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    Well done, you should be so proud of yourself.



      I'VE MADE IT... 30 DAYS TODAY!

      Awesome Michelle! Keep on going!!

      Sobriety = Freedom

      You have tons of support here. The world outside of the bottle is a good thing!


        I'VE MADE IT... 30 DAYS TODAY!

        lil.michelle;454855 wrote: Hey everyone!

        OH MY GOD, The QUEEN of the slips has somehow, no idea how, MADE 30 DAYS AF!!!! I can not believe it. How the hell did i pull it off!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! WOW. I honestly am soo happy i was able to do it. It was sooo hard, infact HELL mainly the second week but the 3rd and 4th week have been fine.

        So now i'm sitting here thinking... now what? I really thought i'd feel different in someway. I don't. I still crave, i still want to drink but i can control it now but it doesn't make me feel any different.

        Thinking about doing ANOTHER 30 day AF is a really scary thought. What i'm going to do is just take it a week at a time. I have no thoughts or plans on drinking i guess i'm just getting into my head i can do this, i've done 30 days but it hard to imagine i can do another 30. I guess i just feel i can relax now BUT i need to learn to relax and not let that beast anywhere near me and my thoughts. Do you know what i mean? It's hard to explain!

        I'd like to thank EVERYONE who took some time out of there days to support me by answer my posts, giving me much needed advice, letting me know i could do this, letting me know i wasn't alone. I honestly couldn't have done it without you all! :thanks:

        You are like a big family to me now :H

        SO PEOPLE.... NOW WHAT is my question.... What has the next month got in store for me that i should know about? I mean, i've been through the voices in my head, the fights between the good michelle and the devil michelle (like homer has off the simpsons), mood swings, not to mention the uncontrollable FARTS, the Illuminous yellow colour wee (thanx to the supplments) which i swear could have glowed in the dark (should have tested that, DAMN) the sleepless nights WHICH i'm still having HUGE HUGE trouble with... WHAT NOW???

        Love ya all XXXXXXX
        What a phenomenal job!!!! How amazing!!!! It's gotta feel good!

        I wouldn't stress over 30 days, as you said, just take it a day at a time. What goal did you have eventually? Modding, or AF? You have started to teach yourself how to deal with the cravings......that is awesome. You can tell yourself, no, I don't want a drink. People strive for that and sometimes never should be proud, and I think you are!

        We are all proud of you!!!!
        AF July 6 2014


          I'VE MADE IT... 30 DAYS TODAY!

          :kudos: Way to go! Take a huge bow!
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            I'VE MADE IT... 30 DAYS TODAY!

            No more Little now youre fantastic well done mich
            Love cap keep going sweet heart


              I'VE MADE IT... 30 DAYS TODAY!

              I am going out to eat a large slice of cheesecake.. on your behalf of course LOL
              Congratulations, keep it up. Now you know how !
              Happy trails.


                I'VE MADE IT... 30 DAYS TODAY!

                Congrats on your 30 days lil.michelle!
                "Now what" you ask.... onward and upward I say!
                I'm so damn proud of you:-)

                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  I'VE MADE IT... 30 DAYS TODAY!

                  Great job, michelle!

                  I just chugged my All-One juice in your honor!

                  Be :l
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                    I'VE MADE IT... 30 DAYS TODAY!

                    Hi - read this post a little late but just wanted to add my congratulations - it feel great doesn't it - and there was I thinking I was the Queen of Slips . . . . . your post has been inspiring . . . . makes me feel like perhaps I can do it a second time. CONGRATULATIONS.

                    Short term goal 7 days AF


                      I'VE MADE IT... 30 DAYS TODAY!

                      Well I had a couple of slips on my 30 AF pledge, both do to work related stress. I was let go from my job due to "economic circumstances". I made a decision to drink and knew it was the wrong thing to do. I think slipping is almost as good as not, since you realize that it doesn't help and it's not worth it.
                      On to the next 30 days...we'll see what life has in store, maybe a nice foreclosure is coming my way...doesn't matter. It will all be alright and better without drinking every day.
                      Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying... "I will try again tomorrow."


                        I'VE MADE IT... 30 DAYS TODAY!

                        Ontheroad, good attitude towards slipping and getting something from them! Keep up the good work and be positive about wht life has in store for you. Thoughts become things - choose the good ones!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

