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Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!

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    Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!

    Hi all, Ive been reading you for the past three days and you didnt even know it,but youve gotten me this far. Im scared but Im more fed up with this than I am scared of if.Ive been doing this to myself for a long time and three days ago, I got sick .( the first hangover that I have had in at least 5 years) dont know what that means but something tells me that this body of mine is having its say for a change. Anyway, while my head was in the tiolet, I heard myself scream," Im sick of this!!!" I guess the sound reverberated off the porcilin and almost burst my eardrums! ha! I never heard something so loud in my life. Here I I am.

    Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!

    Hey!!! Welcome....I'm on day 3 sucked the most! I too felt like I had the flu.

    I'm feeling much better now, and you will too.....STAY HERE and talking. It's a struggle for us all.

    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


      Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!

      There are signs all around us, the difficulty is to recognize them. Your body is talking to you, could have used a better medium but nevertheless, talking to you.
      Lots of people here to help you through. Welcome home.


        Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!


        Here you you are!!!! :welcome:

        Well that's the first time I've heard about a 'head in the toilet' moment of awakening though I'm sure there have been many.... So glad you've joined us. This site, or rather the people on it have helped me so much over the last month.

        Please keep posting regularly while you're detoxing. Although it's generally an unpleasant business, it can also be dangerous. Tell us how you're feeling physically & emotionally, how much you were drinking etc. And you will receive plenty of support & guidance from peope who know more than me.

        SO WELL DONE getting this far :goodjob: I wish you well in your recovery


          Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!

          Hang in there! Welcome and keep coming to the site, it will help you get through the days. Glad you felt like talking today.:welcome:


            Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!


            :welcome: An epiphany in the toilet. I am quite sure many of us have had those.

            You are welcome to post when you feel like it or need to ask questions. Someone will invariably jump in to help.

            You can go to chat if you really need to be distracted from the cravings, etc. It helps. I don't chat often but have when I needed to and the people online chatted me up and made me laugh and made me completely forget about the desire. It is helpful.

            Please do be careful if you have been drinking large quantities. If you find yourself getting very shaky, etc, go to the ER. There are meds that help you get through withdrawals safely. However, many here haven't had to do that.

            I had to go to a 3 day hospital detox. It did wonders for me. When I came out, I felt like I had a new lease on life.

            I hope to get to know you. You, too, GoodAsGold, Panacea and Seila!! I don't think we've met but it sounds like you are all on your way. Stick with us. There are lots of long termers here who have done very very well and they help me every day.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!

              Just wanted to say 'Welcome Vealees!' and keep posting!
              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!

                I had the "flu" for several days but it went away after about four days. I even had a low grade fever and took aspirin for almost a week. Feeling physically ill is part of the whole thing. I guess it means that progress is being made in the body so it is a good thing--in a way.


                  Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!

                  Welcome Veelees!!

                  It's great to know that even though we didn't know you were there.... you were getting strength and support from the people here.

                  I hope you start feeling better soon:-)
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!

                    HEY WELCOME!!!!!!!
                    I'm glad we've helped you the last 3 days!! Stay with us, keep posting. STAY STRONG hun, we're ALL here for you!!!!!


                      Day 3 feels like the Flu!!!

                      Detox sux, but you don't ever have to do it again. Stay close by.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

