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    Hey all.

    I have asked this question sooooooo any times. I think it also may be the answer to how i've managed to get through my 30 days (tomorrow is day 29)

    Everytime, i had those cravings and reached for some wine, i think to myself, WHAT IS THE BLOODY POINT... I think, what good will it do me, what bad will it do me.

    This would become a fight in my head. I'd feel like i was going CRAZY but you know what, it worked. I'd list the things it would do to me, good and bad and think of the horrible things i've done when drunk.

    This 'fight' got smaller and smaller the more i realised and drummed into my own head the drink is NOT going to save me, NOT going to solve my problems and is NOT going to go away unless i really grit my teeth and deal with the cravings and fights. Now what happens, is i get the cravings and just go, no, not good.. my brain goes through the bad points in a few seconds and off i go, no drink in hand.

    I think alot about quiting is realising that it can not help, no matter how much it numbs us, it just will make us worse.

    SOOOOOOOO next time you have a craving or go to pick up that bottle, come on this thread and write the positve list and negative list... Just see if it helps. If it doesn't, sorry but maybe it'll help a little.


    Hi Lil, great post (although it did scare me - I thought you were having a meltdown!). So many excerpts from the book "Drinking: A Love Story" pop into my head. She mentions that you have to work through your problems, not around them with alcohol. It sounds like you are on the right path. Keep up the great work and congrats on day 28!!!
    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


      WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

      NEGATIVE...If I drink, I will surely DIE
      POSITIVE...If I don't drink, sober life is WONDERFUL
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

        I don't think there's any more to add......... Evielou said it all.
        Well done on the 28 days........ won't it be great when the days turn into years!!


          WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

          I am SO proud of you Michelle. You have come a long long way!
          Keep going as I am sure you will!
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

            Wow Michelle! What a great post. You have came such a long way and you have a lot to be proud of. Congratulations on Day 28!


              WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

              Lil.michelle --- you scared me too with the thread title! Glad you've found "your way" to fight the beast AL. I'll give it a try too. I've had many arguments going on in my head like most of us do when trying to go AF. I need to gain the upper hand like you've managed too. Thanks for sharing!


                WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

                What a great post! Well done on Day 28!
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

                  Congrats on 28 days! Great post and so true. I'm sitting here alone, daughter with dad for the night, and was wondering, "WHAT THE HELL DO I DO WITH MYSELF!". "WHERE'S THE WINE?"

                  So, I came here, saw this and know that wines not the answer. Its only coming to the end of 3 days AF for me, but I will find my way. Having tried the blur out boredom with wine hasn't seemed to work so far, and your post confirmed that for me. So...THANK YOU!!! Your 28 days just gave me the beginning of my 4th day.

                  Best wishes to all.
                  "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


                    WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

                    Congrats on 28 days, I am on 17 days
                    The good= no hangovers no guilt no remorse
                    The bad= not being involved with my grandsons life and destroying my liver
                    Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                    And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                    • Yesterday is History
                      Today is a Mystery
                      Tomorrow is a GIFT


                      WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

                      Nice job, Michelle....

                      You know what you're doing? are "thinking about your thinking"......that's a very important aspect of beating this thing....



                        WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

                        nc post lil.M you seem to be gettin stronger in your convictions, not falling,AND I DID NOT SAY FAILING CAUSE WE NEVER DO, it is no ones call but yours,you have become such a stronger person the last little while keep up the good work gyco


                          WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

                          lil.micjele: So true... If you really thinkg the consequences of having the first drink through, the cravings will pass and you will be so much better for it. There is no point to drinking. At first it calms you, makes you happy, or releases the stress of a busy day. Then, after a couple of drinks, it's all down hill from there. The guilt, the nausea, the not knowing what you did the day/night before, is just not worth it. There is nothing like feeling mentally aware and sober. Congrats on your 30 days af.
                          September 23, 2011


                            WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

                            Exactly lil.michelle! What is the point? For a couple of hours of feeling oblivious and numb leads to days on end of anxiety, wicked headaches, shitty sleep, etc.. etc... Only to have to start all over again.

                            You are right on the money, EvieLou!

                            Congrats to you michelle! Keep on trucking!


                              WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!?

                              Good job Michelle - I am really proud of you! Way to go on 28 days - 2 more and you have done your first 30.
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

