I drank tons of water, which in turn, made me get up a few times last night, but was able to fall back asleep THANK GOD! I've been waking up WAY too early, and was thankful to see 530am on the clock this morning!
Hopefully today will be a better day. I have a plan wip!!! Just for today!! Drinking alot of water, vitamins, and going to put some healthy food in this body!!!! I didn't seem to accomplish anything yesterday, but made it throught AF.
I just wonder why we are like we are, and the others aren't....I'm sorta at this "why me?" point. How in the hell did I get to this point in my life? Why didn't I see this "train wreck" coming? How come everyone else is normal, and I'm not? (which I know they have their own issues, but I'm just saying...) I'm 44 and have wasted so much damn time.
I guess it is what it is, and the past is just that. I need only look forward, because there's nothing I can do about the past.