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Not feeling so hot....

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    Not feeling so hot....

    Its the end of day 3, and during the day today, and the past few days, I felt fine. But the last few hours, my stomach is upset, bad headache and VERY thirsty. Is this a delayed reaction to no alcohol? I was under the assumption it began earlier on.

    Maybe I'm just getting the flu? I don't trust my physical feelings so much anymore since they've been masked by drinking wine every night.
    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

    Not feeling so hot....

    Hi Pan, congrats on day 3, that's awesome!
    As far as your body feeling weird, I think for awhile "anything goes". We have numbed a lot of feelings, both emotional and physical, and it has to manifest itself somehow, I suppose, when it detoxes. Just stick it out, it will get better! Drink tons of water and flush your system out. Vitamin C (big doses) will also help you detox. Best wishes to you!:l
    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


      Not feeling so hot....

      Pan, sometimes there are withdrawal symptoms that do not begin until around 3 days after stopping the alcohol. So, this could be related to withdrawal, OR you could be getting the flu. Like river says, drink a LOT of water (with lemon juice, some say that helps), or green tea, or other non-sugary fluids; maybe some soup; some very mild exercise, if you feel up to it (10 minute walks). Are you sleeping OK? Any tremors at all?


        Not feeling so hot....

        Vitamin B & Vitamin C will help you big time.

        Water, water, water! Lots of it! Or if you have decaf tea, drink as an alternative.

        Day 2 usually are the worse for me. I have felt just as you do now, many times - unfortunately. Not again tho!

        Be kind to yourself. This to shall pass. I promise!


          Not feeling so hot....

          The stomach flu is going around in Montana bad. Just to let you know.


            Not feeling so hot....

            Thanks all....No wip, no tremors and slept okay except am waking up EARLY, today at 330am. (I've always been an early riser, but 330am is just ridiculous!!!)
            "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


              Not feeling so hot....

              And a little confused. Yesterday I wrote it was day 3, but started AF on Saturday (first day clean, had wine on Friday night), so todays day 3....right????? I cheated!!! Sorry, skipped day 2!!!
              "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


                Not feeling so hot....

                OMG! It's me! I wrote "Day 3" this morning!!!! Confusion is a part of this mess I hope! The time stamp on the post threw me off.........hmmmm, maybe I'm having a bit more withdrawal symptoms then I thought?
                "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


                  Not feeling so hot....

                  I had "the flu" for about 4 1/2 days, off and on. Folks here advised me to treat it just like the flu, too. So I did that and told people I had the flu and actually wondered if maybe I did because I teach college and who knows, maybe a student coughed on me or something. Now it is gone and I feel a lot better. I think it was the detox process working its way through somehow at its own pace. I did have a low grade fever which I took aspirin for. Everyone here recommends to drink a lot of water, and I agree. I drank SO MUCH ice water which kind of counterbalanced the fever. I thought the first three days were the worst and after that was better.

