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I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

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    I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

    looked on line for a rehab facility in my area to find a counselor who did individual counseling because I can not go to rehab I just can't. Don't want anyone to know basically not even my husband. i know my husband knows i drink too much but never says anything!!!! How can he not but he doesn't. I think he's afraid I will stop drinking. (He does not over drink ) I think he just wants it to be okay. When My Way Out showed up in the mail he opened it and never said a word. He later said he just thought I was just looking into things. What does that mean????
    When the counselor called I told her rigth off the bat what my main problem was ...alcohol. usually in the past I have seen counselors and have not been able to tell them, I wasted money and their time, didn't get anywhere. She then told me basically that she lived very close to me. I just hope she is discrete. Her kids go to my kids school!!!!! She sounded wonderful and I hope she doesn't tell.
    Well I see her this week wish me luck

    I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

    Good for you! Let us know how it goes... and I am sure she will carefully safeguard your privacy and confidentiality.


      I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

      Good for you for seeking help! You should be very proud of yourself.

      I am most certain she will not speak of your problems with anyone. I believe confidentiallity is part of her job.

      Good luck and let us know how it goes.


        I actually called a counselor and I think I know her


        Absolutely do not worry about her talking about your problem to anyone else. She won't. It is not an option. She could lose her license if she does that.

        It sounds like you and she might "click" if you got such a positive impression right off the bat. Wonderful news.

        You must be comfortable with whomever you go to.

        I wish you all the best in this endeavor. It does take some guts to do this and you are doing it. It shows how serious you are about getting well.

        AF April 9, 2016


          I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

          Great step in the right direction. Don't worry, she's a professional. I'm always worried people will talk too. But like everyone says, there's a confidentiality code they have to follow. Good luck with it all. Hope to see you here more.


            I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

            That is good to hear. She wont say anything and well done for having the courage to admit the truth. I never did with my councellor as I just felt too ashamed, but i still got help with other issues. Let us know how it goes
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

              Good for you!
              You are on the right road
              Sending you strength and support!
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

                sounds like it was meant to be! Good luck and good for you!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

                  cinders is rt,b4 she even gets into yur matters you sign and her a confidentiall paper,whatts said in the room stays in the room,my daughter and i go to the same councillor,i refered him to her,i wish my other family members would seek some help,as far as your husband he is behind you a hundred percent ,he probably of all you ,knows,but he cant help you,i no ive been there and am stilll,good luck to you gyco


                    I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

                    Much luck to you! Let us know how it goes. Sounds like you've taken a huge & powerful step


                      I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

                      :new: Good Luck ........... I also need to take that step soon.


                        I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

                        If it means anything I am envious of you. I don't have the strength to seek out counceling. I tell myself that it is because I can't afford it but I know it is because I don't want to deal with anything else in my life right now. Tell your husband what you are going through, if you love each other he can be your greatest strength and it will take away alot of your quilt. I wish you all the luck in the world, you can do this.


                          I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

                          Thanks so much everyone. I see the counselor Tuesday so we will see. I just do not think i could go to a group at this point so hopefully being honest with this counselor will help. I am glad she already knows my issue before walking in there. So often before counselors have seen me and have said you can't have a problem with alcohol. Unfortunatley we comi in all shapes and sizes and from all different lines of work, right?


                            I actually called a counselor and I think I know her

                            It sounds like you have a load off your mind...that is a great thing! I hope this goes as you hope and you can get started sorting things out. You are right, drinkers come in all shapes, sizes, walks of life and economic statuses. We all have the same "cross to bear". I wish you luck on your own personal journey and I hope to get to know you better. Kriger
                            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                              I actually called a counselor and I think I know her


                              Lots of good advice already from others.

                              Sounds like you and I have some things in common regarding our husbands. I couldn't imagine having "the talk" with him when I first decided that I had a problem that needed to be fixed. I did and he was wonderful.

                              Now, I'm not always sure what's going on with him. I know he loves me and supports me. He sometimes says one thing and shows me another where my AL struggle is concerned. Before I found this program, he brought up my drinking occasionally but never in a harsh or overly critical way. It was really my own realizations that got me to want to stop what I was doing to myself.

                              It's been a rough couple of days for me and his behavior wasn't what I expected of him. I've really learned though that in our struggle with our drinking problem the drinking problem comes before the "what's going on with him" problem. Just like if I were fighting cancer or some other life threatening disease [got that one from you WIP]. My hubby doesn't have a problem with AL but I think he does miss drinking with me. If that makes any sense. Maybe your husband is thinking ahead like that a bit too.

                              I think you are doing great!

                              periwinkle :l (a cyber hug for you)
                              Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic

