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Am I?

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    Am I?

    What is the definition of an alcholic? I know, I know...if I think i have a drinking problem, i probably do......but...what makes an alcholic???

    for the past 2 years, i havent gone more than 24 hours w/out a drink......i had an "event" this last weekend, that made me re-evaluate. havent drank shakes, no sweats...etc..oh wait...i decided to pour one

    HOWEVER....this time last year....had the same "event" and i swore off lasted 2days...i know i am condradicting the previous paragraph, but you get my point....i drink everyday....not just at night, but whenever i want

    this time "symptoms" of an am i or do i just have no will power??

    btw...this time last year...bought the kudzo....i now use it as a hangover preventative...yup i know pathetic

    Am I?

    I'd suggest you set aside questions about how to define "alcoholic." The important questions really are this: do you have a problem controlling your drinking? Does your drinking cause you problems? If so, then it's good to ask for help... the MWO program is designed to help people who have alcohol problems to stop drinking and possibly to control their drinking.

    So, welcome to MWO; you can get a lot of help, information, and support here. It's good to start by reading the MWO book!

    best wishes,



      Am I?


      Welcome. First post? The drinking problem issue is, as you know, a matter of personal evaluation. If it causes you to question your past actions such that you are buying kudzo and reading here you have enough insight to answer that question.

      But, the real issue is what do you want? Alcohol Free--a day, a week, month, life or something else. Join in on the conversation and support. You'll find your way.

      Glad you posted.



        Am I?

        Sounds very familiar to me. The build up to the crash.

        Its like a roller coaster that you can't get off. One day you feeling great and the next day you struggle to figure out what happened last night.

        I would err on the side of caution and work on mod or abstain.

        Also remember that symptoms really don't mean anything when your evaluating yourself.

        Welcome and stick around for a while.
        Starting over again 09/06/11

        "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



          Am I?

          Hello and Welcome
          In my opinion, it's not how much or how often you drink, but what effect it has on your life. I was not a daily drinker, more of a binge drinker, but it made me lose numerous jobs, relationships, and eventually my freedom for a while. I am glad that you are here. I agree with the others who have suggested that you read the book.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            Am I?

            Cori, that is not something that someone else can judge for you - you need to decide yourself. For me, even though I normally only drank on the weekends, I would binge drink and one was never ever enough for me. That compulsion to drink led me to classify MYSELF as an alcoholic because I couldn't control my drinking - it controlled me.
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              Am I?

              WELCOME TO MYO CORI,
              If you Think you have a problem - and you have searched out MWO, I think you have cause for concern. I followed your path, and turned into a closet drinker, THe alarm is going off- I also am a beliiever that if you drinking is effecting Others around you- family members- etc, its a problem.
              Join us- read the messages from other MYO members-
              AF since 10-10-08
              Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
              And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

              • Yesterday is History
                Today is a Mystery
                Tomorrow is a GIFT


                Am I?

                I agree with the others. If you are on this site, you didn't get here by accident. Drinking through the day in small amounts, every day, adds up to -- how much? For me it would be like one or two bottles of wine. I did not get plastered and pass out, or get in fights in bars or go roaring down the road dead drunk in the car, but still. It's the way a lot of women do it. I took those Are You An Alcoholic tests to reassure myself I wasn't because I had not missed work or gotten arrested etc. I don't know what actually is an alcoholic vs alcohol dependent vs a bad habit, and does it matter? I am a lot better off not drinking all day and being buzzed all the time. I'm new here, but I quit before for about six years and felt so good, then relapsed worse than before, now only 10 days into it again, but I remember the bliss of being an abstainer. Such a good feeling to be able to drive the car anytime without worry. Fill out those pesky medical exam reports truthfully and cheerfully--drink alcohol? Not me. If I say and do dumb things, at least they are my own, and not bc I am tipsy.


                  Am I?

                  To me, an alcholic is someone who NEEDS to drink from the moment they wake up till they pass out. They will DRINK anything and they will do ANYTHING to get the drink. They have no job as they need to drink ect ect.

                  To me a problem drinker is someone who can 'function' a normal day to day life but comes home and drinks until they a pretty much drunk or pass out or drinks throughout the day and does this every day or every other day.

                  Everyone's different tho but this is how i feel on the matter.

                  I'm guessing you have a drinking problem if you're on this. I doesn't really matter what type of drinker you are, if you feel you are drinking to much then this is a great program and a great community of people to support you.

                  Hope to talk to you soon.


                    Am I?

                    Ok, so here I am again...:upset: We'll try it again I suppose...I hate myself when I drink because I dont remember anything. Hell, I could have died last night..I guess it was Saturday night. I just want to be normal


                      Am I?

                      I just want to be normal
                      I believe I was at this very same point a week ago, Cori. Please ask yourself... if you were allergic to nuts, would you risk eating anything containing nuts? Would you fret and obsess and wish to be normal?

                      I now consider myself allergic to alcohol. Perhaps you are, too?
                      I wish you strength and all the best. Please keep reading and posting... it DOES help.
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Am I?

                        Thank you sunshine. That is a very good way to look at it. Appreciate your kinds words


                          Am I?

                          Hi Cori,

                          I admire your posts. Don't be so hard on yourself. There are thousands of people on this site who struggle with many of the same things. We're not bad people. We just need to look at what we're doing to ourselves and find out why. Please read the My Way Out book.

                          Heck, who's normal anyway? I'm sure not :eeew: I don't wanna be, either.

                          Please keep posting and reading, ok?

                          Take care,
                          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                            Am I?

                            Thanks becoming. I have to be hard on myself because no one else will. Nobody sees what a problem this. Mainly cause i try to hide it or just plain lie about it. I tried telling my dad and he thinks his little girl is too perfect to be an alcoholic. My friends just roll their eyes and tell me to try it again. I'm sick of TRYING. I want to be doing. why is it so hard? Is this a medical condition? Is a lack of self control? I've thought about taking anibuse, but I'm afraid after a month I'll just say I dont need it and start drinking. Thats what happend last night...sorry Saturday. I get this feeling of acomplishment and finish it with a drink. Dumb, just dumb


                              Am I?

                              Cori--you have heard several replies and definitions, but the one answer is in your heart. You say you can't stop, you can't remember things, you could have died. Whether you call it alcoholism or problem drinking, aweakness or a disease...the only question that needs an answer is: do you want to make a change for the better?

                              If your answer is yes, then you are at the right place in the right time. Now you need to make a go of it--seriously.

                              No one here is perfect of expects you to be. You will try, fail, and try again. You will get angry, sad and frustrated. And guess what? We will be here for you.

