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Day 5...worried about Wednesday

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    Day 5...worried about Wednesday

    I am on day 5 AF and you've all helped so much. I am concerned for Wednesday's as it has been my ritual to drink my bottle of wine on the evening that my son is with his dad. Also I work at home on Thursday's so no one would notice the hangover. I have been feeling very optomistic, haven't gotten my supplements or Topa, I guess I will hang in there and be looking for reassurance tomorrow evening.

    One of my "triggers" is lonlieness or stress over guilt towards my son over the divorce. It has been a habit for the last nearly, two years to numb myself from the pain. I think maybe I need to get a plan set for my evening and simply build up my resolve. Many nights I would meet friends out for dinner and drinks, that had been my time for me. The fact that I would continue my drinking alone at home after dinner was my own little secret.

    Glad to know there is somewhere I can turn to - any adivce for getting through those - ritual drinking times? Appreciate any guidance. I guess just getting a new ritual is the way to go.

    Day 5...worried about Wednesday

    Hey hun. You really do need to break the habit and unforunatly you're going to have to grit those teeth of yours. Make sure there is NO drink in the house. WHEN you feel like drinking, just sit down and think what good it will do... SO, it'll ruin the 5 days and you'll be back to square 1. That drinking beast has gets a little smaller each time you don't drink which means the cravings get a little less powerful each day you go without the drink! It'll numb the pain for a few hours, yes BUT you'll hate yourself for much longer, you'll most luckly sleep like crap and wake up hating yourself, hating that you drunk ect ect. You'll wake up with a hangover and have to suffer the whollllllleee day and for what!?!?! I understand that you're in pain but drink just makes it sooo much worse. The first few hours are good BUT drink is a depressent so it'll throw you much deeper in to sorrow and pain then if you were to just keep busy and not drink. Try to remember that when tomorrow comes.
    we're ALL here for you. Come online, post, come to chat ANYTHING, lets just get you through tomorrow, drink free. You CAN do this! Lots of love hun!!!!


      Day 5...worried about Wednesday

      Evenings I am too busy to drink, because I try to get out and excercise every day and I work all day, so evenings it is. Why not get out and go to the gym or pool or for a run or something like that?? It can only make you feel good! (maybe a bit sore if you are not used to it!!! ha!!)


        Day 5...worried about Wednesday

        Thanks, lil.michelle and peanut. I just spoke to a friend at work about working out and she's bringing me some new videos to try out. So, making a plan to workout, take the dog for a walk, get a manicure AND throw out any remaining alcohol in the house.

        lil.michelle, you are right it won't make me feel any better, actually worse so tomorrow when I get the urge I will read your post and remind myself that if I can get through these tough times, it will bet better each Wednesday that passes.

        Thank you!


          Day 5...worried about Wednesday

          GREAT plan, Seila! Having a good plan makes ALL the difference! And some gritting of the teeth, as LM so correctly points out... ! Whatever it takes!



            Day 5...worried about Wednesday

            Selia -- well done on the 5 days! I fully understand the habit of having a "drinking night that no one will know about" ... funny how we can plan our excessive drinking nights. I too would control my drinks at a dinner out or at a party and the "reward" myself with lots more alchohol when I got home.
            A habit I am also trying hard to break. I tip I read here quite awhile ago was, as soon as you get home, go and brush your teeth and get ready for bed. Get a good book and read (in bed, if you have to.... since I don't think many of us drink in our bedrooms).
            Try different things to find out what is going to work for you .... we're all different!


              Day 5...worried about Wednesday

              Selis....why are you worried about tomorrow......tomorrow is another day. Just try to get by today.....tomorrow will bring a whole set of new problems......( One Day at a Time....That's how we live ! IAD )
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                Day 5...worried about Wednesday

                Day 6 and I just keep reading your posts...I've had a stressful day and I am just trying to stick to my plan...get nails done, walk dog, take out trash (including any AL) and think positive. I can feel the thoughts lurking but just coming back here before I head home from work is putting me in the right frame of mind.


                  Day 5...worried about Wednesday

                  Good going, seila!!! One foot in front of the other, keeping your mind focused on your goal!



                    Day 5...worried about Wednesday

                    How'd it go?


                    Read your post, and wondering - how did it go? Did you succeed? I also work from home Thursdays and have used it often as an easy time to over drink. I'm currently on day 6 - I guess we're pretty much in the same place! i hope you were successful, but if not, don't let that stop you, just keep on taking it one day at a time!



                      Day 5...worried about Wednesday

                      How did it go?
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        Day 5...worried about Wednesday

                        They are all right about The Plan. You already had a plan before which was the secret drinking plan. I know about those plans too bc I could drink when husband was not home which was often, or when he was at his computer in the basement which was also often. I liked the plan of taking off street clothes and getting a nice robe on so it's harder to go out and re-stock after getting rid of all the temptations in the cupboard or refrig. No sense having temptation close and easy.


                          Day 5...worried about Wednesday

                          Day 7!!! Yes, once I got home and started with my routine, I found that I was perfectly fine. I got a little lazy and vegged in front of the TV, but not a drop and slept like a log! Thanks all! Now moving on to Friday and Saturday...again, son with his dad but I have a few projects around the house I think I will start on.

                          Frances, hope to see you here ove the weekend. I am working for 30 days and have never succeeded and feel good on day 7. Hang in there and let's see if we can't do this together!


                            Day 5...worried about Wednesday

                            Great job on day 7! :wings: What kind of house projects do you have to look forward to?
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              Day 5...worried about Wednesday

                              I need to refinish a desk and I have waited for ever to get to it, a wonderful flea market find. I am also going to make curtains for the basement. Because I've been working out and doing these fun cardio tapes, I believe I'm becoming the neighborhood entertainment. I work out in the evenings because mornings are nuts. It is now dark so you can see in. I am not sure how much, but I haven't quite nailed all the steps yet and it make me laugh.

