you! Keep it up! :goodjob:
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Day 3!!!

            Having hope is such a wonderful thing, I'm so glad you've got it! You can do this!:yougo:
            You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


              Day 3!!!

              Great job Pan!

              BTW I think we need to start a teenager thread to vent off so as to refrain us from killing our "almost adults" lol
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Day 3!!!

                Congrats Panacea and summer! I strongly recommend the book "Promise You Won't Freak Out" for the teen thing. I'm reading it again just to keep my sanity! :nutso:
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  Day 3!!!

                  Morning Pan, how're you feeling today? Positive thoughts to you! x Am off to the library to order those books!!


                    Day 3!!!

                    Hi Summer! Hope your day is going well. Not to peppy today, or feeling very "up". Hoping it's not a struggle today, but I did sleep, so I got that going for me!
                    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

