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    Tool box

    This was incredibly helpful on my first day...thank you!!


      Tool box

      I need help with a plan and to stop drinking if I have one I'll keep going have to finish the bottle
      how do you stop thinking about having a drink
      my nerves are shot to-day
      I'm planning to make it sober for a month first is that what you do or make it a more long term
      or should I make it a week first (2 days sober)


        Tool box

        Go back to the first page of this thread. You will see many posts where people have detailed their personal plans. Use whatever is good for you

        A goal of 30 days AF is a great start. You need that time to clear your head & your body of the toxic effects of AL.

        Keep yourself well hydated & keep yourself busy. If you already have 2 AF days you will start feeling better very soon. Hang in there - it gets easier!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Tool box

          great tips. on day two! feeling relieved right now that i have support and a plan.
          i can only please one person a day. today is not your day. tomorrow doesn't look good either. :h


            Tool box

            I'm sure the Spiritual River recovery web site is linked in this thread about a thousand times. (if not, it should be!!!) Thanks to Sheri who often posts links to this site. It's got a lot of great info for those looking to make a plan.

            So for (hopefully) the 1,000th time....

            Spiritual River | How to Stop Drinking Alcohol and Get the Addiction Help You Need

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Tool box

              I'm sure the Spiritual River recovery web site is linked in this thread about a thousand times. (if not, it should be!!!) Thanks to Sheri who often posts links to this site. It's got a lot of great info for those looking to make a plan.

              So for (hopefully) the 1,000th time....

              Spiritual River | How to Stop Drinking Alcohol and Get the Addiction Help You Need

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Tool box

                WOW thanks for the repost, that is VERY helpful.

                I too have recently had the desire to become a counselor or some sort of helper for this crazy addiction we all have.
                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                  Tool box

                  There is no reason to be ashamed.

                  you think too much about it. There is a core issue here that needs to be addressed. Everything else is just noise. I find that life is best dealt with by breaking through all the crap we dump on ourselves and all the crap that every one deems to be important.

                  The core issue is that your drinking is harmful to you and your quality of life. There is no problem that AL can solve. There is no solution a bottle can deliver. Forget everything else for now. Grasp this one concept and the rest becomes easier. You do not have to beat yourself up. We get the opportunity to live our lives with a strength that normal people will never know. We, when in recovery, have taken on a mountain of a challenge and stared it down.

                  We are the special people, not the forsaken ones. The rest of the world may look down on us but they will never know the value of struggle like we do. Do not buy into the concept that we should be pitied or ashamed. When you are well you will know that those of us that survive are reborn strong and free. We learn an inner awareness that should be the envy of the normal people out there because we have faced our greatest demons and won.

                  All the times you have not maintained sobriety are just learning steps, do not be ashamed of them. Harness them and the lessons they have taught you.

                  Good luck.

                  *reposted here from discussion forum by request.
                  I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


                    Tool box

                    Resisting the Urges

                    One thing I've been doing w/the "out of nowhere" AL thought (the type that have thrown me into a liquor store):
                    Instead of pushing it out of my mind & thinking of something else, I've been looking at it. I've been asking it questions:
                    -Why I am thinking about drinking?
                    -What's going on in my mind & body?
                    -What non-AL thing do I need to do to remove this thought?
                    -What would be the negative consequences of getting a bottle? (i.e. drinking & feeling awful in mind, body, & spirit...having to get rid of the bottle...hiding the drinking...etc.)


                    Thanks, this is very good advice, I've got 2 AF weeks and it's been tough this holiday weekend. Only thing that really stopped me from getting alcohol is that the nearest liquor store is 40 miles away. So I guess that's something that I didn't want it bad enough to drink beer!

                    Love to all and thanks so much for being there...
                    Happiness depends upon ourselves.


                      Tool box

                      Lemon oil for help

                      Hi, if you think aromatherapy could work for you, here's a place to get started - you can make your own mix of oils to suit your mood. Lemon Oil is supposed to be very good for alcoholism. Tonite I'm not boozing and have a really nice oil mix burning, including Lemon. It really helps. It also has the added benefits of making the room smell great and not making me desire to smoke! Result :-)

                      Aromatherapy and alcohol addiction | Gritman Essential Oil Blog


                        Tool box

                        WOW ~ love this thread ~ lemon oil on my list and will be burning today/tonight x
                        :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                        Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                          Tool box

                          retteacher;469024 wrote: Everyone:

                          I love this thread & will use it to get myself through the holidays. One thing I've been doing is using visualizations.
                          -I see myself at holiday functions drinking up my stash of nice non-AL drinks.
                          -I see myself participating instead of hiding.
                          -I see myself concentrating on interacting instead of sneaking my next drink.
                          -I see myself waking up the next morning full of pep instead of hungover & shamed.
                          -I see myself growing internally instead of staying stuck in old patterns.

                          Love it ~ thank you Mary x
                          :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                          Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                            Tool box

                            Ann;1148399 wrote: Hi, if you think aromatherapy could work for you, here's a place to get started - you can make your own mix of oils to suit your mood. Lemon Oil is supposed to be very good for alcoholism. Tonite I'm not boozing and have a really nice oil mix burning, including Lemon. It really helps. It also has the added benefits of making the room smell great and not making me desire to smoke! Result :-)

                            Aromatherapy and alcohol addiction | Gritman Essential Oil Blog
                            Ann, thanks for that interesting link! I use lemon oil as a deodorant and had forgotten about it's other fine qualities.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              Tool box

                              That's why you smell so nice Greenie. :h

                              Drinking lemon juice is also good for the liver i hear.



                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Tool box

                                the lemon oil is just divine - mixed it with lavendar:

                                G: That's right - drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning with lemon in it is very good for the liver - from Sandra Cabot's liver cleansing diet.

                                Happy day
                                :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                                Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...

