ALCOHOL is the problem.
Over the years, as I have perused these boards, I am flabbergasted by the situations that we, as Alkies, get ourselves into. Speaking for myself, I was willing to look the other way when family and friends started making snide comments about my drinking. I ignored the red flags that went down at the dr's office when my blood readings started coming back abnormal. Not once, but on 4 occasions I had to have blood removed because my ferritin was too high (because my liver wasn't functioning properly) , do you think THAT stopped me from drinking when I got home? I was on anti depressants, 3 blood pressure meds, I was getting to the point where I was resigned to the fact I was going to die young (if 50 is young to you). Not until I looked my hubs of (then) 24 years into the eye and he told me he would NOT be married to a drunk, did it finally sink in. I finally GOT IT. I was going to have to do the impossible....give up AL. That was a really scary day for a lot of reasons. Coming face to face with this problem wasn't easy. I was a master at denial and rationalizing what I was doing. I see this all over our site here and it makes me so sad. I see people doing things and saying things that they would NEVER do if AL weren't involved. Excusing inexcusable behaviors. Rationalizing a medical problem instead of blaming the very thing that is causing the problem. Since I quit AL, everything in my life has IMPROVED! I am off the AD's, off all the BP meds, my depression is GONE. My marriage is STRONG. My weight is down (something I blamed on metabolism for years). My skin is clear, my hair is fuller and thicker, no acid reflux, my outlook on life is brighter in every way. Not drinking is now normal for me. I would have never thought this 4 years ago. At this time 4 years ago, I was at the height of my addiction.
If you are here, YOU have a problem with AL. If AL is involved in your life right now let me say this to you....ALCOHOL IS THE PROBLEM. It's not your EX, it's not Daylight Saving Time, it's not menopause....or Manopause, it's not stress at work, it's not your family, it's not that medical issue you might be using to rationalize a drink (or 12).....the problem in YOUR life is ALCOHOL. Alcohol.
You don't have to believe me, it's fine if you don't. But give us 30 days AF and you tell us if your life doesn't turn around. All you have to do is check out our Tool Box and you'll see for yourself how many lives have turned around in such a short amount of time. From the time of your last haircut to the next one....see what a difference going without this mind-altering poison can make in your life. You won't find one of us WORSE off after 30 days. Before you go blaming life for your troubles, give us this time. You can always go back if it hasn't changed for you....there is always that option. See for yourself and do this experiment. Remove the ONE variable you've never removed before. You will be amazed.
Hope everyone has an easy day! XO, Byrdie