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ODAT - Monday...

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    ODAT - Monday...

    Good Morning ODAT'ers!

    Day 2 here. After wobbling a bit yesterday morning, did NOT drink and felt Good. I know I got a lot more done as a result - which also felt good.

    The weather has finally gotten cooler here in Sunny FL!! I know that has something to do with my all around better mood... (Lucky "Snow Birds" who only live here during the best time of year!)

    No A/C or heat needed. Slept like a log in Fresh, COOL air!! Ahhhhhh.

    Hope you all have a super day!

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Monday...

    YAY YOU for DAY 2!!! I'm only on 3 today, but grateful for that.

    We can do it. To all, have a great day.
    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


      ODAT - Monday...

      Morning, Savon and all to come.

      Wowee I had a great day yesterday. Check out my post on yesterday's thread.

      Today is sort of back to the grind. Starting out with new rear brakes on the little car. Then paperwork and possibly yard work this afternoon. If today's weather is like yesterday that will not really be a chore.

      I have such a happy face, I look back on that really sad period I recently had there for a week or so and wonder am I OK? I hope I'm not manic depressive or something. :H I guess it's just the process of leaving my old life behind. That sttatement is more about hubby than AL, by the way.

      Have a wonderful day to start a wonderful week. :l
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - Monday...

        Good Morning all ODATer's ---- not so nice weather here .... raining again! I have a lot to do indoors so I really don't mind, but it does affect my mood. However, I'll be spending part of today packing for my trip out west for a 5 day visit with my daughter, and packing to go away always makes me happy and the thought of spending some time with her makes me even happier!
        Day 2 for me (again). I can't seem to get past those weekends .... and admire those who have made that step --- it is a big one! One day I'll be with you, but in the meantime, I'll get as many AF days as I can and that in itself is a big step forward for me.
        Greeneyes --- glad you had such a lovely day yesterday! I'm looking forward to a great trip into the Rocky Mountains next weekend --- going out to Banff with daughter and her BF.

        Have a great day everyone!


          ODAT - Monday...

          Good Morning!!!!

          It's nice and sunny here but a little chilly. We expect only single digits today, and possibly a little rain. Last night we had a freakish thunderstorm.....major thunder and lightening, and a major downpour. Nice to be inside!

          Greeneyes, sounds like you had an amazing day!!!
          Bossman, congrats on Day 9!!!!
          New Day, enjoy being with your daughter in the amazing surroundings....I have never made it out West, or East (past Quebec) for that matter, lol. You will get a weekend under your belt and when you do, you will see it's no biggie, and more will follow. Weekends were always my excuse to drink, well, everyday was-lol, but more weekends.
          Savon, good job not drinking yesterday!!!!
          Panacea, good job on Day 3!!!

          I am off to a fun filled day of laundry and cleaning, seems all I do. Just to break up the monotony, I will be taking my DD1 to the dentist to get yet another tooth pulled. She has an issue with losing her baby teeth. The big ones come in, and the babys don't want to leave....doesn't bother her anymore....maybe because the tooth fairy brings her $5 for a pulled tooth! Hell, I could pull all my teeth out, lmao! Just kidding! She should be getting braces soon....braces.....another story...I am getting a family discount at the orthodontist--lets put it that way, lmao!!!!

          Well kids.....hope everyone has a marvelous day!!! I have to tell ya, I know some people have issues sleeping when not drinking, but I am sleeping like a log.....but now I seem to need a little quite tired by the end of the day......

          Have a good one all!!!

          ps. lucky 13 for me!!!!!
          AF July 6 2014


            ODAT - Monday...

            GM ODATers!

            Well, I came here somewhere around the beginning of Sep, and I've had my ups and downs thats for sure. Starting to string more AF days together and feeling pretty strong. I picked today as my new start date. It is my son's birthday (the official date, we celebrated sat) and I think it's fitting because although I am doing it for myself, I am also doing it for him. So, it's Day 1 of what I'm hoping to be at least 30 to start. Wish me luck.

            Hope you all are doing well no matter what day you are on, and have a fantastic monday.
            :l AK
            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


              ODAT - Monday...

              Good Day ODATers
              Sounds like everyone is hanging tough. Good job. Best wishes AK as you begin your journey. Where is my beloved Capt. today?? I miss Bessie too.
              Day 6 here. I worked all weekend, so that usually keeps me out of trouble
              Have to run some errands, do some housework, shower, nap, then back to work tonight. My CD's should arrive today, and I am psyched!!! Hope you all have a great AF day.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                ODAT - Monday...

                37 days today. I found out over the weekend that my husband told my whole family that I was an alcoholic and attending AA. I was devastated and humiliated. No one told me about all the chatter circulating about me all this time. I'm sure my husband has not bothered to update anyone on my success so far. I did this myself and never asked a single one for a bit of help. Part of me is angry the other part is just "who fucking cares, let them all think what they want".


                  ODAT - Monday...

                  Noma'am, don't spend a bit of time being angry. Be proud of yourself. I'm sure it shows and others recognise it. Enjoy your newfound sobriety and guard it carefully. :l
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - Monday...

                    noma'am;453407 wrote: 37 days today. I found out over the weekend that my husband told my whole family that I was an alcoholic and attending AA. I was devastated and humiliated. No one told me about all the chatter circulating about me all this time. I'm sure my husband has not bothered to update anyone on my success so far. I did this myself and never asked a single one for a bit of help. Part of me is angry the other part is just "who fucking cares, let them all think what they want".
                    First of all, congrats on 37 days! That is amazing! I can't wait to get there.....

                    I would be PISSED! If anything, he should have ASKED you before telling and also, it's not HIS place to say anything. If you wanted to tell them, you would.

           is true, don't waste time being angry, you can't change it now. Put a positive swing on it, now they know, and seeing you now and compared to before, they would most certainly notice a difference!!!! Now you have more support......I know, I'm trying to be positive, but I can understand you feeling that your privacy was invaded.

                    I sound mixed up, I'm sorry...I guess I can see 2 sides...regardless of the fact, hubby could have kept his mouth closed. Also, could have raved of your you can!!!:h
                    AF July 6 2014


                      ODAT - Monday...

                      Hey fellow ODATers,

                      Had a nice long post and my Internet service went down, grrrr.

                      Noma'am, congratulations to you on 37 days! I don't blame you on being angry, that was thoughtless and you have every right to vent.

                      I'm having an awful day, don't want to bring anyone down, just wanted to check in. Sounds like a
                      lot of you are really hanging in there, awesome!
                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                        ODAT - Monday...

                        Noma'am --- Congratulations on your 37 days! I'm so sorry to hear of what your hubby did. In his eyes, it was probably something that he was proud of your for achieving, but I would feel exactly like you..... I would be humiliated as well and very angry with him. This is perhaps the reason I have kept what I'm trying to achieve to myself. I haven't told a soul (even hubby) about MWO or my concerns. All I've said when I've been asked why I'm not having wine is that I'm just cutting back.
                        AKgirl --- will be cheering you on for your 30 day attempt. Go girl!

                        Becomingme ---- hope your day gets better!
                        Sea ---- day 6 .... good for you!
                        and Christy ---- 13! WOW!
                        .... looks like you're all doing so well! Keep it up!


                          ODAT - Monday...

                          Hi guys,

                          Sorry for the late check in - having a long day at work!

                          Today I will not drink - that's a definite!

                          Hope everyone meets their goals this week.

                          Love and Hugs,
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            ODAT - Monday...

                            Just a quick hello to all you ODATers! Happy its monday, back AF again. Had a halloween run yesterday, and near the end, I tripped and hit the pavement - hard. It was soooooo windy - a cold wind - that I had left my old suede jacket on, so I'm sure that saved my arm - but tore my tights, bloody knee and really sore palms! What a banana!!!! I am quite sore today, feel like I jarred my neck. But all in all - it was a super fun run!!!

                            Best to everybody on their goals this week!!
                            xoxo Peanut


                              ODAT - Monday...

                              FAILED today. I don't even want to go into it...

                              Had just Horrible day & "decided" I couldn't deal w/it without booze.

                              I can't even describe it.

                              (Yet, I have to wonder How do people who have Never drunk "handle" it?)

                              Obviously, it can be done.

                              Just not by me... YET.
                              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

